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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. thankfully the north east lads knew dogs and bred some world beaters from the blood and still some with it thats killing today generations of hare killers
  2. here scotty a snippet from russ who bred eve remember he ran that black every week for years mate knew were the strong hares are 5 mins in normal to him
  3. double dan bitch x pure saluki i think descent bitch i thought that run that hare was descent 3 min run but i can remeber thinking she looked tired after on vid but may been he 3rd
  4. i wouldn’t say faster run faster maybe and can stay but not many can stay like them salukis mate just my opinion mate that fast classy style is quality but they change style for a few week a year they have to were a saluki one like it is the style for them few week if you get me i like both
  5. no im mean coursing dogs mate but yes like you say the original crosses were doubled etc and still not a patch not many today could go run for run with one a the good salukis on open land winter mate they were known for been bottomless
  6. i mean they were out daily not always the same dog a well looked after dog is just that mate plenty looked after them same as loads now dont flees worms etc rife still aint it mid say the dogs are more stylish now
  7. a good saluki worth weight in gold today aye but watching them there things to look for lol
  8. but again rio how many are pure in country there from ? just lines a running dog to me really mate how did that pure you had run compared to coursing breds mate
  9. that goes on mate especially with pures doesnt it like my feathered bitch pure mother i go back pure now line breed off them there pure really aint they
  10. it’s differnet lines of the same blood though mate and some have it tight still and all the traits of russ eve stuff is still shining bright today so is the bulldozer line with the original plough on style of them salukis
  11. that’s it mate only craic scotty they were at it a lot more then now we are mate and dogs shot and fines everyday were a lot more common you didn’t need to be caught on the land just seen and you’d get a summons
  12. russ is were the classy style comes from that boxing knowing everything the hares doing getting them to walking pace setting them up the footwork (tomo) lol
  13. here’s what russ rowley put he had prince a pure late 70s thats eves sire thats saluki bloods in merlin aswell russ had seen the pures and had a half cross of me old man called blue that smith ended up with a famous dog smiths blue
  14. differnet styles of dog now maybe more pleasing in the eye but not better for numbers
  15. i dont me dogs aint a patch on what he had men mentioned in the book i can go out with now 60s has birds knows plenty and whats about now aint best he seen
  16. here chalky white willie tuffs mate willie had few dogs off me old man this will be early eighty’s still coursing matching decade before this
  17. one minute mate i’ll get what the manc lads put were dogs come from first bit i put up was geoff ogden massive influence in coursing one the early ones telling you were the single handed dogs come from
  18. that luke and ginger french called his luke the dog was that well known or wait im aint that the saluki in razor ? lol
  19. when you’ve been dead 40 year 1986 and men from all over the country mention you in books thats better than a statue mate and the blood is still killing hares today is even better lol here’s another snippet another man other side a country to last 60now and a teenager at school at the time bit be for the year 2000 that lol the dog luke here was off his pure luke the best he ever
  20. man wouldnt of of dread out all over with a deerhound providing the grub mate lol
  21. and thats a decade or so after lads been matching none stop
  22. few thousand years before lol i dont need to say it lol men have who were there lived it breathed it have they know more than me here’s what one put mate
  23. the first farmland ever was the fertile crescent wasnt it ? what dog was hunting arable land since there was arable land lol
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