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12 points
Any other lads on here who's kid's or grandkids are awaiting their exam results. My granddaughter is awaiting hers and I said if she gets passes I will put 300 pounds into her saving account she has already costs me a bomb in printer ink and paper using my printer to download and print the topics she has sat exam's. Only time forking out 300 notes won't bother me. Lol9 points
Granddaughters just messaged me her results and she has passed every one she took with decent grades chuffed to bits for her as she is a grafter for her age even though it means I will be 300 note's light come the weekend. Lol.9 points
When I was a younger man , I had two 9 feet by 15 ft runs in the garden with kennels , running water , side by side with all my dog related stuff behind 2 inch mesh . inside them I had my dogs , two in particular , were and capable of “ turning the switch “ . I was always very particular about my dogs , I never bought shite or took a gamble , instead , I bought and trained with quality animals who at the drop of a hat day or night would turn living wildlife into meat . I kept running dogs , terriers and other working breeds . In 30 years I had two kennel fights ( a terrier annoyin9 points
Mrs rang me first thing crying, daughter done really well, pretty much all As from what I could gather through the happy blubbing! Lol She's starting a jounal8sm course at college in 2 weeks, eventually wants to go into music journalism... she's bloody hard working and very stubborn, so u think she'll do OK.. lol8 points
My daughter just got straight A's again in her a levels so proud of her that's now 9 A* 1 A in her gcses then straight A's last year and again this year starts her law degree in couple of weeks to become a barrister told her since she was 3 to be a barrister about only thing she's listened to me about .lookin forward to being a looked after dad in a few more years8 points
8 points
I'm about 30/40 miles away from GM,I found him a gentleman, genuine and no bull shitter,looking for attention..travelled and met an old couple,the old boy was an ex keeper,went out to where they had, had sightings...looked about,found a few interesting bits and bobs...It opened my eyes to the possibility that they are roaming our countryside...not huge numbers,but around 50/60 individuals,and they travel to breed Few folks I know and trust impeccably have told me they have seen them, they are not the sorts to go shouting shit and making things up...I used to dig on a farm up in mid Wale7 points
6 points
It was only last week that I moaned about the amount of tax I pay every week.. But after what happened to me last Friday. and in my eyes the 1st class service I received from the ambulance paramedics and stoke University hospital..I was in theater in just over 5 mins upon arrival to the hospital.. I won't moan again about how much tax I pay..as my contribution and everyone else's is what allows the NHS to exist.. And what struck me lying on the bed wide awake in the theater with the surgeon working on me and the occasional vocal direction of a professor in the corner of the room6 points
6 points
yes mate my eldest just had hers she’s done well got grades she needs to be accepted for her college course she’s happy as larry lol6 points
Here is Noah in Genesis loading the Ark before the floods....".Hark!!!! see how the Bullx avoids the sheep and gives chase to bigger game!!!" We need him in the ark.... And so it has always been...6 points
My lad got his University results a few weeks back, he got a 2:1 Upper Second-Class Honours in biology , second to top grade available, he starts a teaching internship for a year at a local high school after the summer holidays, he hopes to climb the teaching ladder up to university lecturer and beyond. We are made up for him5 points
5 points
Never really understood why anyone would put that type of dog into a pet home environment....to me it just shows a basic lack of understanding of dogs in general......sad state of play when peoples ego's get the better of their common sense.5 points
It was great to meet new people, thank you for making me and Mrs so welcome. I can't remember the last time I laughed so much, thanks to you all. Just to add I felt very secure with reg on patrol lol4 points
I’d expect them to be professional… they do great jobs … but they aren’t hero’ anymore than farmers … without witch you wouldn’t be here because you’d have no food …. what did you expect … yo … Bert throw me another haribo and I’ll see if I can catch it in my mouth …. It’s a operating theatre… . Not all your tax goes there … you pay the policeman that welcomes the migrants onto the beach and gives them a blanket paid for by you …..4 points
4 points
Brill mate, my daughter got A in criminology. She's been to view Loughborough and Durham university, she's hoping to get in to Durham.4 points
As usual, fabulous weekend with some great food, drink, fishing and craic. Would have been nice to see a few more THL members there but well done with the £1400 from limited resources. Thanks to all at the fishery, all who helped out, the new faces for coming along and joining in, Sean C for being MC, all who contributed prizes or bought stuff, and Kev for cooking and being Mr.36 hours in a day and anyone I've missed out! Cheers, D.4 points
I seen 1 in 1985 when I was 15 out lamping and can remember it like yesterday,this is when it was a big thing on the news and in the northern echo.The Durham puma,4 of us stood looking at it and 1 was a grown adult in his late 20s.I put it down to the right place right time plus there was no mobile phones around then of I would of got a cracking video of it.4 points
4 points
Just keep in mind he isn’t trying to make any point, he is just writing stuff to provoke reactions and then you can choose to engage or ignore any of it as you see fit mate.4 points
I’ve got more important things on my mind than the state of the nation just now, it’s hatching time and I’m up and down like an expectant father ! Cheers.4 points
Funny enough on my way to Norfolk as I got there I stopped off at Swaffham Heath for a mooch at about 2pm. Got to the park up and was about 6 cars all with blokes in just sat there. Had a hours walk , seen 2 roe then when I got back to car . All of them still sat there in there cars, didn't look like any of them had dogs so we're not dog walkers , maybe sight see,ers in vans. Then my spidey sence started tingling with sqeal piggy sqeal ! I thought could be a fruit bumming spot. So got the he'll out of dodge and headed to my next spot to mooch lol.4 points
