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About neil82

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Jesus, I know you have a rep for being a shortarse but nitrous oxide capsules are not that big!
  2. Never regarded Tyson as a boxer only a good strategist who knew how to do enough to win a fight, been found out now so it`s time to back off until one of the Pauls call him out for the next big payday!
  3. All types of fungus is edible but some you can only eat once! Seriously though I was under the impression that all that grow on trees (bracket fungus) are edible I.E. non-toxic but some are not worth eating.
  4. How, by going out to see whats going on on HIS land and getting attacked, your bloody attitude over this sums up why people are pissed off with those who live in no fixed abode who think that laws and just plain morality don`t apply to them. Fecking pikeys and travellers are quick to threaten fights and torching property if they are not allowed to do as they want MAYBEit`s time they were treated the same back, shoot the dogs, ram the pickups with tractors and nick their vans!
  5. anyone know of an app that cracks paramount (mods delete if this is too close to the limit), only want to watch one thing so don`t really want to take out a sub to it? Ta.
  6. Had some wiring done in the housing association flat I`m in, fully signed off by them, all certified so should have been good to go, the electric fire was not connected in the consumer unit and at the first safety inspection the ring main failed, my personal experience of certified tradesmen is most are fully qualified feckin idiots!
  7. Had one customer order 6 pints of guiness, as I topped off the 6th he put the 5th empty glass down paid and walked off, mind you he was a big lad, had one other who played for ther local football team, got a yard of guiness for his birthday (he was not well after that!).
  8. Seen a news report that they were given a chance of rescue by a french boat, they refused as it would have meant returning to france, if thats the case then feckem, time the government started listening and acting in favour of the british people rather than locking tem up when they speak out, eventually things are going to kick off and make the battles of the miners strikes look like a playground spat (and there`s no way there are enough coppers now to control it).
  9. More and more getting top grades and all the schools patting themselves on the back bragging on how well they`ve done but its not going to be too long before all get top marks, thing then is how do you tell who are the really clever ones, the ones who are going to be your doctors and top engineers and scientists, we are going to end up either importing others who have come through an education system that produces meaningfull grades or as a country go backwards, as for degrees. look at how many are up to their eyeballs in debt, no way of ever paying it off and are employed filling shop sheves
  10. In the market for a tig welder and hope someone on here has experience of the chinese welders. At the end of the day most stuff is made in china so what is fairly reliable and easy to use? spec I have on my wish list is; single phase, 200a max, dc (no interest in ally welding), not a scratch start (so presume thats the HF mode). seen some which are hot and cold tig weld, whats the difference? stick on the same machine would be a bonus butnot a deal breaker. I know theres a lot of ancilliary gear also needed but thats not a problem, gas is available locally and rent free on the bottle (hobbyga
  11. For anything with a fixed or locking blade you have to have "good reason" to be carrying it, same with anything with a blade over (I think) 3", for the guy who got done for a swiss army knife in his glovebox, there must be more to that story.
  12. neil82


    28 year minimum term, can`t see him getting out alive, just have to see if he puts in any sort of appeal, would be nice to see him given back to the US to serve his time in one of their supermax prisons
  13. You`ve seen nothing yet, wait til they start pushing the malaria vaccine Bill Gates has had developed, THAT is when the shit will really hit the fan, population growth is the problem globally and all this crap scientists are peddling is just a distraction.
  14. Not getting into a debate over it, you have your belief and I have mine but I seriously doubt your figure of 90%, most serious scientists are well aware that the planet always has had and always will have natural tempreture cycles
  15. Geography teacher had a bit more sense than to push what he thought about it, look foreward to the time when some of the scientists admit they are wrong over this (never going to happen, the same way that those who predicted an ice age at the start of this century are never going to admit they were wrong.
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