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8 points
I admire your tenacity mate and wish you good luck through the season. I often wonder how I would feel about the game if I were 30 years younger as lurchers and running them was a big part of my life despite the risks and back then some of the incidents I was involved in never put me off and some I still bear the scars to this day. I really feel for the lads getting these horrendous fines and court costs though even worse the confiscation of dogs and outrageous bans on keeping dogs that I find disgusting tbh.8 points
7 points
6 points
Simon is a great fella who i know ans he lives on my road about half mile from me,our kids went to the village school together and his kids are a credit to him and his wife. Iv'e lived in Norfolk just outside Diss as it goes for 20 odd years now and it is the county of game aplenty but it is also as boring as feck with no hills and the view is the same no matter how many fields you walk over,pluss it's eastern coast line is as dull as the chocolate sea that runs down it's side but the north coast is of clear water. I go sea fishing in Suffolk and do so much better there, it's a funny old count5 points
5 points
I fancy a little border terrier for my next moocher,or maybe a whippet for some ferreting and the odd night on the lamp... My old team..5 points
I used to be staunch union but hate them now. Imagine paying union fees your entire life to go on the Unite Britain march and find the same union funding people calling you fascist and racist who have probably never worked or contributed in their lives! Ironically they stand for everything that is killing the British working man, the person they are meant to represent IMO.5 points
Imagine having a dog of a lifetime that you had reared from a pup for it to be seized by the police then pics plastered all over social media saying it had been rehomed as a pet with a family who will probably never let the dog off the lead never mind letting the dog do what it was bred to do. I must be mental torture for the dog as well as the former owner who if he thought anything about his dog would be mental torture for him as well.5 points
5 points
Spent a lot of time down there myself hunting the various Warren's that still exist..although I live near Nottingham my parents moved down there in 1990...had loads of sport down there on a number of species...I remember one morning seeing 4 species of deer on one walk5 points
You may well mock us aspiring sleepwalking marshmen proletariat from your elevated international man of olive infused haute cuisine, but this is happening mandingo5 points
Labour are looking for more hotels to house illegal immigrants after slagging the Conservatives off for yrs over it, fckn hypocrites and I see Italy are fckn off their illegals to Albania for processing, wish we had some c@nt with a spine in this country4 points
Not strictly a view from the office but this was the setting a shoot start of season dinner the other night. Proper posh like. It's evenings like that that make me realise how posh I really am innit4 points
4 points
4 points
Me too, my old runner is 12. I won't own another running dog now, not worth the hassle and myther . I've too much to loose if my kite was plastered all over the local rag and social media. Don't get me wrong it's still in the blood. Other ways to have a bit of sport and fill the freezer . Dog wise my next dog will be a small terrier cross or a cocker spaniel for mooching with the cattys and retrieving off water. Plus the days for getting stopped when 4 hours away from home in the middle of the night up north or down south with a couple of lurchers , lamp , blade ect are over me now. I know som4 points
Me too mate , I went not long ago car camping mooching. And at first light I seen a heap of munty , a few roe , 2 red hinds and a fallow buck.4 points
Just an odd pic I've just come across. Taken out of a book by Robin Page. I think it's the Ennerdale Eskdale so maybe that's Edmund Porter there?? The pic was probably taken from the 'band' in the Langdale valley going off the prominent peak of 'Pike o' stickle' in the background. Cracking pic i think that is..4 points
4 points
Just got back from a 4 day trip to the fraser river in BC. Sturgeon fishing was pretty slow overall but my son and mate both had pb's (son got an 8ft3in and my mate a 7ft 6"). Salmon fishing was better than usual and we had coho every morning (used for bait) and a chinook.4 points
Love Norfolk, fell in love with it years ago. I live in the pennines so used to hills and moors. But just love the flatlands of Norfolk. An abundance of game. Love that smell of freshly cut fields. Cockely Clay now that brings back memories. Lamped that from a motor in mid 90,s probably and seen the most amount of roe in one field I'd ever seen in the beam before. Deffo a few odd characters and carrot crunchers but all adds to the feel of the place. I fancy buying a cheap inflatable kayak and doing a wild camping\mooching trip in it down on the broads and waterways.4 points
speaking of the cart horse the collar on that tracker needed an hole an inch down for me biggest dog ffs lol dry here bits a mist dogs itching but just a mooch4 points
Fence posts in, gate posts in, one gate on, waiting on 12T of limestone dust, hopefully it turns up first thing tomorrow and get it levelled and rolled3 points
that's the way things are going now mate, I would definitely have another whippet, you can mooch and have a bit of a run when opportunities arise, scruffy little beddywhippet doesn't attract attention either, little Jill and half a dozen net's in coat, only picking up 1s and 2s but I am enjoying myself.3 points
