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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/20 in Posts

  1. Is it too soon for Beirut jokes or shall we let the dust settle?
    8 points
  2. A recent commission, the old war horse
    7 points
  3. oh yes.......it will be all...."get down shep"....and for fucks sake stop chasing that car.....and will you get down of that sheeps back you ozzy c**t
    6 points
  4. How the hell is that help full. .lol
    6 points
  5. Granite and zulu 2 keepers
    5 points
  6. That's what Sausage Dog did, and he bought a HMR...... The writings on the wall Ian......and it's not a Banksy.
    5 points
  7. A friend of mine was dumping the legs and back of this, I asked him for them and replaced the wood work Atb j
    4 points
  8. i don't like the colour, I'm out ?
    4 points
  9. I,m not saying anything this year life’s in a bit of turmoil, but will just turn up if and when I can, even if only for a night
    4 points
  10. GAA can shove croker up there holes after leaving that lot pray in there
    4 points
  11. Another little raffle, not a book this time but a pair of gloves, I was given these a few days ago, they are new and have never been used, they are size L, neoprene, I’ve got loads of pairs of gloves so they will just sit in the cupboard, if any of you would like them, let me know and I’ll put your name in the hat ?
    3 points
  12. Lol... They have all been out and done something but I'm sorry to say there not up for it...hey and I never would force any learning on no one... Like a terrier who is bred right but wired wrong.... If that makes sense.. I've one nephew there atm who's going on 4 .... He went from His parents telling him he was scared of dogs to now him buzzing of my 3 sisters schnauzers to now going wee short walks with me and my dogs him petting them and telling them NOOOOOOO.... I bought him a sling shot to go camping he wore the sling around his neck the whole night.... have a feeling he's the old ge
    3 points
  13. Are your nostrils wide as well then?
    3 points
  14. Its a secret lol. Its a acdxgreyhound x colliex greyhound fancied a we change was gifted the pup.from a gent the 2 dogs are goid dogs nice and steady and great temperament so thought why not
    3 points
  15. Born as a scientist you will know that the very slightest introduction of methane will result in combustion when in close proximity to ammonium nitrate ...the most likely scenario is that someone emitted methane whilst nearby ,making it the deadliest fart in human history .
    3 points
  16. I do see some of them walking around screaming tiocfaidh allah
    3 points
  17. From what I've owned and seen Fred most whippets will work all day and put in a good shift lamping rabbits mate.
    3 points
  18. This is the beginning of it. This is where your countrys past, history, culture, traditions are been eroded. There plenty of Irish that could do with help, a lot more than kneeling.l The rot has to be rooted out, and that starts with the government leaders who's making these ridiculous decisions for this country. Atb j
    3 points
  19. And this is where the heart of the country lies, it's people. If we can't come together for the greater good and the future of our country and its people, were doomed, and No one to blame but ourselves. Atb j
    3 points
  20. My older brother kept two greyhound bitches and worked them like a lurcher taking day time hares and lamping rabbits ,fox at night and he was no hobby hunter the lad out most nights lamping ,I remember some mornings I'd go feed my pugs before school and find my brother asleep in shed "with 3 dogs ""as he didn't want wake the ol man up Lol
    3 points
  21. You seem to be forgetting i have had one before and i didn't like it one bit. I replaced it with a .17 Hornet which i did like. However, it is a pain to reload for. I bought a pile of cheap Hornady ammo for it from a rfd i know that bought it cheap on offer. When i had all but used it up i decided to part company with it because factory ammo had become too expensive. I replaced it with another .204 Supervarmint, not the most practical rabbit rifle but definitely the most fun. I can shoot anything pest or vermin wise i come across during the day at forty pence a pop. We don't get big numbers of
    3 points
  22. Bilko and Blue Peter will be found in the lines of just about every non-ped whippet, and could probably be classed as the main stud dogs in the founding of modern non-ped racing. Judicious breeding of the best to the best, with the addition of greyhound now and again has produced the incredibly fast little dogs we se today. Cheers.
    3 points
  23. Stiff did the method statement.
    3 points
  24. To be fair I'm doing her an injustice there; she needs zero encouragement or incentive to join me, whether its shooting or sheep related, she just loves helping me outside. Been saying for past 4 years "when I grow up im going to be an explorer!" ?
    3 points
  25. I remember my mate coughing mid bong just before he released the blast hole. The red cherry shot out of the 2 hit cone and hit the ceiling. Now to a few chonged up bong heads that looked like a very similar explosion at the time.. So i recon it's a bong related incident.
    3 points
  26. Watching it again, there's clearly a sustained fire when the explosion happens. Very unlikely nuclear. They're precision engineered bits of kit, ya can't just lob a load of glowy shit together and make it bang.
    3 points
  27. Put the crack pipe down and stand back! ?
    3 points
  28. Funny you say that....I've never been thrilled with a 22! Yes yes they are good but no, for me they are kind of boring and give little performance. Now if I had a choice between a 357 and 22 I'd take the 357! It can be loaded cheap, has some horse power and or can be popped out the barrel. At the start of this I did say that if I am going to use a rimfire let's get one that does something....implying a 22 don't....for me that is.
    2 points
  29. Yes if they'd have been neon pink, but green/khaki ?
    2 points
  30. I'm easy mate... the carp lake only has small carp in the main in it, its not specimen fishing by any stretch... you could fish the same tactics on any of the ponds with similar results... It's supposed to be match fishing....these bloody carp boys ruin everything!! Lol
    2 points
  31. I agree totally however I can see the fee if not linked to a co-terminus license with fac or agc being an attractive income but it will do nothing to control airguns and the whereabouts of the vast majority of airguns is unknown and will stay that way I am certain. There was a chap who worked for me whose 21 year old son was killed by a freak accident using an air rifle some 10 years ago which was tragic but the chap fully understood it was an accident and didn't agree that a license would have saved his son's life. Phil
    2 points
  32. You must be wrong because only them fluffy eared plodders are of any use on the lamp. Lol.
    2 points
  33. Sorry once you start on the carp lake you must stay on the carp lake ???
    2 points
  34. I probably get down on the Saturday morning, with my 2 eldest,we camp and fish the match, home Sunday evening... Looking forward to seeing you all again??
    2 points
  35. Here's the "pedigree" of one of the best non-ped, racing whippets I had back in the early 70's. You can see it had collie/greyhound three generations back; Pot Black; Cheers.
    2 points
  36. They intend to take in 1milion people into Eire between now and 2040. The majority will be non European. If this happens the country will be changed for ever . We the people elect the politicians and the small elite tell them what to do .
    2 points
  37. Yes, so did I, but the "non-ped" whippets aren't " pure " as most have some greyhound in them. So a non-ped whippet x greyhound shouldn't be called an "F1", but they would certainly be "grews". But that's just my opinion. Cheers.
    2 points
  38. is that what you would call a double strand selvedge mesh bill or have i got it wrong ,quality net by the way
    2 points
  39. Another exam week comes to an end at Suicide Bomber summer school !
    2 points
  40. You have heard of the film “Platoon” based on Oliver Stones military career....... If they made a film of your military career is would be called “Buffoon” and the plot would basically be “Non starter falls out of aircraft at 8000 feet, lands on a box of grenades and dies much to the relief of the whole of the British Army” The End !
    2 points
  41. "lob a load of glowy shit together" ?
    2 points
  42. 2 points
  43. And you only have to pay them in Haribo!
    2 points
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