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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/03/23 in Posts

  1. Making my dad regret not pulling out is also one of my favorite hobbies ?
    12 points
  2. Neither trait on its own was/is enough to compete in top company but as the saying says " give me a game dog in good condition and 9 times out of 10 i'll take your money " In regards to breeding though Don Mayfield was the shining example of why you cant just keep on and on inbreeding,those early dogs of his line that came to Uk and many other countries were genetically superior to anything.....yet had to be outcrossed to get winners !! Continually inbreeding leads to whats called inbred suppression and a staleness in the genetic potential.....back years ago i was part owner of a dog
    8 points
  3. ????? From lawyers for justice Ireland LONDON - Surveillance number plate recognition cameras which will be used to track and fine drivers under the expansion of the ultra low emissions scheme (ULEZ) have been vandalised, before they have even been turned on in. There is furious opposition to the Mayor Sadiq Khan's planned expansion of the ULEZ and 4 London boroughs along with Surrey County Council have launched a legal challenge. The unknown group who have been cutting wires and painting the lenses of the ULEZ surveillance cameras to sabotage them are receiving support on socia
    7 points
  4. Gotta love THL ! It used to be “could a bull x pull a red deer”. Now it’s GSP’s coursing and pulling them !! Cheers.
    7 points
  5. Ac is as genuine man as you will get.fact.
    6 points
  6. One thing I will say ac as much to my knowledge has never done any man a wrong turn he's gifted many dogs and lined plenty yet his name always brings arguments up let him be he's done more than most and as upped the blood in many yards both sides of the water if you have points to score leave it between yourselfs
    6 points
  7. Think you missed a trick there, you could’ve got rid of the lurchers and gone with Levi knocking over moose and bears with the pointer
    5 points
  8. Her face ended up a bit of a mess in later life
    5 points
  9. Unite and unison have always been involved in left wing action. They were always present at the edl protests. It's insanity how the left have an unholy alliance with mass immigration and Islam. Seeing screaming puffs supporting Islam, to stupid to realise they will be the first ones off a tower block roof.
    5 points
  10. Well said . Admin should give him the respect he deserves and pull this thread leave things settle , thread headin in the wrong direction.
    5 points
  11. Your excatly right kd,all these leftys shouting refugees welcome (which they aint there economic migrants) will not house any of them as its plain to see,were shall we put them @sandymere A rat from moldova who was recently released from jail for raping a minor,made his way to Ireland,no checks f**k all an tryed to raped a 50year old woman but was stopped by another man walking past,he got up of the woman an laughed an just walked away casually. An get this the scumbag of a judge at the case deliberated his sentence saying he needs a mental health report,no doubt will get off scott f
    4 points
  12. My little dog 14 month old keen enough got a good nose, got to get him going properly really, think he's a jrt dachshund cross not sure
    4 points
  13. You could be right Mark, just been out on a walk and called for a swift one. Black Sheep and Nobby’s Nuts, didn’t enjoy them at all really…..?
    4 points
  14. I regret both posts, apologies to sandymere, he can have any opinion he wants political or otherwise. We're all different and personally I'm probably venting based on completely unrelated shite. Roll on summer.
    4 points
  15. It made me smile when i attended the biggest protest march my town of Rotherham had ever seen and their was a couple of ex miner's like me who unfolded an home made banner with Orgreave Hillsborough and the grooming of our kids facilitated by South Yorkshire police the idiots from the Socialists workers party must have been spewing when they saw it they hated it that ordinary working class folk joined this protest organised by the EDL.
    4 points
  16. they want applauding and looking after when they get gripped for it
    4 points
  17. there was a program on tv a while back now...it was all about the wolves in Yellowstone National Park, the wolves were taking over the park so they took all of them out thinking it would solve the problem, in doing so the deer/wildlife population exploded......as the population of deer was growing they started to take over the park, which they started to eat a lot of the plants/trees which was also bad for the park.....with that happening they decided to reintroduce the wolf again to balance the whole thing out again, which it did, but i think they said they would keep an eye on the numbers an
    3 points
  18. It’s ok for you, you can fly I live in a boat and am pissed right off with radioactive tsunamis there ruining my blacking ?
    3 points
  19. 3 points
  20. Hi matey, she definately said to me , she was leaning towards cancer, and yes it shocked me, so i rang the nurse told her i was extremely worried, she told me just to be on the safe side, ive been referred to a specialist at the hospital, just to be on the safe side, thanks mate
    3 points
  21. Correct prizes if any one guesses what ones are Sandy and voon
    3 points
  22. I was offered an 8 month old pure GSP bitch a few month ago. A friend of mine bred a litter and kept two pups back to run on. He decided which one he’d keep and offered to gift me the other. I had a moments though about taking it to work with the lurchers, finding game and putting it up for them, but realised my lurchers do that anyway, find and put up their own game…..,and catch it. So I politely declined his offer, as it would just be another dog to feed and kennel, for no obvious gain. Cheers.
