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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/17 in all areas

  1. after loosing my border dog 3yrs ago ive had to more or less start again, i have 2 borders out of the same litter, i was going to put my old dog over the bitch but it all went pear shaped, i went out and used a dog that has seen one years hunt work , his father had seen six years hunt work, my bitch has only bolted afew, so to get to the point, we are looking to rehome 3 border dog pups, they have been jagged wormed ect, so if anyone wants to try a border dog please get in touch, all were asking for is a permanent working home, not to be sold on or passed around. the dog we have started w
    12 points
  2. Andy Kelly is doing I slipped in a ditch get me out of here.
    9 points
  3. 7 points
  4. nice to see the owl back on his fence post
    6 points
  5. Had a dog like this years ago i started driving it very short distances to walks then increased the distance slowly & she then assiciated car journeys with good experiences & slowly overcame it. Took her up to Scotland loads of times in car no worries. Hope he gets it sorted. Atb
    6 points
  6. Me and mate out yesterday and although bitter cold and a very strong wind we managed a decent bag
    5 points
  7. Well !, she is here' my mate landed with her 28 nov and stayed a week, trip did not go quite as we wanted for him, i had spent 3 weeks getting my bitch fit for a week of graft and then ended up spending half the week in pissing bed with the worst case of flue i have ever had, i managed 2 nights out, one with the dog and the other with the rifle, i got him out for a day with the ferrets with another mate. I have been waiting for a couple of my mates to see her before i put up any pics, i wanted them to see first before all you lot on here.. She is just over 5 months old and i am sure
    5 points
  8. Well I've heard staments from everybody this morning except the british government. It's demonstrative of the contempt they have for the electorate. I'm told by the Irish government there will be no hard border and we can now proceed to trade talks with the EU. Thanks for keeping us in the loop messrs Davis and May. What breathtaking contempt and arrogance they display.
    5 points
  9. It's coming down well here.
    4 points
  10. Proper sportsmen, getting just over 100 quid a ride, and he still won. Compare that to your over paid kissing each other soccer players who get £££££££££££££££'s for falling over when there's a breeze.
    4 points
  11. Let's all vote labour. Only Diane Abbott's mathematical genius and negotiation skills can save this country now........
    4 points
  12. Challenge is put your hand in box of hungry ferrets to find the binoculars ?
    4 points
  13. How people can sit and watch that shit I will never know.
    4 points
  14. Keeping this as basic and simple as I can. Paralax is about THE ANGLE AT WHICH YOU SEE AN OBJECT (IE. YOUR TARGET), RELATIVE TO YOUR POSITION AND DISTANCE TO IT.. Or in this case, the position and the precise angle of sight alignement of your eye, on your reticle, as you position it on aim over your target. With paralax error in shooting through a riflescope, it basically comes down to the angle your eye is mis-aligned on your reticle, when looking at the reticle, when you sight down the scope tube as it has been focused to a specific distance. The error is the amo
    4 points
  15. Here you are mick,sheps on the right I think,the one on the left is S.T's deerhound cross red?
    4 points
  16. perigrine falcon d300...east Sussex coast
    4 points
  17. I hope you fall on 1000 used needles.
    3 points
  18. Loads of good points on here lads, really good thread. The problem as I see it is British politicians appear to be the worst business people in the world, so they are f****d when sitting at the top table an d negotiating on behalf of all of us, and hard negotiating is the only way forward IMO. I know a lot think we could just vote out and walk away the next day as if we were never part of the whole master state bullshit, but that was never the case... I voted out, I run a couple of businesses and one of these involves trade into Europe and other parts of the world, it was a bus
    3 points
  19. Fair play as excuses go that's a good one! I'll let you off It's just a shame so many folk only realised how terrible FPTP is when it was too late. Like I said earlier AV could have been the first step towards real reform but instead the result has just been used as proof that reform isn't wanted or needed
    3 points
  20. No just the one, you use her for what suits you it don't matter who agrees or not it's your pup pal. Nothing wrong with starting them young either more they see the better.
    3 points
  21. There was report on hare coursing on the one show a few weeks back, they had left a dog with a broken leg to die,the dog has been re homed which is good news, they also interviewed the farmer that had been smacked in the face and who as now got a large scare on his face.for me these people are scum they don't give a fxxk who's land they ride over who they smack with iron bars but worst of all for me they don't care who's children they run over as they ride through rural villages being chased by the police,it's scum like this who make it difficult for decent lads to get permission.
    3 points
  22. "Well walked down this path and saw it standing about 300yards away. Put my glue bag down and took the photo" f***ing lunatics! just goes to show though. They aint all locked up.
    3 points
  23. You would be better throwing ginger beard in there. See how long before everyone fecks off home.
    3 points
  24. This is on par with Gordon’s Gold sale it’s a “deal” so ludicrous !!.........basically, from what I can see of it, all the EU has to do now is go home, drink coffee and eat croissant and watch telly for the next 15 odd months and at the end we will still be members of the EU except with no place at the table. Its win/win for the EU and a massively bad deal for Britain.........well played Mrs May you f***ing cretin !
