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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/01/24 in all areas

  1. Why would Russia invade us? Because our elites keep telling you they might? The same elites that told all those young men that they were giving up their lives for 'freedom and democracy'? Or the same elites that tell us china are the new bogey men, while making us reliant on China. Invasion by Russia . Three quarters of a million Africans and Muslims paddled across the channel last year.....and we are worrying about Putin invading 5 billion in military aid to Ukraine in 2 years when there isn't a single navy vessel patroling the channel and securing our southern border
    14 points
  2. I occasionally find myself grappling with waves of regret when contemplating the countless photographs lost to the relentless march of time—precious memories callously snatched away. A profound sense of loss envelops me. Yet, in those moments, I summon the strength to shake my head, exhale, and attribute it all to the capricious hand of fate. The undeniable truth is that my mindset has undergone a profound transformation, prompting me to consider that perhaps this loss, painful as it may be, is ultimately for the best. Nevertheless, I empathize deeply with the joy and satisfaction th
    12 points
  3. What an absolute insult to what the para bg did on that island , no other soldiers in the world were capable of doing that
    11 points
  4. Late 80s, this dog was beddy whippet greyhound mix. He was used for Rabbit hare roe and the odd fox on the lamp. British telecom ex fleet metro
    11 points
  5. Quite easy, not a dinghies chance in a storm, the enemy is within, the left, weirdos, royals, just about everything wrong with society today, nahhh ill leave it to the anarchists, protestors and the royal family to sort out as they are all the 1 club, if the leaders of this nation are not prepared to stick up for us natives, then dont expect us natives to fight for you, on top of that, whilst the white men are away fighting the gimmiegrants are here raping, murdering their way to take over the society, for the white survivors to come back to that hell hole as 3rd class peoples, nahhhh fcuk tha
    9 points
  6. we've been trying to fight for our country for some years but not in the way the people at the top want,now they want the people at the bottom to fight to protect what the people at the top have
    9 points
  7. bk from morning out for a brekkie
    8 points
  8. This exactly. Bunch of dirty Turks now opened a barber in our village and Joe rakis taken over the greengrocers.....both have a line of customers out the door. This would be fine if it wasn't the same bunch of blokes who rant for hours on end about immigration. When pulled up on it they say 'me not going won't make any difference'. No I wouldn't fight for a country that has made it clear that everything about me isn't wanted.
    8 points
  9. I had a semi on reading that.
    7 points
  10. My old 3/4 bred border beardie lamping dog
    7 points
  11. It is, and the hares there can only be caught by white/cream curly tailed dogs with big ears
    6 points
  12. Hit the nail on the head there ! Not just pics, but years of memories of old dogs, mad nights out, good solid old friends who have sadly past away or old acquaintances who i have lost touch with in my tatty old picture albums. Worth more than money to me them tatty old albums !!!
    6 points
  13. When all the MPs and civil servants send all their lads between 16 and 40 I'll be behind them in the queue....
    6 points
  14. I think a sad reality that very few people would be willing to acknowledge is that most of us normal blokes would readily fight with and for each other.......but not for the place our lands have become and the people who would benefit from our possible demise.
    5 points
  15. If you are into this stuff, you will find parallel after parallel between the methods employed by the Nazi regime and the methods being employed today by our own governments. State rules on Speech, literature, art, broadcast and film, state monitoring, checkpoints, media created to reinforce “the message”, a skint economy turning to conflict as a means of diversion and production, using those conflicts to grab land……it’s all there in plain sight.
    5 points
  16. And a lefty….f**k me mate, you’d have been up the chimney before you could say “comrade Corbyn” ! Lol
    5 points
  17. and that kids is what we strive for when conditioning a mutt pristine
    4 points
  18. Saluki saturated coursing bred bitch
    4 points
  19. the wee dog at the back was a first x collie greyhound first class on deer
    4 points
  20. As far as I'm concerned I am fighting for my country. Every time I teach my kids to be racially aware, every time I go see polititions and tell em what I think, every time I marched with nationalist groups and every donation I make to PA
    4 points
  21. Changing of the guard ! Deer/grey pup being introduced to the old bitch. Cheers.
    4 points
  22. Pissed on everyone's chips....silly cnuts all sold a dreamthought they be making thousands,peddling litters out of their 'Rentadogs,' wonder how many of these breeders are taking back the shite they been breeding,and will do the right thing???
    4 points
  23. you need insurance 25 pound a year you have to spay or neuter them and muzzle them in public,my daughter has one and shes just about to be spayed so not great expense you would of thought a small price to pay to keep your dog considering what they were selling for
    4 points
  24. Like all of you, my immediate ancestors all fought….my grandad in WW1……my dad, 5 of my uncles, my mums dad in WW2. My mums 2 older sisters were land army girls. I went to join myself as a junior but an extremely bad (but true) letter from my head of year in school telling them I’d been expelled and everything leading up to it put pay to that. By the time I was 18 I was too busy earning a living and generally having a good time but I still harboured feelings of deep patriotism and can hand on heart say I’d not have thought twice if it had come to a call up…….but no more, I have b
    4 points
  25. The same beddy whippet grey again I remember taking the odd daytime hare on small fields with him.
    4 points
  26. Mid 90s This dog is no relation to what I have now he was a beardie border mix, good on roe but lacked on the bigger deer. I remember this one well but not because of the good action more like lack of it, a short run and then he bounced off a gate, a nice big buck though.
