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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/06/19 in Posts

  1. Not been in here in a while life’s busy ! I must be getting old I’m now engaged and a baby on the way ?
    14 points
  2. A few accounted for until the rain came again.
    8 points
  3. Out again sunday morning... firstly to the new permission for abit of night vision. Eventful night, only a small perm and had 5, so thats 13 off there in 3 visits. Then off to the to the second permision, Had another 7 so freezer full couple are put aside for the pot and the rest for the ferrets and dog.
    7 points
  4. beddy greyhound dam ,3/8 5/8 bull grey sire, she's worked with the terriers,lamped,coursed in the day,ferretting ,work long nets,hawks,hounds,ratting,beating and picking up...probably run in most counties in the UK,never turned away from anything she's been shown....heart of dogs twice her size...she's given me some sport the yrs I've had her...she not been right last few weeks ,back ends starting to go.....won't belong before we have our final walk out together ?she will leave a massive hole in mine and the families lives when she leaves us?it's been a privilege to run her pal?
    7 points
  5. listen to all these lot with just one kid....wait till you got bloody loads of running round feral ..screaming and fighting....katchum knows what I mean....bloody kids.. seriously congrats mate...TOMO
    6 points
  6. You sold the dog .. it is no longer anything to do with you , I sold a car last year i don't get regular updates on that FFS
    5 points
  7. if you sold the man a dog.....then you don't have a say on what he does with it imo.....just let it go...
    5 points
  8. not stopped raining for 24hrs up here in the scotch borders
    5 points
  9. 99% of the time I just hang up on them but occasionally I have a bit of fun winding them up. I have nothing on this guy though... ?
    4 points
  10. first black dog cost me £7.20 and I bred everything I needed down from him,needed the rest from the £10 note for bus drive home.....only lurcher ive ever payed for is the young Wheaton x I got now...best lurcher to date was foc when my mate went over the wall?she's sat here old and grey
    4 points
  11. Your all just jel cos your dog ain't bin talent spotted at a show
    4 points
  12. lol has it all gone wrong or has it always been like this?. you see now we have Internet, social media, smartphones, pc. we see a lot more whats out there. years ago we only saw shooting news and what was in exchange and mart.
    4 points
  13. Managed to draw enough Steele out of the tang to make a squirrel tail handle.
    4 points
  14. Definitely going to make the effort to get down this year , misses be 7/8 month pregnant so depending on her I’m sure be fine though , looking forward to a good catch up ?
    4 points
  15. I googled “wet tits” .....not what I was expecting ?
    4 points
  16. Made my missus a little herb chopper out of an old bit of leaf spring .... just before quenching I hammered in some hammer marks and left the forge scale on top for decoration ...... I was going to put a bog oak handle on it but she has decided she wants it just metal so I’m going to see if I have got enough steel in the tang to draw it out and squirrel tail it ........
    3 points
  17. Friday 14th June, three brand new licenses are to be released. GL34, GL35, GL36. These new licenses are using the feedback from organisations and the information / the call for evidence. It will be available at one minute after midnight on the GOV.UK website. I have a press release in front of me but not had time to read and digest it as yet. Phil
    3 points
  18. the dam is 25tts ,coursing greyhound bitch ,the sires 22 ,pure working kelpie ,i wont have a big price on these at all ,i want one badly myself and then cover costs and jabs ,and it will be the last litter i breed i reckon for manys the year lol
    3 points
  19. some car boot finds I've had.tweed smock brand new with labels £15 baitcaster rod and multiplier loaded with spider wire braid £4 little whip brand new £5 fly feel £3 2 heavy duty Stanley padlocks £5 I do enjoy having a nose around for bargains ?
    3 points
  20. Old diamond grinder blade and a bit of antler going to make a full semi circle next time with finger holes ?
    3 points
  21. plenty of characters around those parts. you tend to find them in mining areas. for those of us of a certain age.
    3 points
  22. One of the reasons I reckon a lot of miners kept these small pure whippets back in the day an easey dog to live with and could always guarantee a rabbit for the pot and a bit of sport racing on a Sunday morning behind the miners welfare. Remember an older mate picking a whippet pup up from a miner at one of these meets for ten bob back in the mid 70s that turned out to be the best ten bob ever spent.
