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Borr last won the day on February 14

Borr had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

6,526 Excellent

About Borr

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Borr


    Most go to NZ and Australia from UK I believe...
  2. Borr


    $300 for a donut in Canada...
  3. Borr

    New Project

    I've enjoyed seeing your success, cheers for posting
  4. That's got 'shot by police' all over it
  5. I'm in favour of the death penalty for any serial offenders regards sex crimes , murder etc. one offs are far more open to miscarriage...
  6. He'll be asking for crepes at least
  7. Shrove dissent or pancake protest....
  8. Unfortunately the liberal left has pushed us into a corner , flooded us with migrants legal and illegal from cultures different to our own until we are literally swamped and fighting for our own culture and identity, musk has it right when he describes it as suicide by empathy....
  9. They're banned from tractors apparently, I see a food shortage on the cards....
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