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Bangersanmash last won the day on March 31

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About Bangersanmash

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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    Bird keeping an the dogs an spending quality time with my son fishing the rivers for barbel with a good old BBQ going.

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  1. Unless it personally effects me. It effects me deeply that one of our Conrad's a British man has been stabbed. That could be your brother , father , uncle. , cousin. If we all think that way then no wonder the country's f****d. A was hoping after I'd read you was at work. But if not working I'd show my face. I've done many rally last one was at cedar court hotel in Wakefield against the dirty stinky c**ts in there. If you can't make it to London. Men & women can show there support around there home area's no excuse at all. I look at ireland & think I'd be so proud now to be Irish stan
  2. The phone will be sold to one of his muslim brothers at one of their shops. That's after they've rinsed his bank if they get chance & what ever else they need off it to steal his identity.
  3. Well this goldy I've bred looks like it's going too be a stunner. Bit like an Eagle head. Doesn't look like it's got a mask coming. Backs moulting out started off light. It's crossed between a pheo cock bird & satinet pied hen.
  4. They'll soon realise there not. For all those older british that voted for labour. Thinking that they'd be for the working class old skool grafters of society. They'll soon be eating humble pie. Some won't be hear in four years time. So they've f****d it up for their kids and grand kids for not voting reform.
  5. They'll be without a job then won't they if all the working class curl up and die ? No working class then that means no rich c**ts. No rich c**ts no government ie Tory's or labour by the looks of things.
  6. They might aswel way we've just turned over this generation. Lol
  7. I knew it wouldn't be long it's in their blood lol.
  8. I'm not surprised I find it shocking that we've our own men & women on the streets suffering through mental health some through no fault of their own. Things they've seen over seas fighting for a false goverment that at the time was pure greed wanting something another country's got. Trying to take it by force by lieing to the guys in the military just to get them over there. Then when they come back home forgetting about them. I don't give two fks about myself mate. It's these men & women that I think about.
  9. Albanian man taken from UK psychiatric ward to deportation flight – report | Immigration and asylum | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM Watchdog raises concerns about Home Office decision in annual report about incident last summer
  10. Just been reading another one. (Albanian fella pulled from his Psycheatric ward sent over seas ) f***ing AND ????. You've got too love the guardian paper. What about the men over here that's lost there jobs off 20 30 year. Ex military personnel that's been thrown to side of the road. Not a second look at. ? Honest this country's backwards. Who gives too fucks about a stinky fella from over side of world that shouldn't be here in the first place. Lost his mind through all shite he's been taking.
  11. .Here we go all of the cockroaches have come out from the dale. Just been reading about this carry on. Yet again more muslims causing trouble with these yuppie following them. Brainwashed b*****ds many of them won't remember the 9/11 or the Lee rigby situation or many more islamic terrorist trates.. They think that these guys are decent human beings. They'll soon release if we do go to war against Islamists. Because they'll turn on them in a heart beat & take them hostage being western civilians.
  12. f***ing Dublin. Just seen a video clip from 17th f***ing loads of the b*****ds on walk way covered from head to toe women all in black hold flags. It's shocking won't be long before Ireland bring back the old days . Already setting some places on fire. We should be doing this too In the uk.
  13. It's not too late if we have the right goverment. A pure British English government.. The country went titts up when we let other ethnic so called brits in goverment and high end jobs. You've got these at the top now & we're at the bottom. You don't see China , Russia, Japan, having diffrent ethics run there country's. Fools we are
  14. What the f**k has it to do with the bus company. Just shows no respect for the community and surround businesses. So bus company lost the bus , damage to the police vehicle, road will need cleaning up. So that local council out too. Tax payers money again. For what some kids most probably getting taken from two scruffy fuckers that are out grafting shops on a daily basis using the kids too. At least if they go into care they may find a foster family that will show them really british values right from wrong & maybe turn out decent people then. We'd like for them all to f**k off back. But
  15. I've sold all young birds mate. Thanks for putting me forward though. A sold over 50 young canaries just kept a hand full back for myself for next season.
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