    4 points
  27. Modern camera's and digital photography are crystal clear. There is something I love about old pictures though, maybe its the history and memories that come threw on them that seems to draw you in? keep them coming
    4 points
  28. Back in the day when me and a mate used to do a bit on deer and the odd times we went for fallow with our saluki hybreds with a bit of collie and bedlington in their make up that were decent dogs on roe daytime both of us were in agreement that bull blooded lurchers would be a better prospect for fallow and bigger deer i know my types would have not lived with joes dogs on fallow despite catching a few though non of them bucks.
    4 points
  29. We have an Indian priminister The mayor of our capital city is a Pakistani Muslim The Royal family has apparently protected nonces? This is the country my old boy served 27yrs for? No thanks mate, call all you want, I won't be coming. I will be ensuring I have sufficient arms to protect my own. Call the f***ing Muslims instead.
    4 points
  30. More tracking for the shooting clowns
    4 points
  31. Only if it was against our own government.
    4 points
  32. Nah I'll leave it to all the warriors that rock up in dinghies every day !
    4 points
  33. I found it quite a thought provoking question. There was a time I would have instantly answered the call to arms. The country and government were not perfect but is any? The last Labour government changed that in my opinion. They were the ones who began to break this broken Britain and subsequent Conservatives have done nothing to fix it, the opposite in fact. Broke the country even more. Would I now answer the call? Well, I am slightly passed my prime but as it is a theoretical question I had to think about it. Would I want to fight to protect what this country has become? Probably not.
    3 points
  34. Dripping in 4 star like a pakis sister at a nightclub ! Lol
    3 points
  35. Its a story ive told quite a few times over the years its usually met with either a giggle and a " awww poor woman " or a frown and a " you horrible b*****d "...........must admit its never been met with a " i got a semi listening to that " so id book Dido as a particularly disturbed chap .....you probably would of got on quite well with her mate
    3 points
  36. russia ain’t ever going to invade this shitty little island or anyone else for that matter all any country has to do is sit back smile at our own ruining the c**t
    3 points
  37. One of the nuttiest birds i ever encountered years ago was a high flying sales rep for a fashion magazine,really attractive sort she was.....this was before womens boxing was a thing but over the years ive often thought back and this lunatic im positive could of been a world champion !.....i was knocking about with her for a few months back in the late 90's,the writing was on the wall early on when during sex she would ask me to hit her ......having never laid my hands on a woman in that way in my life plus being a big strong aggressive chap in them days i was none too comfortable about doing
    3 points
  38. It just about sums up the type of characters attracted to this breed.....when the Pit bull laws came out in 91 the quality of the dogs left actually improved as the act and the risks involved in keeping them separated the dedicated fanciers from the idiots....i cant see these XL things surviving more than a few years as a breed let alone improving !
    3 points
  39. Pick it up you dosser
    3 points
  40. There are some pretty damning vids popping up on youtube from ex service men that are commenting on how poorly they have been treated since leaving the service and how they would never re enlist. With regard your comments on the poppy another shocking thing is the RBL have over 70 million quid in their account at anyone time just imagine how many ex-service personnel and their families that could help?
    3 points
  41. you put this then you say please gooey give it a rest once i start replying pissy pants ffs lol
    3 points
  42. A member of my family was a WW2 widow with 5 kids. She received a pittance of a pension and was treated like absolute shit when she asked for additional social security. Coincidentally she had a hole in her roof courtesy of the luftwaffe during the Manchester and Salford blitz. I remember visiting her when I was 4 in 1954 , the whole street was a bomb site and the hole was still there. All the upstairs rooms and the stairs were ringing wet. She still had to pay rent ffs. Thanks a lot government and f**k you.
    3 points
  43. yes if i was needed i would , but at 70 if they need old fkrs like me we are in deep shite ..
    3 points
  44. I remember this fella being quite evasive I worked him out and got onto him in the end though.
    3 points
  45. So nobody feels they have a stake in the country. Nobody thinks the country is worth fighting for. Everybody feels alienated from government and state. Most feel the government is the enemy not the solution. Interesting times ahead I think. But what's the alternative? Answers on a postcard.
    3 points
  46. Had a coffee earlier then walked through the park,saw a few egret and parakeets.
    3 points
  47. There are plenty of shades of grey in such a conversation because there are way too many shallow, childish people of both sexes on both sides of the equation. I just think if you are propping up the bar 4 nights a week and then going home to the family and your Mrs is treating you like shit then I don’t really blame her, grow up !….the time for being 20 was when you were f***ing 20 ! Likewise, if you shack up with a bird and it’s clear she don’t want to play grown ups then don’t have a baby and hope it will all be OK, don’t waste your time having a ruck 3 times a week, just say
    3 points
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