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Bakerboy last won the day on August 24 2023

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About Bakerboy

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. To me if it looks like a Mammoth walks like a Mammoth sounds like a Mammoth its a fckn Mammoth
  2. Britons warned against using the euro tunnel due to the arson attacks
  3. Bakerboy


    Anyone else think its gonna be a bit of a shitshow, theres already been an Australian woman raped by 5 niggers and acts of arson on trains, I reckon we'll see loads of protests, Israelis have already been abused
  4. Bakerboy


    Can you imagine how long it would last if they dropped it off in my garden while I was at work lol
  5. Bakerboy


    Ive started running alcohol from England to Wales, I feel like fckn Al Capone....or Mackem
  6. Her father was born in Jamaica and her mother is indeed Indian
  7. No bullx is even looking at 1 of them, now a decent beddy x whippet is a different story
  8. I saw the mother of the girl complaining that due to the sentence her lovely daughter wouldnt be able to attend her brothers wedding, tough fckn titty
  9. She doesnt give her exact age that it happened but it was around her young teenage years there are a lot more disturbing things that she went through with family members, all pretty fckn sickening and the diary has been verified as hers as has the hand writing
  10. See the copper has been suspended, no surprise there, medal the fckr should have had
  11. Prisons are gonna be full to the brim when this lot get 5 yrs each for protesting Hundreds gather outside police station as anger rises over video of officer kicking man in head at Manchester Airport - Manchester Evening News WWW.MANCHESTEREVENINGNEWS.CO.UK ‘We’re not going to put up with this anymore’
  12. Nah they aint mate they're parasites only thing that comes as low as politicians
  13. Just read on the Manchester evening post the bloke the copper kicked was a moslem, so probably deserved it
  14. Learned a long time ago not to fck with coppers especially when the cuffs are on, well out of order what that pig done in the vid, shame they're not as keen to use a bit of force elsewhere in the community
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