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mr moocher

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About mr moocher

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Interests
    ,hunting and family

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  1. Diamonds are formed in the earths crust as magma rises diamonds are pusheed up so id say they are very old
  2. i just read they dated it from early magma
  3. Sorry francii i should of said not all
  4. Modern religion is full of peverts who hide behind god yy
  5. imo religion as we know it was created to control the masses im not saying there is no god i believe theree. Is
  6. The evidence says between 2to3 and a half billion years ago
  7. The continents were formed long time ago way before 10,000years ago thats bollicks
  8. when i was younger i was a bit of a lunatic i have calmed down as ive got older ive foud a inner peace whhich works for me
  9. I bellieve in a higher being,i was raised as a christiian,i like the ten comandments,what my god is im not sure but i believe theres an afterlife it brings me a inner peace
  10. My daughter was offered good money to go to the states but. She turned it down because shed miss family and i could not visit hope she has no regrets shes the head of her department and on good money shes got a serious boyfriend now so maybe for the best
  11. i know some one took a lot diazepan they they was out for three days right as rain. Affter
  12. my little bulldog bitch ate a space cake she was on her back tongue flopped out it was scary she was f****d my boy left the cake by his bed and the greedy little c**t ate it
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