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mC HULL last won the day on May 20

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11,136 Excellent

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About mC HULL

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    On the tops

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  1. id more take out with other youngsters mate i like them flying about chasing each other ideally
  2. don’t want stubble running on your face or looking at a hairy back when your knocking away ? lol
  3. you want your pup from ten week running about jumping ditches woods differnet land really
  4. Hi mate, I've had a couple of pops at you in fun recently. Only cos I know you will take it in good part. No badness intended at all mate. Always enjoy your posts. 

  5. been around 1972 if they had the blood it wouldn’t a happened a dr apologised
  6. you would they bull grey saluki grey ? lol
  7. mC HULL

    Joe Biden

    i’ve 3 daughters never have a shower with them wouldnt enter my head wrong in a shower with shorts on helping wash hair is just like been to the swimming baths washing off after
  8. definately differnet species bred together some not compatible me old lady is negative me brother died after a few hours because they didn’t have the blood on hand for a transfusion rh negative makes antibodys to attack the rh positive baby like it’s foreign ?
  9. i’ve been called a neandathal since young lol
  10. there not extinct our own chart has the blood of the neanderthal lol can remember reading about them been o lol
  11. bad ain’t they all the big daft duck lips filler skin stretched on there eyes
  12. half the 4 or 18 month if 40 percent and then 6 month tag so serve 12 month
  13. bonus it wasn’t that bad little half hearted kick
  14. ye he ain’t mate it’s worse looks stiff as a board from been tasered usual behaviour from the c**ts aint it how many poor c**ts get that and worse everyday down the block when there locked up
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