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Borr last won the day on June 11

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5,252 Excellent

About Borr

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Small can , lol. Hands are rather large.
  2. It is not of your concern my roller blading Gaylord midget friend...
  3. Yes this was pointed out , this was the Dutch version where they precook chicken and shellfish prior to adding , I guess to reduce the risk of undercooking. It was delicious all the same.
  4. Islam isn't a good fit , how many were cheering on the enemy when there were British troops on the ground I wonder. They will support an islamic country over Britain I would imagine. They don't integrate they form Muslim areas , they out breed us , they're well versed in utilising all public services, they have their own schools and attempt to run their own law system. I agree it's the minority that commit terrorism and also a minority that preach extremism , but I feel there is a view that the west is bad sewn into the youth which are then alienated, and there we will have our problem. Immigr
  5. Borr

    Stand up

    No not a call up to riot, but a stand up comedian I found slightly amusing
  6. My mate grows them in squares and just gives them a shake once they're ready as stated
  7. Yeah wilf...can't believe you've abused our language like that tbh...
  8. Got sent this.
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