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Chaff last won the day on March 6

Chaff had the most liked content!

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3,433 Excellent

About Chaff

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Either way you got to respect people's medical choices. Time will tell
  2. New pack member dot the the merl dashound ?, she 9 months. Given to me after mates marriage went tits.
  3. Is this right... ? 4 million votes for Reform. And they get 4 seats. 3.5 million votes for Lib Dem And they get 71 seats.
  4. Return offer here for you mate That Wye was a bit up and down back in November, I bet it's lush all along that stretch now.
  5. Locked up clutches and back wind old school lol No good when your attached to a 20ft tree traveling at a rate of knots though. Be good to get across to have a another go on the Wye again mate without the floods and minus temps lol
  6. I was offered this the other day by my aunt really tempted nice bit of furniture
  7. Then you go and ruin it all with a carping session of bivvy grub lol
  8. Chaff


    True mate personally 10 yards max for me and 10mm lead it's all over quite quick. I was also a black widow owner and that raised the bar above the alloy milbro .
  9. Well it started of with some leaves across the top then she back from school and I say finish that and put in oven. I had bitumen on the boil for shed roof and ....lol
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