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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/03/24 in Posts

  1. 9 points
  2. Local cafe under new management be rude not to give it a go
    9 points
  3. I gorged myself yesterday so just a snack dinner today...wagu burger
    8 points
  4. defrosted the thursday leftovers and added some loverly sweetheart cabbage ...with butter...pepper...and a squeeze of lemon to turbo-charge it.........................really hit the spot
    8 points
  5. Broccoli and leek frittata for dinner today
    8 points
  6. Toad in da hole tonight
    7 points
  7. Dirty Chinese ..
    6 points
  8. Good Friday Caribbean fish dinner.Escovitch fish,Ackee and salt fish,steamed cabbage,fried dumplings and the mandatory plaintain and home made coleslaw.
    6 points
  9. Well f**k all that eggs with a bit of lettuce at a pony a pop, used to be a caravan in a lay-by on Pembury bypass near Tunbridge Wells, old boy looked like Abe Lincoln and his Mrs ran it. 18oz Cumberland sausage stick, 3 big Cumberland sausages in a nice fresh French stick….plenty of black pepper, just the right among of brown sauce and onions at a whisker away from burnt…..best roll you have ever eaten !
    5 points
  10. Was playing with the new build. Was a bit of a pain walking the new target and stand out but not too bad
    5 points
  11. Mrs has taken in a foster dog from local charity as she knew id be happy to have it around. The pup has apparently been locked in a create since birth (thats what they have been told) currently estimated to be around 5 months old, emaciated and scared of people but loves other dogs and not fazed by kids at all. She is now getting more confident around us though and allowing us to stroke her and not bolting everytime we move. Her diet mainly consisted of white bread according to people who bred her so first thing we have done is get her on some decent food and try build her up. She could h
    4 points
  12. Bruce, possibly the most successful working rescue dog ? Cheers.
    4 points
  13. If lads are keen and can do a bit if they can get there foot in the door somewhere on work experience they'll stand out from the dossers and got a good chance of getting started.
    4 points
  14. Can always do English and maths at college mate that’s what I did when I left school I left with no grades couldn’t get a apprenticeship and couldn’t get on a mechanic’s course my first year I did English maths and information technology I done electronics an woodwork to fill the gaps in lessons throughout the week then welding in the evening for the first year by the second year I got on a mechanic course as my grades were correct probably about 8month in to the course I had to get work experience in a garage wasn’t long in to the work experience that the garage wanted to take me on as a appr
    4 points
  15. Seen 1 one night out lamping when I was 15 now I’m 54 and can still remember it like yesterday.At the time it was a big thing on the tv about the Durham puma.There was 4 of us 1 was a adult man his son and sons mate,I’m not bothered who believes me or not as 4 of us can’t come up with the same story and I put it down to the right place right time.
    4 points
  16. I did a horrendous faux pas once,I was about 18 and fresh out of Sunderland where my definition of fine dining was an egg on my beans and chips. in Paris in a resto and the waiter put a saucer with a small bowl of clear liquid a slice of lemon,and a napkin beside me,I thought “Ah,Clearwater soup?” So I squeezed the lemon into the bowl and drank the finger bowl.
    4 points
  17. And he's a self-righteous cnut an all, but Daniel has a lovely wee voice so he has.
    4 points
  18. Well a bought the wife a pair of bully's for her bday. I've helped her out showing her how to condition them & she's done well. At first the pair was chasing each other about. And the wife was disheartened abit thinking they wouldn't pair. A told her it takes time correct amount of seed plenty of time spent with them. Anyway a told her to separate the cock bird for a full day yesterday and this morning introduced him back into the flight. And soon as he went in space of 5 mins this happened. The hen went to him not him chasing her. So the wife has done well I'm proud of her.
    3 points
  19. Little kx is whooped 🥲down on compression to much wringing its neck! I was going to wait a while an finish collecting all the bits to do a race themed build but looks like it’ll be getting fully stripped over the next week
    3 points
  20. “Aye, it’s Dave, winning 3-1….now what do I do ?”
    3 points
  21. It improves the water shedding, but it never really dries, so don’t put it anywhere you are going to come into contact with it or it’ll ruin your clothes.
