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ryaldinhio last won the day on October 14 2024

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About ryaldinhio

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. I have about an acre of grass I could put sheep on down at the pond but a farmer friend warned me off them, said they are a nightmare. Next door neighbour does cattle and is on about taking one in to butcher so got my name on some beef. To be honest I have thought about various ruminants cows, sheep, goats etc but figured if I can just source them locally it will save me the hassle. With them just grazing I wouldn't be doing anything different to other locals. With the chicken and pork that are fed you never know what your getting or what's gone into them unless you DIY. I did regist
  2. I looked at buying bulk but don't have much space for storage, so I just nip and get a couple sacks at a time.
  3. You feed 1lb a day for every month of age up to 6m/6lb. Got the pigs at 2m so roughly.... 3rd month 3lb day = 90lb 4th month 4lb day = 120lb 5th month 5lb day =150lb 6th month 6lb day = 180lb So 540lb feed. Pig nuts in 25kg sacks roughly 55lb so say 10 sacks feed. I pay £12.50 a sack so £125 feed per pig to get at 2m and cull at the end of the 6th month. I had 3 pigs this time: £165 for the weaners £375 in feed £300.90 slaughter and butcher (that included £150 for sausages) Total £840.90 I didn't actually spend this much because
  4. I will run the numbers over the weekend but last time I did it was well up. That said I don't do it because of money, I do it to be self sufficient etc.
  5. This is what freezers should look like.......
  6. Picked my pork up today lads. 35 sunday dinner joints 450 sausages (75lb) 52 pork chops....proper ones 6 bacon joints - to be cured/smoked Spare ribs Offal (for patè) Should keep us going for most of 2025!
  7. 3rd set - maybe Saddle Back OR Berkshire Black.
  8. I've not asked for kill weight. I could, but to be honest I base judgement on the fat that comes back which to a point is wasted feed and money however I have only done traditional breeds so far which were altered because of carrying fat and being slow growing. Next time I was considering running 1 traditional and 1 commercial side by side just to see what the difference is. BUT keeping the traditional breeds going isn't a bad thing and I'm not doing this for commercial purposes. Also there will always be commercial pigs available but the old breeds could die out so I think I will s
  9. I was happy how they ended up. The man at the chop shop said they were a good size aswell......that said I think they will have too much fat, I wanted em gone sooner. We will see on Friday how they have killed out. I was at the point of taking 2 out of 3 but managed to get the last one up in the end.
  10. Today has been a beauty that's for sure!!!
  11. Not sure if any of you lads are interested but this is happening around the corner from me this year. Aparantley it's a big one that normally happens elsewhere?
  12. Today was D-day for the latest pigs. It ended up being a little dramatic. My expected help ended up tied up on a job so was a lone ranger. The trailer I borrowed is more for cattle than pigs so maneuvering into the pen on the side of the drive was more than a little tricky. Then as usual they don't want to get in the pissing thing. 15minutes after closing to the abbottoir, thankfully they had waited for me. Then got home and in a proper divvy moment managed to break my nose. Reversing trailer in pitch black, couldnt see a thing. I thought window was fully down when I was lo
  13. I'm gearing up for a big year in the veg garden.......been watching a lot of stuff from Huw Richards. Really like this kid, his content is really good.
  14. I agree Fernandes is a class player mate and makes a huge difference to Manu when he plays but Manchester United was probably the only club where that wasn't the only important factor. Look at some of the players Fergie moved on in their prime for the better of the club. Van Nistelroy, Stam, Keane, Becks. Fernandes is a class player but not good for the club. I have a contact on the inside at United and have been told since he came to the club there is massive clicks in the dressing room, it's like England used to be, where groups of players won't sit with each other etc. And Bruno is dow
  15. @jukel123 Mainoo can't go. He is a quality player and they need to keep him. The bad eggs need to go, for me I called Rashford 2yrs ago while there was pgba and lingered etc. Rash needs to go. Garnacho, he is OK. I dont like his body language BUT he is copying his captain and role model Bruno......who is a waste of skin. Never been a captain while I've got a hole in my arse. If offered I would swap Garnacho and Fernandes for Brentfords Wissa and Mbuemo in a heart beat.
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