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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/20 in Posts

  1. Just finished reading this book very good read a lot more to it than your average hunting book tales of the balls ups as well as success and he also let's you ever so slightly into his life under the skin type stuff always a risky thing to do in the macho world of today's dog man, not one for blowing smoke up arses but thoroughly recommend this one,
    9 points
  2. The last 3 comments are why nobody posts anything decent on forums or sites anymore. What’s the point just so it can get picked apart by all the experts
    8 points
  3. Watching it always leaves me with a bittersweet taste, on one hand you have this emotional ceremony to remember all those that have fallen and on the other hand you shake your head when you see warmongering criminals like Tony Blair attempting to win an Oscar.....
    8 points
  4. My wife couldn't cope with our 2 autistic sons and had a mental breakdown 6 nearly 7 yrs ago so I had to give up work to be at home. I've said this on here before but lads like ginger beared and dogdox take the piss. That's the way them pair work mate.. I would love to get back in a dozer or digger bit can't at this moment in time.. And that's my situation right there..
    8 points
  5. What a great laugh guys ? Now if I may....alls looking good with the rifle. I tested it yesterday and its impressive to say the least. Just need a fox to blood it proper. It seems to like the 20gn ammo and it seems to be settling down barrel wise. Today though I took the 22 out this afternoon....its the first time I have two identical rifles in different calibres that fit me and shoot sweetly off hand. Ended the damp afternoon with 12. Now please, keep babbling nonsense and especially show and tell us more about that island Gav. What's yer favourite whisk
    7 points
  6. Had a call last week, a farmer whos land we have ferreted for years had retired and bought a cracking little place on the edge of the moors...his wife called me and asked if we could clear the rabbits around her horse paddocks .. a quick trip out to have a look and the banks were obviously pretty busy.. It would be a bit of work, Geth was up for giving me a hand plus my lad and my godson...they're only 15 but got stuck right in and grafted all day.. It was one of those days everything went to plan... a quick small hedge first thing and we had 4 out in an hour or so.. Then the b
    6 points
  7. He’s a digging beddlinton terrier man so he’s said on beddy related topics an has no use for ownership of a running dog him self but who actually knows this is the inter web we’re people can portray to be anybody that want ??But I’m sure if he owned a decent rabbit dog him self he’d of pm the lad of the vid an said fancy a night on the beam video my dog I’ll show you a decent standard of rabbit lamp dog instead of commenting talking the high standard he’d of shown him the standard in stead
    6 points
  8. Most of the so called experts don’t own a running dog anymore ?
    6 points
  9. I'm 57, left school at 16 and I've never been out of work since. Rented a house then moved into a 50/50 rent,buy and ended up buying it all then the area was getting shit (weed was a form of currency) so now I've bought a bungalow in the suburbs and it's fcuking great. The moral is life's what you make it and if you're willing to work hard you can eventually get to where you want to be not forced to be.
    6 points
  10. I was actually being funny when I said ".308 is a bit overkill" ? I only have .22lr, .17HMR and the .308 win, Each serves its purpose, the .22 just bounce off, the .17 ya need to shoot em up the arse, or against feather growth, I really just can't be arsed with geese, and theres a few hoops to jump to get on the scheme for the cull here too, honestly I have taken them before and just rip the breasts off, I have tryed seasoning them with alsorts and with good quality pork fat, and everyone that I try to get to taste them pull faces like I have force fed them a dog turd. I mean if I was hun
    6 points
  11. I’ll be going later to a little church where a few years ago I carried a lad into with 5 other of his friends and sit on the bench outside and have a coffee as I remember how great of a lad he was . You can keep your footage of the likes of Sadiq khan and kier starmer .
    6 points
  12. All this finger pointing is indicative of the blame game/poor victim culture we now live with....blaming drug dealers for the demise of a generation of people for f**k sake !!....take some responsibility for your own lives and your own childrens lives and you'll start seeing Mr Drug Dealer with no output....take pride in your own kind and your own communities,be responsible to your own and you,ll start seeing decent cooperative young people with the purpose and self worth to stand on their own two feet.
