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mel b

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Everything posted by mel b

  1. Bang on the money . As children mature , they'll become curious about many things . This curiosity should be allowed to run in its own good time as they mature , and not pounced upon and or forced , by teachers. Just let children be children , and don't use them as pawns in the modern game of woke.
  2. Yep. I've never been a fan of religion , since it was forced down my throat as a kid , and I had horrific nightmares and flashbacks that the devil would get me. I was determined that my kids would never have any religion forced on them as youngsters , but if they wanted to follow a religion of their choosing as they got older , then they would have my full support. Organised religion , has been the hiding place of some of the biggest monsters in history.
  3. It seems to me that the head teacher us aiming at true equality. Not the skewed equality that creates most of the problems and tensions that we see in this country . When my kids were young , I didn't want them exposed to any religion . Religion was their choice to make , once they were old enough to understand, and choose what they felt was right. My children were raised with decent values , a sense of right and wrong . Religion played no part in it.
  4. These are the best eggs that you'll ever taste by a long way. Crispy around the edges , but with a runny yoke. The only downside is that your cholesterol level will be so high , that your life expectancy is about a fortnight .
  5. I'm so glad that I shoot my own food. Those prices are crazy.
  6. What a fantastic sight to see. It would make my day to find that little lot.
  7. Well I'm voting for BB .
  8. I've had a 56 plate xtrail for about 5 years now . It's done almost 173,000 , and still drives well. I keep thinking that it has to give up soon , but it just keeps on going. In all honesty , it's probably the best all rounder that I've ever owned.
  9. Don't mock my size issues . I can manage two inches on a warm day
  10. I'm not a bummer . I never push it more than half way in , so that doesn't count
  11. I can't really eat fried food these days , so I'll have to go with the cocaine fuelled sex instead
  12. I bet that really hit the spot
  13. mel b


    I have to agree. A person like that will never be of any use to the human race.
  14. I might get gold panning in my own stream .
  15. The neighbour at our woodland in Wales found a tiny gold nugget , she looked at the small stream on her land , and could see it glinting in the sun. No real value , but a brilliant thing to find.
  16. mel b

    The Royals

    I'm starting to think that you're not a believer
  17. Most fence paints are rubbish , they're just for decoration, but I was quite impressed with the ronseal shades stuff . Once it's dry , you can't repaint it for years , because it's some kind of plastic product , and nothing will stick to it . Water just runs off it like a freshly waxed car. It wouldn't be any use for posts etc that go underground though.
  18. You can still get proper creosote, and it's fantastic stuff, but you do need to be very careful with it. You can buy a product called creocote. It looks and smells like real creosote, but it doesn't have the nasty chemicals in it , and doesn't really preserve wood. One or two of the other wood treatments are OK ish , but not much is as good as creosote. My Mrs workshop is painted with ronseal shades . It's a sort of plastic coating, that lasts about five years or so, and looks much more attractive than creosote.
  19. The smell is very strong for the first couple of weeks, then it starts to fade , but , you'll always get a whiff of it , even after years , and especially on warm days.
  20. I've just dropped you a pm deker.
  21. Chicken wings are my death row last meal. Top marks
  22. That looks absolutely fantastic
  23. I have to agree. Once you get past the shoutey nutcase stuff , the content( on a basic human level) , is absolutely spot on.
  24. Yes but I bet you had half a pound of truffles in that omelette instead of mushrooms .
  25. I suppose that a lot of people will visit , just for experience. The problem for the restaurant owner , is that once you've had that experience, you probably won't go back.
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