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foxpack new

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foxpack new last won the day on July 2 2023

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761 Excellent

About foxpack new

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Sadly today flying brian the legend has died .he was an outstanding little all round dog .he had grafted in all parts of the country and excelled at the foxing game .bolting well over 100 foxes ,he would graft all day long and not bat an eyelid .then come home and chill like a family pet .I couldn't count hoe many foxes we accounted for with this little dog ., he was a very big part of my life .I retired him abs gifted him to chris in wales to mooch about with ,which he did and he also had some great do,s with him ,R.I.P FLYING BRIAN .till I see ya again .
  2. Hes wheaton lurcher x bull lurcher mate
  3. Young dog cuming on great now .really using his nose and going deep in dese gorse and finding on his own .great deep voice on him .hopefully hes half as good as hes other family members .
  4. They are litter brothers mate ,they are wheaton lurcher x bull lurchers .30 odd years of breeding thst I've kept going .
  5. Weekend bushing with keeper mates , had some very good hunts , little Pablo has found he's voice and is going well , accounted for 23 rabbits and a fox Saturday, 4 foxes today .real good crack , only took 3 bushers so they done well .
  6. Hbg owned the dog .don't think he has anything left out of his old stuff .but remus did breed some quality stuff , and hbg will have tested them all to the max 100%
  7. Great days and good little videos, spot on .
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