my mate got this ktm 50 for his lad birthday it’s bogging out under load bloke had swapppd the clutch i pressure tested it all good i cleaned air filter then carb filter looks full a same 2 stroke the petrol was got to reeds there damaged should be good for his birthday fingers crossed lol3 points
And yet they sell them by the box load, I was talking to a kid coulke weeks ago whilst dropping me daughter at college, the lad was a year above her an in my sons year, when I was asking about how vape he reckoned he was getting them in boxes a 30, £20 quid a pop an doubling his money an had sold 10 boxes a week for the past few months an reckons he could sell more but don’t wanna attract too much attention, I asked him where they come from an like you said, some lad from Durham makes them himself3 points
3 points
3 points
Unison are offering to cover the costs of members travelling to London next week to attend the anti mass immigration protest are join the far left counter protest3 points
Only got a pair of zip up wellingtons from decathlon that I only usually wear in really wet weather or just after and have to say for the money they are spot on and comfortable and with a two year guarantee I don't think you can go far wrong with decathlon stuff price wise. I am planning to visit there large store in Sheffield soon and have a look at their merino wool base layers they have in store.3 points
This fella gets about It was late May when I went down, I was still driving about after 1 o'clock in the morning first night down was on some odd tracks hares and muntjac all over feck knows where it was, seen a couple of big red deer running across a field next day, and wanted to have a look and walk at Thetford forest, but was too hot, was like the hottest day of the year in North east, but alright at the coast, saw loads of hares, big groups of them, could stay down there exploring for months I reckon3 points
Operation barrel roll,USA dropped billions of bombs on Laos,it's the most heavily bombed neutral country in history I think? Been for a wander close to home,the turkeys are back.3 points
I wouldn't go scraming about through brambles and thorns with mine tbh I reckon they are made for the hiking and hill walking fraternity not for bashing through cover.3 points
3 points
He's gone protesting outside the local kebab house on his bike mate..they have increased the kebab meat and chips by 20p...3 points
My preferred bait these are big ones though bout 5 inches or more. All I use if I can. You can’t beat them and dodge the bloody schoolies and flounders. Bass tend to be 3lb and up on average3 points
My lad went fishing with his pal today. Been hitting river Calder but getting ghosted due to all shite from shit works. So told him to try this bit of canal that I used to go too that held some decent size perch. Just sent me a pic of this beast what would you say. It's a big fish by the placement of his fingers. Gave him a few jellys , lures , spinners too that a got off temu.2 points
Took the pup out today for the first time with the ferrets. No nets just bolted a few for her. Finished on 5. By the end of the morning the penny was beginning to drop. 8mth old so slow and steady should be fine2 points
could do with a holiday now sick of all this crap weather2 points
Thats a fair point wilf but when your depmendent on your job , you have to choose your words carefully , theres warehouses/factories that are mostly forgeign including the management team2 points
Am just in work now graftin so will watch that later thanks , I like Simon . If u can find Hardy Tempest wild camping, he did a vid recently of kayaking and camping the broads which gave me the idea . Lots of unexplored parts of Norfolk I’d like to mooch tbh. If u can find Hardys vid please put it up , it’s a nice little watch . Thanks cheers2 points
You see some odd sights that's for sure, as I drove past the sign leaving the coastal part of Norfolk heading up towards the fens the oddest of Old fellas stood on the grass verge in a queer old stoop hands turned back over in a binocular holding fashion, gurning with teeth down to his chest transfixed up the main drag, it was other worldly, then on the long strip through the fenland emerged a tweed clad giant raw boned and marauding around with purpose diamond check socks up to the knees amidst thermometer cracking temperatures2 points
2 points
2 points
Just been into a new dispensary to see about something,UK made stuff your right but the regulated western market is different,UK market is like the wild west no control over anything,over here you can follow a plant,yes an individual barcode tagged plant,from seed (germination) to weed (dried flower),in two days time it's been legal here for 6 years,seen a lot of changes.2 points
2 points
If you have a decathlon branch near you give it a try mate , they have a good hunting clothing section, some good coats for sensible money2 points
Went to a family members to eat yesterday,stuffed today,really nice strawberry and chia seed desert.2 points
Not a dig at you mate, but therein lays the problem……the vast majority of people do exactly that and that’s why these people feel empowered and get away with murder. When I was a kid that never used to happen, people would treat them like the out of place strangers they are. Random men and women of all ages wouldn’t think twice about saying “here, who you talking to, this ain’t your country” wether that be in shops, bus stop, work place…..anywhere. As it’s died out, the worse these people have got. The day before I left England I got called a racist by an African as I picke2 points