    3 points
  23. I’ve helped out once before with someone clipping two pacas, never got spat on but when I had to wrestle it to the ground it kicked the sh*t out of me, they are strong little buggers, all the clipper lad did was stand there laughing at a fat lad getting a kicking from a leggie sheep, the nobhead
    3 points
  24. Had a bit of time on my hands maybe, well I must have because I thought I’d weigh a few different old style pellets, with a couple of newer ones thrown in, and shoot them over the chrono. I took and average of five shots with each brand of pellet for velocity and energy readings. This gun was made in 1958 so it’s a bit of an old timer really. Anyway, here’s the results to bore anyone who’s still reading this. A fair bit of variation, but as I thought, prefers the old wasps, just over five ft lb. Not bad for an old piece really. Milbro Caledonian. 13.1g V=353. E=3.62 Milbro Select.
    2 points
  25. Hopefully these will be watertight and stuff it up wild justice, I will be waiting up to read these, it looks like they are going to cover protection of wild birds, I’m interested to see how they are worded
    2 points
  26. The bellman might interfere with the mk1(like eleccy lines etc do) but the mk1 shouldn't interfere with the world wide rescue frequency the bellman uses...
    2 points
  27. This rain has meant I’ve been spending some time sheltering in the mule . But instead of wasting time I’ve parked up by some freshly planted maize which is starting to get hit by rabbits. If they go unchecked they can soon do a bit of damage to the very young seedlings. Four and a squirrel in a little over an hour . My battered old Brno is still doing the business with its cheap and cheerful Hawke 3-9x40 . Oh and I scared a Magpie, I don’t think he’ll be back .
    2 points
  28. There’s good and bad in every breed of lurchers it’s about having some luck
    2 points
  29. yeah so do i, been giving them some food to help not a lot of bugs about in this weather
    2 points
  30. The bellman is everything you lads say it is ,sometimes a bit out but what it does do is force you to dig a bigger hole than you’d otherwise do which is never a bad thing in my book . The Deben noise does my head in ,especially as it reaches a pitch when near a mark ,never needed and very annoying no matter how accurate it is . Learn to use the real deal like real terriermen lol.
    2 points
  31. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1140103/Brexit-news-UK-EU-Brexit-bill-budget-Boris-Johnson-next-prime-minister-update Sounds good to me
    2 points
  32. These pups if they become reality will be / could be very effective on any terrain and on most quarry I believe,if my last one was anything to go by, shooting companion,ferreting companion,terrier companion,lamping and pheasant flusher and goat finder and blood trail assistant...lol....got the vet booked for Monday night,to check when she's ready to go to the stud dog...
    2 points
  33. Yeah thanks for that sid. Scrapped it now, should have asked for a trial.
    2 points
  34. Doesnt get dark at all now until septemberish, will be out red bashing in a couple of weeks at 1am till 3am ?
    2 points
  35. Your right Wilf I've seen a lot worse than this https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/48600012
    2 points
  36. Should be a good read if he ever write's it as he is a well known figure in the lurcher world and has been around running dogs all his life though from what he was telling me the book would also be about some of the caractures he has come across.
    2 points
  37. I was planning to anchor a canoe and trot the middle of the local tidal river but after this rain I might be better finding an eddy or backwater. Failing that it's a ten minute walk with the dog to a little mill-stream. A fish of any size or species would be more than welcome?
    2 points
  38. It's a God awful task best of time, got spat on loads last year; slimy grass cuttings that smell like Friday night vomit.
    2 points
  39. A few of my 'dust collectors'
    2 points
  40. The red dog is the mother to the pup.
    2 points
  41. You really are a thick c**t i could drag another 10 pages out this but whats the point fellas like you will only cover up for a dog robber cause its the likes you that go and either buy up them dogs and dig over them get there of spring and say f**k all slipperary c**ts iv come across plenty like you but iv a clear conscience i dont rob dogs i dont have ta deal drugs ta buy what i have i dont have ta rob people ta buy what i have and i sure is hell dont have ta hide dogs and there breeding in case im caught out not like certain elements in the terrier game thats why mixedgrill c**ts like you h
    2 points
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