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Just simple tonight, tomato and red pepper sauce with a bit of pasta, absolutely delicious7 points
7 points
7 points
Fired the BBQ up again makes all the difference to a Steak. Hot Scones just out the oven going to have to run the Cream Tea experiment again. Oh well somebody has to do it. Cheers Arry7 points
7 points
Breakfast all from my allotment the pork sausage is beautiful from two Gos pigs bores just had done6 points
Ain't had a curry for a couple of weeks, so knocked this together earlier. Went down a treat, about 30 mins ago.5 points
I had never really heard about these dogs until recently but as a keen amateur cynologist I have done a little research. Bill Sykes invented the EBT in 1964. He sold the litter wastage that had no chance of winning Crufts to the Americans in America. The Americans crossed the poor quality EBT's with pointers and created the APBT. Mike Reid imported APBT's into England in 1984. He sold a bitch to his milkman, Ernie. Ernie delivered milk to Diane Abbott. To Diane's eye that APBT was the most perfect of dogs and she purchased it from Ernie and put her Great Dane, Scooby Do, over the bit5 points
4 points
Pit top mooching this morning. Don't know wether it's an age thing but seeing different fauna and wildlife seems to bring some past memories back. Like seeing these reeds that reminded me of a time wile coursing on Crowland and we got bogged down in a dyke as we were surrounded by the police and bullrushes how we collected them as kids and sold them door to door for folks to put in vases as a decoration it's how as 12 year olds we got enough money to buy our first ferrets and then spotting roe deer that always got the heart beating when in pursuit of them with the lurchers.4 points
4 points
4 points
3 points
Each to there own but me personally if an oasis song comes on the radio while in the car I'd wind the window down and listen to the sound of my wheel bareing than listen to that shit3 points
3 points
Just seen on the news two who were assaulted at the carnival have died. Were the feck is Kier Starmer condemning this wanton violence.3 points
i agree mate but some will drop before they quit i’m talking running dogs this is we’re i am now start of the season in few week fit conditioned then get it behind them but peaking crimbo hopefully he will be a bit lighter by then but everything heightened twitching like a crack head lol the only way you will get them to there peak is doing it running them no conditioning road work jogging slatmill will do it mate like you say two different things heard bits a mayfield talking the bits about salt was intersteing how true i don’t know3 points
Personally I can't stand stadium/arena gigs and I've never been a fan tbh and my wife was lucky enough to see them at Knebworth so we are all good ...it said on the news there was 14 million queuing for 1.4 million tickets, crazy3 points
3 points
Been chatting it over with my Mrs, we met at the time Oasis was big so that’s a sound track to a lot of memories. I was 23 when they released “Whats the story…..” My thoughts are, how does this 53 year old overweight bloke relate to that dashing blade of a 23 year old ?…….there’s too much risk it fucks up so many amazing memories. It was great, I had a fantastic time….I’ll leave that preserved, it has more value to me.3 points
One of those albums you can listen to from start to finish and skip nothing, some of their newer stuff is a bit too "clever" for me, my youngest girl loves them, wants to be a music journalist, music is all she talks about! Lol She's got me onto a band called Wunderhorse recently (been telling me to listen to them for months, I gave in last week! Lol) Give them a listen, I think you'd like them.3 points
3 points
Radiohead back in the day would've been amazing, the Bends album is one of my all time favourites3 points
Places like this are the only positive that came from the pits closing down, they're wildlife havens.3 points
2 points
2 points
2 points
The one local to me has a nice pond that holds some carp and tench rudd ect Downside is the idiots on there pit bikes and kids fishing leaving there litter all around2 points
2 points
Celtic deeps was alive yesterday dolphins everywhere and seen my first whales feeding, planned to go wrecking and sharking but weather conditions changed our plans and we were seeing bait balls and feeding frenzies so after filling the ice boxes up after a few drifts over the wrecks we decided to get the tuna rods ready, we had 5 takes 1 didn’t hook, 1 snapped us and landed 3, great day we slept well last night, tight lines.2 points
2 points
Big ledzep fan ,rock gods ! See oasis at Knebworth, good day with good company, nothing special! Wish I'd seen radio head early on ,not a festival, stadium,2 points
2 points
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2 points
2 points
Got the sis to mine training on sand to have two bases covered2 points
2 points
2 points
Having a go at home made ketchup, had plenty of Tom's and the kids eat enough of the stuff!!! Must say, it's taking some boiling down though, like bloody water still2 points
2 points
2 points
That's the mother off the pup she's first class ferreting bitch whippet x greyhound straight cross and I put a Whippet x collie greyhound over her2 points
2 points
2 points
2 points
2 points