    3 points
  23. I would not be happy one bit Union's should stick to representing their members in the workplace and concentrate getting better T&C for their members. I am in the GMB Union to me they are an insurance policy if i had an accident or the company tried to sack me without a good reason.
    3 points
  24. Pair of mountain hares I put together alittle while ago not sure if I posted them or not thought some of you lads would like to see them cheers RR
    3 points
  25. How many refugees has sandy housed in his home? if you take in two Afghan men I’m more then happy to cover the weekly shopping?
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. Sean Frain books are worth it just for the artwork
    3 points
  28. Watching news reports and you tube videos I have noticed Unite and Unison seem to be funding these pro-immigration marches even busing Antifa in for them. Just wondering how many staunch union members feel about that and if they are happy with their subs going on something they may not agree with ? Is the union actually for the working man any more ?
    2 points
  29. It was the 60's ,that was fashion then !
    2 points
  30. have a Blaze,and chill the f**k out Kev... Being an Internet hardman don't suit you?Pete's dog was tidy...that f***ing shirt he's wearing needs attention mind???
    2 points
  31. Would have been good to have canelo in uk though mate, I suppose he’s got more pull in Mexico though I think it’s his home town. Good luck to em both
    2 points
  32. White patriotic British men need a single organisation to stand with and fck the consequences until we have that we'll always be fckt
    2 points
  33. That is only because the EA have asked the last few years,that anyone who pays for a game rod licence in Wales not to fish for them Joe?..got to submit a catch return,even if you don't fish?... You can catch folks fishing illegally and ring them....they as much use as a chocolate ?...make a big show of catching and fining a few idiots every yr,start of the season ? I've found countless nightlines and nets on the Wye/Taff/monnow/rhumney even our private estate lakes and course ponds? ...had to take the law into my own hands with a few other members?
    2 points
  34. Bullet casting and powder coating
    2 points
  35. Rod building is one I love but haven't been able to do too much of
    2 points
  36. bit ironic if they are doing it, wanting more immigration when it was the cheap labour that immigrant workers brought that was a major factor in holding back wages (and I bet not a single one joined a union when they got here).
    2 points
  37. Im far from topman never claimed to be either. Only bitch ever went back to tipp was one to its rightfull owner but you would knowthat . There was never any sly breedings done as ya call it i used soldier on a bitch just like he used my mates dog and never gave him back anything of it but you know all about that. So ye i used soldier on a bitch what a litter that was 2 very very good dogs of it snd again lads you know very well tried there heart and soul for pups services and straws out them same dogs shame they died at there work we could of held them and pimped them out but we dont do that
    2 points
  38. Would you not shake hands boys? There's no shame in it boys? They could shake hands couldn't they boys? Do you want to shake hands boys?
    2 points
  39. No wonder the elites look down on us like cockroaches
    2 points
  40. This thread made me look up an old picture I had of the only pitbull I ever had,and it was good seen the dog again,I got this dog as a teenager off a friend when he split with his Mrs and I was only to happy to take it,I spent hundreds of hours out with this dog just prciking about,I'd love to have him now and do him justice regarding fitness diet etc even though he always looked good and was well walked,bred from some of my cousins and his I law's breeding to a bitch of bo dalys breeding
    2 points
  41. Saturday night challenge @peterhunter86 & @lurcherman 887 steak chips mushrooms and onions we don’t want to see oven chips! all plates must be presented by 9pm this Saturday ?
    2 points
  42. Like another lad said, never into bulldogs,but what a refreshing topic..condition of that red dog is fantastic.thanks gnash. really enjoy this thread.remember when the site had great information about all sorts..thanks.
    2 points
  43. A 6 generation pedigree contains 126 individual dogs.....if none of the 63 dogs on the sires side are the same as the 63 dogs on the dams side how can the resulting dog possibly be considered line bred ? Use the dog pictured Nikki as a perfect example....her sire was Kane who was a double bred Vogan dog....Vogan was an inbred Nigger dog making Kane a very pure family bred dog......her dam was Teela she was an inbred Nelis dog ( father/daughter ).....so Kane was a very pure Mayfield dog and Teela was a very pure Nelis dog....not only were they unrelated on paper they carried totally diffe
    2 points
  44. Making and painting/airbrush fishing lures , just something to get lost in for a few hours... @tillylamp nice pictures mate , I keep meaning to have a go at some other stuff other than the lures.
    2 points
  45. Im guessing that would be Nikki ?.....of folk who were around in the late 80's who i may occasionally still have a natter with most say she was the best bitch they ever saw.
    2 points
  46. Cinnamon in her old age on a friend of a friend's yard. Cracking bitch she was
    2 points
  47. Been busy inbetween the snow delays lol got a slab base down and shed erected last weekend Then managed to get the flight up and inside partition sorted today
    2 points
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