Taxation is a very good idea when used fairly. Now if we stopped using it to fund anti-congestion measures in Kuala Lumpur, flood prevention in Mexico City or the all-female Chinese opera in Shanghai and lets not forget the £8million plus per day on the holiday inn mob we may be seeing things a bit differently in this country.4 points
At least it only mangled the silly c**t that owned it and not some poor innocent kid minding their own business.I wonder how many times he said the ban on XLs was terrible or there's no suck thing as bad dogs blah blah blah4 points
Sorry mate no likes left as usual. I have met GM at the fishing comp a real Countryman and a gent. I have never seen one myself but I have Farmers Friends and mates that have seen the some very close as you said not bull shitters. Never went to the press never recorded them never shouted about it just would give an account if asked. I 100% believe all of them. What I would say is most of the accounts are around 20years ago but one was about three years ago. Cheers Arry4 points
I just work along the premise that if the attacker was home grown white then you're told before his arse hits the cells. If they don't tell you ?, well I'll let everyone work that out. Not 100% fullproof I know but tends to be the case usually.3 points
So all we've done is gone around in circles as now I'm going to say exactly what I said on the other thread but more bluntly, stop pissing the UK tax payers money up a wall. Tax Bezos 99% and you and I would still be exactly the same, wages would be the same, we'd still have to wait 6 months for a doctors appointment etc etc, the only change would be Amazon would sod off out of the UK and 75,000 people would be out of a job. And you still haven't defined rich or poor ?3 points
3 points
Fact of the matter is, that old lady don’t matter any more…….nobody outside “the narrative” does.3 points
I can’t be bothered to cover all the rediculous shite you right it’s more and more obvious what a mong you are, to document these small populations costs thousands has the finances and support of governments and researchers working full time, here there are a small number of amateurs self funded trying to live there lives and fit it in in there spare time plus a government that doesn’t want to admit what they have done or face the issue, and lastly who the f**k do you think you are that I would waste my time setting up an internet interview for a total walloper that cant be arsed to make a two3 points
We produce less than 1% of the worlds carbon , but we are spending billions to make ourselves colder and poorer and destroying our manufacturing base. When we reach “Net Zero” it won’t make one iota of difference to the climate. We are spending billions of pounds on overseas aid, money that we are borrowing and paying interest on, and it won’t make one iota of difference to world poverty. Why are we doing this ? I haven’t a clue. Cheers.3 points
David Cameron passed into law that we give .7% of our GDP in overseas aid ; Why ? Evidently the money we give to the likes of the Chinese Opera and the Ethiopian Spice Girls is because if there’s any money left in the overseas aid budget it has to be spent so they cast around looking where they can give it away ! Bit like the local council, spending all their budget just before the end of the financial year. There shouldn’t be ANY overseas aid budget, in my opinion, it should be added to the defence budget and used on a case by case situation in response do disaster relief. Chee3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
3 points
There is no purpose for them.Theyre just that a status symbol for f**king wallys.3 points
This is Willow, another of myersbg's pups. 29in tts & 35 kg. I wouldn't swap her for anything.3 points
Great weekend again lads, thanks to everyone for making it what it is. Raised close to £1400, so another good effort from a bunch of hairy assed hunters sat round a camp fire... Thanks to Mary, Niramah and Graeme for laying it all on again and making everyone so welcome.. Thanks to everyone who attended across the weekend bringing prizes, money for the kitty etc, it's appreciated even if you can't stay all weekend.. The 12 months recovery before we do it again has began...cheers lads!3 points
Must admit, I'm not involved in any of the big cat groups or on Facebook or anything, but I certainly wouldn't mind travelling wherever it is to one of these pub evenings where people that have had sightings are willing to have a chat with you and perhaps show you things in person that will never make it onto the Internet. I bet they're decent little sessions in a nice country pubs listening to folks recount their sightings whilst having a nice sup.3 points
My mate does strawberry vodka to make French 76 cocktails, we used to all make sloe gin for a little warmer when we stop for elevenses, but we now take turns doing it and it’s getting out of hand, this was my effort last season, I did the first day to set the standard ( lol )3 points
Exactly mate it's just a down wards spiral and there too tired and dumbed down to actually take a step back and realise if you break it down to simple terms and step out side the box and look in life's simple In reality Surround yourself with good people a roof over your head and some good food .... the rest are just modern day luxuries2 points
He also won “Player of the Week” at a coaching course here last year; Hopefully the next time he is sitting here he’ll be signing his first contract for Newcastle ! LOL ! Cheers.2 points
How is it though your taxed on just about every single thing in life just about ... it's a bull shit and brainwashed answer .... if the taxes were really all that important and wasn't for sheer greed they wouldn't be squandering it left right and centre how much money was sent to Ukraine ? millions ? Billions ? That's just one example of a small slice of the cake that there throwing away How much money would it take to get the uk back up to a reputable standard of living ?2 points
I am at a loss as to what purpose these xl bully's have been created for tbh bar some sort of status symbol. What are they any good for bar turning dog food into shit. Surely there is more stable breeds of dogs for guarding or protection work.2 points
Out over looking for Rabbits for the start of ferreting. View of my home town. Cheers Arry2 points