    6 points
  13. No , it can’t be changed . society is structured around it . social media gave everyone a voice who perhaps shouldn’t have been heard . we celebrate mediocrity and the banal as part of our everyday lives , television shows , instagram , we are more interactive as ever in our lives . there is a need to out do each other.., who’s the most savage ? Who’s the most ripped? Who’s got the best looking bird ? Whose cars bigger ? Whose living room looks like an Essex mansion despite living in a two up two down in Whitehaven ? whose kids are head to toe
    6 points
  14. What about the pub ? drink has ruined more childhoods than any class a .
    6 points
  15. People need to think about what they are saying , hanging for drug dealers ffs like lads Recreational drug use is of such a scale that it’s not even worth it . You’d be absolutely amazed at what your sons and daughters get up to up town these days . Coke and steroids are absolutely imbued into our culture . I know scores of girls on fat stripping Pills , do you seriously think that the average smart looking young chick of today Looks like that Naturally? its the same with lads , look at the size of the average 19 year old lad out up town Now? You think those ar
    6 points
  16. On THL, or generally? We could start with the thread about 5G causing coronavirus? Maybe Bill Gates' dodgy vaccines that killed 400,000 Indian kids? You yourself alleged that medical institutions in the United States were fudging Covid cases for money, and you posted a link that debunked it. Shall we go back a few weeks worth of pages with the Biden laptop conspiracy? Or a little closer with this allegedly rigged election, the latest conspiracy that would require hundreds of thousands of conspirators? Biden has been investigated by Republican senators and cleared of corruption by his oppo
    6 points
  17. New video. Out lamping with my dad and lurcher using the Olight warrior x pro torch. Hope you enjoy watching it.
    5 points
  18. “I’ve been in the game 40 years” is a firm favourite. 40 years of doing f**k all in winter & talking shit at dogs shows in the summer is probably more accurate.
    5 points
  19. It is some of the parents fault,this lad with me,I asked him.(even though I knew the answer)as he ever cut the grass for his dad,walked the dog,washed the car,cut the hedge,cooked a meal,painted any rooms,well he looked at me like I was mental.basically mum still wipes his arse.comes to work dressesd in trakkies,hoody,trainers.not one part of him looks like he a worker.he was saying he would work harder if I payed him more.i said you don't get a pay rise for being shit.show me your graft,ill show you the folded.
    5 points
  20. With you 100% on that Gav... sliced up a graylag other day for me and the lad, had a stew with one other week which wasn’t to bad but tried frying strips for fajitas... it was sh1te told lad to stop eating it just in case he choked to death it was that tough?? Me mate phones other day do I want to come goose shooting? Na ya allreet?
    5 points
  21. That fox looks like how I felt this morning after half a bottle of the cheapest wine money can buy, due to my early finish last night when the fog stopped play ?? good job ?
    5 points
  22. Some words of encouragement my wife sent me.
    5 points
  23. If onlyTrump had acted in a more statesman like manner . Stayed off Twitter, and reigned it in a bit . I think that his policies were generally good . I liked the fact that he was against sending troops in at the drop of a hat . Putting American industry and business first . Against globalisation, and against these rioting ( largely peaceful) protests. I don’t think Biden will be around long , he will be replaced by Harris as soon as the dust settles. And she is basically a Marxist . Trump was in the process of breaking the mainstream media , America has the same problem
    5 points
  24. At least Trump had values and stuck by them .Biden with his kiddy fiddling hands is an unknown ,as yet .Time will tell but I feel Trump was only just getting started making America great again .
    5 points
  25. Isn't it all about having a bit of pride in yourself and your family; providing for them, giving yourself and them a comfortable life, making sure you'll be ok in retirement? There are millions who are in dead end jobs they hate, but do it because they need to and don't want to depend on state handouts. Of course there are many that need and deserve state help, and should get it, but we all know wasters who could work, but just milk the system and are happy having no responsibilities or pressure to do well in life. Ive had some serious disasters in my life, but you still have to
    5 points
  26. Tell you now he's a gentleman and not at all bitter and twisted which is more than I can say of some on here, his books are very well written contain a lot of humour, occasional heart ache good photos, all you could want in a terrier book
    5 points
  27. Not until they start lining class A drug dealers up against the wall and shooting them will things get better class A drugs is one of biggest reasons for the decay of British society not a few Poles that's come over hear to graft. The one's around me are sound hard worker's and would sooner have them as neighbours than the home grown workshy scum around me.
