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See the scruffy leader of the opposition boycotted the banquet and refused to meet Trump, along with the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan. Corbyn and Khan are a Fecking disgrace and should show some respect for a democratic leader of a foreign state and a long standing ally. But of course they don't believe in Democracy. Cheers Arry9 points
well its been a lovely evening in sunny Yorkshire tonight.. far to nice for doing the job I've been on with so I thought sod it I'm going out shooting with the boys ultra! the side line and the boy earning his pocket money to pay for said ultra the little ultra is perfect for round the barns and fields with stock in them.. the impact might be a tad to much this is what the paddock looked like on arrival... loads of untouchables and a fair few field wreckers that need thinning out!! they have caused loads of damage and its only a matter of time before something ha8 points
6 points
I'm neutral as far as Trump is concerned, but too insult the US by not meeting their President shows no diplomacy. He hoping to be a leader of this UK and refuses to meet the head of state of the US are closest ally is in my view madness. Not fit for purpose. Cheers Arry6 points
6 points
well done beany, I bred a litter from a very good fast first cross saluki greyhound bitch that I bred myself, I put her to a top class open race dog, and kept two bitches back one killed its self at a year old running into something and the other at about four doing the same, they could kill a hare in a bend or two and looked awesome, but they had no wind, and their feet were shocking, I put the same bitch to a well known pure saluki and got fast feathered pups, the bitch I kept was a five out of five bitch, and was at home on any land was never injured and lived to 15.5 points
I bet billionaire President most powerful man in the world Donald Trump is gutted ! Lol5 points
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4 points
Still a lot of money Mitch but do you think its worth it stupid question really . but i do like the synthetic one mind yours is gun porn i need some tissues ? I all ways wondered why you do not go shooting with your spring rifles im with rez on this now i know after groups like that some of us have it and some dont well on marks words practice and practice some more you wil get there in the end ? atvbjimmy4 points
4 points
Well done that woman,and those plod are bully-boy fools pandering to the lefties,they were straight on her,pity their reaction speed to real crimes is measured in days rather than seconds.4 points
Surely there should be a notice of protest against his ignorance, how can he say he represents the uk whenever he goes against our cultural ties with the USA and acts like a big shot with cocknose Khan. They do not represent anything about me. The president of the USA deserves to be shown a bit of respect.4 points
your probably right mate but its up to us as parents and role models to show and learn the younger generation the way of the country side the need for pest control that's why id have no hesitation take youngsters out and showing them the ropes as long as they where polite respectable and want to lean ask any my kids about pest control and what hounds terriers and so on are used for they will be able to tell you and about the need for them in the countryside and the two older ones don't hunt or have any interest4 points
What’s everyone held onto this year? I’m keeping back two hobs and will pick up one more from new blood.. here’s our silver and a little sandy.4 points
Well , yours truly is off on his last holiday before the birds come , off to sunny Dorset , or maybe not so sunny ? The good lady wanted to do some baking and so I was sent to see my mate at the free range poultry farm and get a couple of trays of eggs . No money changes hands for my fox control , he says “don’t go buying eggs , you can have as many as you want” , and I hold him to it . All my family and neighbors never buy eggs . But the tight git doesn’t give me grade A eggs they are the rejects , the odd shaped shells or gritty shells , but they taste the same I suppose. Anyway , I digress4 points
Same litter would be split into Kerry Blue, Wheaton and Irish, the B&T could pass as Irish back then. The RED coat came later. Irish Terrier 1910 Kerry Blue/ Wheaton were trialled up to the 60's. and some later but the working numbers were not being produced. The Staffs became the dog of choice. (Love the way the staff in the centre is waiting his chance to cling that Kerry Blue.)4 points
