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BGD last won the day on October 25 2017

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About BGD

  • Rank
    Big Gay Dave

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  1. As usual when you're proven wrong when talking to someone who knows way more about a subject than you the toys come flying out the pram and the insults come pouring out. You really are a pathetic little man Lived a sad empty life so can't believe anyone else has ever done anything interesting with theirs.
  2. I said the regulations were down to individual local authorities, you posted the regulations from a single local authority. Are you really this thick
  3. BGD


    Where there's blame, there's a claim dog walker absolutely is responsible for the bill and if they don't have insurance well that's their problem.
  4. Broke the cycle pal you should be really proud
  5. My sister got a full academic scholarship to some fancy full board private school (Christ's Hospital if you've heard of it) and she ended up leaving in her second year because she just could not fit in as a rough as arseholes working class lass with an Irish accent. Ended up bouncing round state schools, dropping out at 15 before going back to college to do her exams and still ended up getting in to Oxford (the only one in our family to go to Uni) Couldn't agree with your other post more pal
  6. You have quoted the regulations from a single local authority you absolute fecking doughnut, literally proving my point for me
  7. Still waiting for that apology and admission you had it wrong pal, be a man not a little girl having a sulk
  8. Nice paragraph here showing I'm correct to say it's down to local authorities and there's no central government rules and regulations as to how they're kept, I'm sure @Greyman will be along to apologise for saying I had no idea what I'm talking about any minute now
  9. That's some view that pal
  10. You must have been stood inside the 1st perimeter fence when you took those pics you posted?
  11. You haven't shared those stories so I can't really comment on how believable I find them. But how do you distinguish between a DNA sample from a black Panthera pardus and a normal coloured one? Didn't realise DNA sequencing of big cats had come along so far
  12. Different rules in different local authorities for DWA pal there is no centralised regulation unless you're running a zoo open to the public, you haven't a clue.
  13. You just said yourself the sample was only good enough to identify the genus not the species so why does the one known captive black leopard in the UK matter? They wouldn't be able to trace the sample back to it because it wasn't a complete sample, they can't even say if it was a leopard or not let alone the colour and lineage Also the fact there is only a single black leopard in the UK should clue you in on just how rare (my pal reckons non-existent but I'm sure there were a couple he didn't know about) they were in the pet trade before and after the ban. But you think there was
  14. You would be seriously shocked at some of the enclosures that get approved for keeping DWA in. It's all down to individual Local Authorities and the vets they decide to hire to do the inspections and plenty of them have no experience with anything more exotic than a hamster...
  15. I've given you my answer you fecking doughnut Why is it so hard to believe that someone who is obsessed with proving big cats roam the countryside (and stands to gain financially from finding "evidence") might decide to plant that evidence? Happens all the time with folk who are so sure of something so decide the ends justify the means and fake the evidence. Surely anyone with half a brain would be at least slightly skeptical especially given she has apparently falsified pictures before and has the means of acquiring cat DNA to plant. Completely dismissing the idea that she could
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