    5 points
  28. Changing the subject a bit, I've been taking a 5 mile bus ride every week for 20 years to buy my Saturday pie from M&S. Fckin last time. Think they must of changed the recipe, fckin thing was 90% fat Tastes like something from happy shopper, dirty b*****ds
    5 points
  29. If you haven't got a real interest in something you won't be any good at it.you can go through the motions by all means but you are kidding yourself. If you do have a genuine interest you will be good at it..
    5 points
  30. Took Kaiser and my old lady for a leisurely stroll across the farm this morning, very little about really, a few Jays, a few wood pigeons etc but seeing a covey of 5 grey partridges lift from the same field twice on consecutive days gives me a little hope. I`ve got to watch the corvid numbers as they are way higher after the " Peck-em saga " One less threat to the game birds/ song birds anyway, a grey taken at roughly 28 yds, free standing, so perfect range for the .22.
    4 points
  31. Ffs wish I hadn’t asked... I’m lost?? think I get the raspberry bit but wtf are the Led cubes for?! prob shouldn’t ask? finaly got to grips with quick load!! thank you:)
    4 points
  32. 4 points
  33. Gave this dog fox an ear piercing last night. Came in steady, stopped 80yrds and my mate sent him on his way with his .17.
    4 points
  34. I don’t think as a Nation we’re not allowed to school our kids into knowing what is right and wrong. The sad thing is. There’s a lot of people out there who don’t know how to punish there kids properly and end up beating there kids to satisfy themselves. (This is what is no longer allowed) I was in A shop last week when some bloke starts threatening his very young child with a hiding, he said I don’t care who’s about. The kid must have been about five. I said to the wife (loudly) if he lays a hand on that kid in front of me, we’ll see who gets the hiding. He switched to creepy nice
    4 points
  35. Got a young lad with me now,18yrs old straight out of 18yrs of bedroom x box games asks the most stupid questions, was asleep standing up one morning last week,zero go in him walks like a 90yr man.terrible body,totally unfit.talks about zoombies from the computer most days,no girlfriend.
    4 points
  36. One of my landowners has recently bought a small wood adjacent to her land ,quite why I don’t know . Shes a very wealthy woman so dosnt need to explain lol. Shes been complaining about hares in the newly planted bean fields .I said I thought the damage was probably rooks pulling up the seedlings but a recent look with the thermal showed up hares apparently grazing on the plants . Shes asked that I shoot a few but not to decimate them lol. Yesterday afternoon ,I took the 100 for a look in said wood mainly for squirrels which she dislikes as well ? First look through the
    4 points
  37. Listening to your kids playing with there toys mines playing with his avenger figures doing all the voices in the next room it's absolutely brilliant ??
    4 points
  38. The whole country took a massive downturn when we were no longer allowed to administer punishment as a parent .I blame the left movement at every turn for the shite we see and abhore in this country . Decent values undermined by those whose only agenda is look at me ,I’m different .Well you ain’t ,your just a cull . Punishment is where society sets boundaries ,keeps standards and procreates values .Take it away and some just don’t know how to behave on the one hand and go far left on the other ,actively inciting poor values and non conformism . We will never return to anything
    4 points
  39. Do Grandkids count ?....i love listening to the little fella giggling and mucking about around the place.....i always thought i wanted peace and quiet but the silence becomes deafening once he,s gone home and not sure i like it anymore ?
    4 points
  40. I wonder how many of us have just observed the two minute silence......... Cheers.
    4 points
  41. f**k what anyone thinks,you had to help your wife and kids mate?
    4 points
  42. Read it liked the dole office bit brings back memory’s it used to double up as a poachers meeting place lol thatcher put most of the country out of work at the time
    4 points
  43. The majority of the "yoof" of today spend all day with their phones in their hands and despite all the texts, emails etc they send, very few can spell or punctuate to a primary school standard. The CVs/Cover letters I received when I was hiring were generally poor. Cheers, D.
    4 points
  44. heroin dealers deserve life in prison imo dont care who disagrees!
    4 points
  45. But what a sight to see it was! Local as f**k but worth the walk this morning, been off on holiday this week and have thoroughly enjoyed just walking the dogs,
    4 points
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