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30/11/24 - 30/11/24
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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/11/24 in all areas
15 points
Pheasant quarter pounder , made with Pheasant mince and chilli sausage. I'll be honest , it's one of the tastiest burgers I've ever eaten.11 points
Well this came off at 9am , somewhat over done but had a juicy side and a dry side and a wicked bark had it for lunch with broccoli beans and spuds.10 points
10 points
9 points
Dad found out his one the ole Facebook sent it to me and saying j need to hurry up on the grand kids so he can be taking pics like this cool pic all in all though. Thought y'all might like it8 points
I think something worth looking at would be allowing someone not in government, not an MP or a member of the House of Lords, to be a Secretary of State or Minister of State. Such as ; Minister of Defence; a retired General or Admiral, some one with an actual working knowledge of the armed forces. Minister of Health; a retired doctor, surgeon or someone who has successfully ran an NHS Ttrust. Minister of Transport; someone who has successfully ran a transport or shipping company or a logistics company. They could have an MP or member of the House of Lords as a deputy.8 points
7 points
Mince and leek stew with dumpling, lovely winter warmer before I’m off out on a fox job6 points
Unbelievable that this bunch of bloody incompetent lying thieving useless bunch of clowns are telling us how to live our lives.the whole lot need to be gone and replaced with people who can actually do the job.5 points
Not seen a rabbit warren like this for a good few years5 points
5 points
We didn't add any , except what was in the sausages . It's was around 4kg of pheasant breast , 8 large chilli sausages , two onions , salt and pepper. Minced it all together , then made 250g burgers . It was just an experiment really , but they tasted absolutely fantastic. They were equal to any burgers made with beef or lamb that I've ever tasted. Mine went on a large crusty cob , with a bed of spinach , then topped with castello tickler, extra mature Devonshire cheddar, a large mushroom, and a dollop of garlic mayo.4 points
What a cracking day weather wise decided to take the ferrets out. Only had three but it was good to be out. The Farm dog will always follow us out and to be fair she marks in. Cheers Arry4 points
3 points
It turned out to be somewhere between a jalfrezi and a madras, too be honest it might of been a bit hot for me, I can still feel it burning it’s way down to my back pipe3 points
just me......im a total barstard for eating bread....since i cut over 90% of bread out of my diet ..i feel very much better....so hence the rice...3 points
3 points
3 points
Hull is a veritable garden of Eden……well, compared to Goole it is ! LOL ! Cheers.3 points
3 points
lol tent city i’ve been here my whole life never heard that one mate what’s good having all that countryside if it’s empty ? like having a big head that’s empty or a 12 inch corey that can’t get hard lol i went in a shop like talking to retards talking in slow motion only ones talk slow and slur here are the junkies lol3 points
Listen I've been to hull, goole , Selby helping a family member deliver parks hampers for his business over Christmas. An im telling you now 100% I've seen some shitholes but them places top it. Second to them Nottingham some parts of Derby. I've been all over North east too to the fair end of Scotland delivering them. Many council estates but clean tidy good crack up north. But over hull way full of junkies got a place called tent city full of them. So don't be slating Huddersfield pal some stunning country side. When you live in an are that's capital for smack an AIDS too.3 points
Doing all night brisket ,woke up for a pee so checked and wrapped , didn't probe it but temps on smoker were okay, should be dandy by morning....3 points
3 points
3 points
Well did I ever drop a bollock. No pics cause no evidence. In my last post, in the background was venison ready for the next batch of pasties. Nicely diced and ready. Now the lovely one says do not put the slow cooker on in the kitchen cause she don’t like stinking the place out. So, out to the garage I go and get the thing going. Return to kitchen and lo and behold a spaniel licking his lips. Little git had upwards of 1 kilo in a matter of seconds. Ah well. My loss. Jok.2 points
Louise Haigh, secretary of state for transport resigns after it came out she was guilty of fraud back in 2014, she said she was robbed and her phone and other items stolen, apparently her co-workers had all gotten new Iphones and she wanted 1 so cooked up the story, dumb bitch turned the supposedly stolen phone back on and it pinged alerting police...lol2 points
Was that Hull or the Rafah refugee camp in Gaza ? Admittedly , they could easily be confused ! LOL ! Salam Alaykum .2 points
and how hard it’s got to get meat off the shoplifters lol aye bangers2 points
A recent visit to my local permission yielded a very big dig fox and his mate. Both taken within 5 mins. Sako .243 doing the job2 points
"Whadaya mean saying l'm beautiful when l'm angry?""What's wrong with me the rest of the time?" "No no ,my love . You are always beautiful." " Are you saying l'm always angry?" "No.What l'm saying my dearest , Oh light of my Life , my oasis in a desert of suffering , is just that.....What are you doing with my favourite baitcaster reel? ""Ouch!" "Did that hurt ? It wasn't meant to but l hope it did!" " l suppose l deserved it. I'll be OK when l get the star-drag out of my nose . All l wanted was to make a few Grandchildren for my Dad." " Is tha2 points
Well, about 2 1/2 hours ago, me and the mrs had a chicken and prawn stir fry. Made by the mrs from scratch. Stunning.2 points
Good tip for you Wolfie ,,whenever she gets pissed off ,angry or it's that time of month ,tell her to calm down ,they love that .2 points
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X5VDMjOGLvk that Muslim geezers face in the first bit kills me off. he’s exactly like that loon off four lions . you can see he’s choking to come out with all the stuff he probably says At home .2 points
No no ive probably got more of the " stay away from me or i'll tear your throat out " look lately Ive become a bit of a lonely outdoor recluse type im on first name terms with most of the local pigeons and the dogs causing havoc amongst the local squirrel community. Pubs i'll sit in the garden with a " dont come near me " vibe that i cant imagine is a particularly good look im afraid. I'll have to get a bit more sociable soon as the ol womans probably gonna sling me out soon and i'll be a cardboard box in a doorway type drinker2 points
Shoplifting is by and large a junkie crime,how many times have you been in a pub and watched some dirty shit come in selling a handful of Gillette Mach 3 Turbo's or suchlike.....but " them other lot " dont even see it as a crime they waltz in and fill their bags up with the same mindset as they waltz into the country with....and why wouldnt they.......getting away with shit is what they base their lives and futures on.2 points
2 points
Get down the M18 and M180 you'll see plenty of bambi, full of em.2 points
2 points
Just the onions, garlic and chillis. I grow most of the vegetables we eat and have my own hens, ducks and quail for eggs. I eat most of what I catch, rabbit , hare, venison , pheasant, pigeon, fish, etc. Caught the other morning, I’ll eat the pheasant; the dog can have the tree rat ! Cheers.2 points
Starmer knew all about the fraud conviction when he made her a minister of a department, Transport, with responsibility for a budget of £30 billion ! Not very sensible for a man who is also a lawyer and former Director of Public Prosecutions ! Cheers.2 points
2 points
Just made full breakfast pies , bacon sausage spam cheese mushrooms and Heinz beans and Big Mac cheeseburger pies , minced beef cheese onions and Heinz burger relish and Heinz tomato sauce2 points
2 points
2 points
2 points
Giving these a go , probably should've given them a bit longer on the grill, but they're in the stock now and I'm gonna cook them to death...basically until the kids are screaming murder lol.2 points
1 point
1 point