What a couple of weeks this has been. Got a little break barrel, the wife decides it is hers. Then when we are getting it fixed (low pressure in sealed unit ram), she decides that really an afternoon with a break barrel will make life unbearable (got a bad skin complaint and it will inflame and crack the skin under the arms). A PCP is of course the answer and one of my old ones is still sitting in a gun shop, unscoped, for £300! She does not want to pay that. Especially for a secondhand gun. She wants new. So she says "I want to go to Pellpax!" Struck me as a bit strange then she sends me3 points
Breeding any dog is a gamble the first x saluki x usually throughs a aggressive killers saying that I've only seen two one my own not the best hare dog but loved teeth very full on the other a terrier mans dog that seen as many foxes and heavy teeth as any bull x I've seen two brothers 3/4 grey deerhounds and one couldent blow wind in the others arse the good one killed thousands hares my mate owned him sadly he was killed his father was a good allround dog kill anything I only make one decision in breeding is never breed of a coward and you usually wont go wrong breed for yourself not other3 points
3 points
LWho said the old bill weren't on the ball when it comes to knife crime , they had that old bird a bit lively!! The drug gangs will be shitting when they see this ..zero tollerance ; well done the mayor ....?3 points
be interesting to know just how good they were honestly, I tell it how it is and in my view the ones I bred were not good enough, the dam to my first cross bitch was open race, and had produced open race class dogs, before I got her, the dog I used was a dog called bank tunnel a very good open race dog by all accounts.3 points
3 points
The weasel won’t wear a poppy... what chance has the hamster got?? the mans a waste of fcukin space?3 points
Them ejits didn't mind meeting the Chinese premier or the Saudi royality, hypocrites3 points
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3 points
From 1892 to his death Tommy had a mixture of all types of terriers. White, Border/ lakey types, smooth/Rough. Like any huntsman, Good working terriers are hard to come by, back then and now. Use what works.3 points
Thanks to vislauk for putting me on to it and a big thank you to philpot and Trish for picking it up for me and meeting me at brid just need to bolt it all down now and collect my rifles from the rfd,s had a good week end with the wife and a cracking night out with si well lads thats the first step done for my fac just need the paper work now atvbjimmy2 points
Should be with me in the next few days . came into ASI Last Friday,also spoken to airfective yesterday, they told me expect 60 ft/lbs with 25gr pellet and 70 ft/lbs 34 gr pellet if I up the reg a bit and it will run so smooth at those figures2 points
got a feeling our jimmy will be engrossed in full size hd porn tonight on his super new 55" tv you had a nod from Asi yet Mitch?!2 points
little scope for a little gun.. I like the panorama for the field of view and there sound during the day but sh1t when the light starts fading!! can shoot with the endurance till its almost pitch black. find out what length the pistol geeks recons best for the spring and take a few photos of the guides and sizes and I knock a few bits up for it2 points
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2 points
Apart from them having no wind bad feet and killing umsens willy nilly I heard the were good dogs2 points
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2 points
Steptoe is ok meeting terrorists and our mayor likes terrorists too fkn crazy world M A G A. And fk the Eu , and as for the big demo up town well it didn’t happen proper washout out barley a thousand lazy scruffy cnd cnts lol ??????????????????????????2 points
Doing a bit for Adidas now. Doing alright for playing about on a bike all day ?2 points
All 11 present and correct. Mum is an absolute trooper. Started them on solids, kitten milk mixed with cat food or soaked kibble. Will try them on some minced up rabbit this weekend. Shes holding on in there, I’m just giving her extra meat and food so she’s ticking along.2 points
I quite like the theory of this, and there was a chap looking at foxhound crosses, but we must not forget that these things are not new, and have been abandoned for a reason, what that reason is I don't know, but when saluki's first started being crossed into lurchers something happened that that made them the ultimate hare dog, and we still have them, labs took over from flatcoats, for a reason, and the minority spaniel breads have been left behind for a reason.2 points
2 points
I would think a well bred athletic first cross lab/greyhound would be more deserving of the title lurcher than quite a few dogs out there.2 points
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