    3 points
  25. The cat is 3ft tall now and will double in size over the next year, top journalism, think even I might be able to get a picture of a 6ft serval,
    3 points
  26. Grab the fox and bite it's neck to show it what to do. If the dog doesn't copy kick the shit out of it. If that doesn't work sell it and buy another one.
    3 points
  27. if any dog is likely to hurt and attack a child there's only 1 thing for it. it has to be rehomed to an asian family.
    3 points
  28. Finally got a decent day on a river today with my lad... 3 pints of bronze maggots and a pint of caster, a couple of float rods and running a stick through a bit of the river Tone. I hoped to fish the town section but a couple of lads had beaten us to the best swims... no worries though we headed to a bit they call the fast stretch and had a really enjoyable day.. Fin fished pretty well and caught a good few fish influding half a dozen Grayling (a first for him) he also had a few decent chub plus roach, dace and nuisance minnows and bleak.. I had much the same, we fished fir a while in one s
    2 points
  29. Got this one a few days back haven’t been in here in a while spotted it just as it got into the water at around 15m and no word of a lie took her with a headshot first go atb
    2 points
  30. 15 weeks old spaniel beagle
    2 points
  31. If we're turning the crackpot-o-meter up to 11 who here reckons he's onto something? We've had some THL Corkers in the past!
    2 points
  32. Good point mate, hands up, to my eternal shame I voted to keep things as they are in that vote.........what a f***ing tit I was ! it was when I still read newspapers and watched the news and before I started to educate myself and really think about this stuff. I was still idiotic enough to beleive that politicians cared about the electorate and the country.........I’ll never make that mistake again. I totally bought into all that “it will be the Lib Dem’s in power all the time” bollocks. See, I thought Blair was just a bad dream and simply voting Tory would put an end to th
    2 points
  33. I bet Greyman is rubbing his hands together at the thought of all the track's he'll find.??
    2 points
  34. RONNIE f***ing PICKERING
    2 points
  35. She says it's a great deal and we can now concentrate on the NHS, education and housing as political priorities. That would be the same NHS which, because of underfunding, presided over 120,000 excess deaths over the last several years.( According to the British Medical Association Journal.) That would be the same education service which is facing a 8% cut by 2020. The same education service which cannot attract or retain teachers and whose headteachers are taking early retirement en masse. The same housing situation which means 300,000 people slept rough last night (-5 degrees), where young c
    2 points
  36. Mine have a cup of tea ... whenever we stop for a brew or food I pour some tea into a shallow bowl allow it to go cold and bobs your uncle ... the ferrets love it ... that little bit of caffeine gives them a little extra boost to ......
    2 points
  37. Can' beat a bit of tracking in the snow Peter.
    2 points
  38. Top man! Bravest sportsmen of the lot those jockeys. Wouldn't catch me on one of those beasts.
    2 points
  39. Rocket alright ? this is a sign outside his local
    2 points
  40. Don't touch your scope setting from your zero, when moments of opportunity at different range distances occur. Otherwise, you will have reset your paralax for distance only and left out your new position and relative angle solution from your original zero. That will change your POI significantly. Zero on low mag, say 5 or 6 times mag, and zero your .22 at 25 yards. Or .177 at 35. You will find your focus is much better without having to make such dramatic changes, other than as a simple range estimation and adjust your trajectory accordingly. Much better if you can see
    2 points
  41. Clear, indisputable proof that Yetis exist!!
    2 points
  42. Toff to win....makes me laugh....proper girl lol
    2 points
  43. worked their little socks off lol, plenty pushed out this morning lot scent taking them in cover pushing rabbits around and bolting a few so the lurcher pup seeing plenty. another nice size munty slipping away un noticed by the dogs from large cover they was working in. found this rock pile covered in bramble dogs pushed a few rabbits about but so many holes they just dropping in no pressure but kept the dogs interested for a while. How happy is that bitch lol
    2 points
  44. My vet also does homeopathy so checked the bitch over thoroughly whent through all the notes and asked me a million questions about the bitch pre injury and post operation checked all the X-rays and was happy that everything was done correctly so in his opinion it was something to do with the bitch not healing herself ... he went into it in a complicated way but that's the short answer ... so he put together a medicine to give her and he reckons that if it's going to work I should see the start of some healing by Christmas ... one of my missus chickens had rye neck and we couldn't cure it he
    2 points
  45. Also to add the better quality the glass, the less you have to worry about parallax generally, for instance I have a none AO Nikon scope on my .243 I am just as happy shooting at a fox 35 yards away as I am at 300 yards, and dont really notice any difference in focus, most dedicated fixed power fullbore scopes are parallax set to 100 yards, most fixed power air rifle dedicated scopes to 30 yards, my favourite, and indeed the next expensive scope purchase will be a side focus Nikon, I find side focus brilliant, and much less of a faf than turning the end of the scope.
    2 points
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