    3 points
  22. And some afters, Orange ripple, Mint chocolate chip and Rum and raisins
    3 points
  23. I've done similar - thought "when in Rome..." and started dipping my king prawns into the lemon water
    3 points
  24. Mate I can relate to this got a daughter in college now she’s not taking it seriously we had a word with her last week she said ok this week the last 2 days she was meant to be in college before braking up for Easter she decided she didn’t want to go in I get emails from college saying absent when I spoke to her she told me none of her mates went in then started giving me a load of shit about what she feels me an my misses went scorched earth at her I told her a few nasty home truths that she didn’t like I also told her I’ll be taking the phone I pay for I spoke to my old man (dad) her grandda
    3 points
  25. I also think that the powerful lamps that came out in the 80s like the Qbeam sealed unit made lamping hare's up a lot easier than the smaller lamps that were about. I look back now and think it was a shame to lamp such a creature as the brown hare and daytime on it's own terms with a running dog behind it is the only fitting way this animal should meet it's end.
    3 points
  26. No my missus made it.Her dads Jamaican and her mum was Bajan.She cooks a lot of authentic West Indian meals especially around religious holidays
    3 points
  27. Quick walk for the pup in between the showers n lad had his ferret out for a walk too ha
    3 points
  28. Kept it simple, smoked leg of lamb, fondant potatoes, grilled asparagus .
    3 points
  29. Dear lads. Gentlemen all. I've been out of the shooting Arena for a long time. Over 6 years now. The reason was failing eyesight due to onsetting cataracts and general degradation of my eyesight due to age. I'm 66 now. This meant I could no longer focus my scopes to shoot to a high standard of accuracy. As I am a professional artist and illustrator this has been a very worrying time for my career and my shooting has had to take a long backseat. Imagine trying to shoot a 30 yard group with totally unfocused scopes and the target blurred and you have an idea what it's been like. Howev
    2 points
  30. Amazingly it still runs but lumpy as hell the revs hang up like it had a air leak ticks over like crap then cuts out I first thought crank seal was bad and drawing in air I’m guessing the only reason it runs with 50psi is because it ain’t got a conventional carburettor im using a lectron meter rod jetless carb on it so it’s self adjusting so would just dump the amount of fuel an air to run it. The gauge is a fresh un only used twice when I first put the bike together I’m sure it had about 160psi might have had a little more
    2 points
  31. I recognise that exact table, Bb
    2 points
  32. Let me know how you get on with it please mate and how much you payed for it thinking of buying on for season coming atb longers01
    2 points
  33. The food you two cook looks top notch seemly there’s a job going on the hairy bikers you should get your names down
    2 points
  34. I lived in leith forty years ago for a bit . Sounds like it changed a bit. I got stabbed, smaked on head with iron bar put my eye out it's socket, saw neighbours in flat above go past window when they both jumped, and saw plenty blood piss and puke in the landing. Can't remember a fish restraunt
    2 points
  35. Only tried it out on the back garden and gone through the settings so will know better when I get out with it.
    2 points
  36. That's what he's doing in his college course mate and has come on a lot better since a few other students have left as he was getting a bit led on with them aswell as stern words from my daughter and his father he is starting to knuckle down plus I gave him an ear bashing about him not taking his college course seriously and not learning a trade to end up like me at 63 working my guts out in a low paid boring mundane job.
    2 points
  37. Enjoying abit of sun
    2 points
  38. Always lump wood mate , any lump wood , don't use briquettes., it'll last if you have control of air enjoy
    2 points
  39. Dirty noncing c@nt
    2 points
  40. I read your post out to the son in law today who's a welder though the daughter gave him a dirty look when I got to the part about Canadian woman. Lol . He has just been offered a job up Carlisle way on £500 a day though it means working away and the grandson is doing really well at college learning welding and engineering according to the tutors feedback they got from a parents meeting they had last week I just wish he could have got a proper apprenticeship but due to him not doing too well in English and maths in his exams has let him down.
    2 points
  41. Sod the Fish. Im had steak tonight. Cheers Arry
    2 points
  42. this is a picture of cain taken today hes twelve mths on the six of next mth thanks for looking
    2 points
  43. Dido. I,ve said it many times, in different context, on here. Melrose is the place to go in the Scottish Borders. I was born there and schooled there never mind playing rugby on the famous Greenyards. You have Melrose Abbey, the monks gardens which my grandfather tended for many years. Incidentally , he was the last person to ring The Abbey bell. The finest of salmon runs coming up from Kelso which I know you will like. Quality accommodation with personal friends of mine. All in all, THE place to start your adventures in Edinburgh. I could without doubt, take you on a fantastic adventure in th
    2 points
  44. “Loaded” ? Not really, I live a quite frugal life in a modest little house; Cheers.
    2 points
  45. 2 points
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