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ryaldinhio last won the day on October 15 2023

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About ryaldinhio

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Personally I'm not really keen on these modern women, them ones with cocks, it's a bit of a turn off.
  2. Pig pen finished off today, just internal gates to fabricate. My little self sufficient effort is coming along nicely......
  3. Got my name down on 3 OSB gilt weaners. Will be picking them up 17th August. The new pig pen is mid construction should get done tomorrow......
  4. Not been on for a while lads had a bit going on. R lass hasn't done bad in the veg garden for her first go.....
  5. @Rob58 This was the one I messaged you on FB about. Tried adding your pal but he hadn't accepted and I've shut FB down for a bit. Doing my head in the shite people spout on there.
  6. Misus found a little owl at side of road. Looks like it may have been there a day or two. Had a few fly eggs on it. Would it still be salvageable? I've stuck it in the freezer just incase.
  7. I haven't got any pal. My mate always wanted one so put his name down for one when he was 18. Got that and sold it pretty much straight away put his name down for another and did same. He has done it quite a few times now. Think he has about 5 or 6 he kept but paid for by selling. Thing is people with proper money go in rokex shop with the "I want that one, I'm not waiting, next man on the list offer him double" probably triple to be fair but the sales rep keeps his cut. Everyone wins. I keep pondering about it as an investment then I remembered
  8. Yet my casio hasn't dropped, who's laughing now!
  9. Get yourself down to the Rolex shop, order brand new, might be waiting 2-3yrs, but when they come they worth it. Mate of mine does it, other yr bought one, think it was submariner. Waited ages but paid about 8k brand new. Before he got back to the car the rep from shop rang him and said I cam get you 16k for that right now. People with money who don't want to wait. Apparantley happens every time he gets one. Yet I have never had one call when I have picked a new casio up from Argos
  10. Ive just come back from france last weekend and its shocking. Got to Caen ferry port early but can't leave motor. Loads of young black lads hanging round car park. Friend of mine has twice had em climbing in van and my truck top doesn't lock. They were going round trying car/van doors with UK plates. There was a group of about 20 of em. All well dressed, watches, mobile phones, nor a woman or child anywhere refugees my arse, all young men of fighting age. I went to grab some food where I could see motore. While I was eating Police came checking my truck in car park so I went ove
  11. I've been badly with chest infection so r lass has cracked on with veg garden bless her. Got my name down on two OSB weaners aswell, due to farrow in next couple weeks so should be ready for me come August.
  12. Misus and kids are away at van so slow cooked lamb shoulder today for me. Bloody lovely.
  13. Today was meant to be a day off but after taking the fam out for breakfast and then cinema then shopping, got back and I ended up setting out the next raised beds. Back to work tomorrow for a rest. Also r lass is away to the van tomorrow with the kids so I got a shoulder of lamb out to slow cook tomorrow for tea. This was traded for some of my home raised pork
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