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mel b

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Everything posted by mel b

  1. That's very true mack. It'll certainly be an interesting experience. I'd think about it for two years , then I'd decide to go , then I'd change my mind and spend the money on a new gun instead . That's why I've got no passport , and a collection of guns that I don't need .
  2. The vodka is probably better for you than coke mack. It will certainly be an interesting thing to do mate. Just for clarity , I mean the vodka on a mountain, not the bum sex.
  3. Be careful, that shot of vodka may well lead to homo sex mate . On the upside , at least it won't hurt as much if you're pissed.
  4. Well my bottle arrived half an hour ago gnash . f**k me it's gorgeous mate. It's a shame that I've got work tomorrow, or I'd be kicking the arse out of it . While I was looking for it on amazon , I noticed the kraken and coffee flavour . I'm thinking that I need to give that one a road test as well. I reckon it'll go great with a nice cigar .
  5. The biggest attraction for me with a woman , is a sense of humour . Give me a fat bird with a sense of humour over a super model any day. It helps if they've got big tits though .
  6. You can f**k right off , I don't want mine coming back . I've got pretty spoiled with it just being me and the Mrs. The quiet life is great . I never wanted mine to struggle , mainly because growing up , we didn't have a pot to piss in , and being dirt poor is f***ing miserable. We always tried to teach them to be pretty independent, because you never know when you won't be here to help them. Even down to things like their 21st birthday presents . I bought them things that won't lose value , and could be easily cashed out if the shit really hit the fan , and I wasn't a
  7. I love rum and I love black cherry . I'm gonna fall in love with it .
  8. Sorry mate , I knew it was a joke . My reply just made me sound like a knob . It's never been easy to get a start in life , but it's getting to the point that no amount of hard work can get you on the way either. By the same token , young people are changing as well . Not many are keen to do the shite jobs these days , and with the minimum wage becoming the maximum wage , the incentive to try harder and earn more , has been taken away from them. It would be interesting to know how many homes could be freed up if we started sending immigrants back to the places that they came fr
  9. Oh yes . Working the doors is the perfect job if you like to have a dabble .
  10. I don't think mack is on a high horse , he's probably just like most of us that are getting a bit older , and just hasn't been in the mix with it yet . I very much saw things like mack , but the last few years , the whole world has changed drastically. The uk has gone to rat shit since covid . Its been slowly trundling downhill for years , but since covid , its plummeting out of control . i see young guys that i work with , eating jam sandwiches for lunch , because they cant afford anything else . Some of them walk miles to work , because they cant afford the bus fair , and can
  11. That's pretty much the way that I always saw things mack , but I'm watching things change daily , and the country seems to be accelerating rapidly downhill. The minimum wage has become the maximum wage. Zero hours contracts , and agency work , is becoming the norm . Even the real grafters are having a tough time at the moment. I sincerely hope that things change in the near future . I have a couple of mates that have kids living in caravans on the drive , and one mate that built a big shed in the garden for his son. It's a sorry state of affairs , when a hard working young bloke can b
  12. Life doesn't always work out the way you expect it to. My late wife ( the mother of my two children), passed away at 37. The kids were 11 and 13 . To be honest , from the day that they were born , we'd always tried to teach them all the skills that they'd need in life . by the time they went to school , they could already read and write , swim , cross a road safely . All the basic skills that they'd need if ever we weren't around to help them. By the time we lost their mom , both of them were pretty much capable of running a house. It's just as well that we did really , because when
  13. I'll be giving that one a go gnash. It looks right up my street.
  14. Neither can I, that's why I got married . Her good self does the cooking and cleaning , I do the eating, and finance the operation .
  15. That's a bit tame by your standards mack. It looks really tasty mate
  16. Disturbed is a very negative word , I prefer adventurous .
  17. I became a grandad at 53 , and I absolutely f***ing love it.
  18. I don't mind rubbing his balls for him , if he let's me have a go on those tits
  19. mel b

    A deep one

    Mchull wouldn't need a tea spoon . He would use the force , because he is the force !!! .
  20. Spot on tats . He tries to play the cheeky chappy , but he's shit at it. He's not humorous, he's just a f***ing irritating twat. In fairness to him though , he's probably done nothing wrong legally, he's probably just been playing the part that he's been payed to play , and taken it a bit too far for some folks.
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