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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/23 in all areas

  1. The title is a song by the Dubliners it talks about the back breaking work and the hard drinking of Irishmen working in the UK. I was part of that world for nearly 3 years in the sixties I was employed as a general groundworks labrador building the M62. My ganger was a really hard man. He took one look at me when I arrived and said "Jesus who"s this f****n cowboy they've sent me? I think he was referring to my long hair and chip- on- the -shoulder manner. As the weeks and months went by I began to really admire him, Meahall (spelling ) was his name. He was genuine leader of me
    17 points
  2. I would add to the list... DIET...all these ultra processed foods high in sugar and carbs, preservatives ...seed oils...proteins from soya...the list goes on..
    13 points
  3. Bought Chunky fish fingers with home made Potato Croquettes. Cheers Arry
    8 points
  4. Back in the day... The man worked..the wife brought up the kids and looked after the house.. elderly parents lived with them until death..they could afford food..clothes..heating..electric..even a holiday.. Nowadays..both parents work and pay for a child minder..what is that all about..Once home they ring for a just eat take away..eating processed shit food and paying big ££ for the privilege.. There was once big industries in GB..all gone..now the people go to work in big factory's ran and owned by the Chinese..the days of a strong community has gone..the government even said d
    8 points
  5. Get it out and about ,in the motor,for small walks etc soon as its jabbed.. stock breaking next with farm stock, ferrets etc,let it get used to rabbits hitting a net,then from 10 months onwards let it watch another dog on the lamp and find it a few easy squatters....penny should drop
    6 points
  6. Worked on the ground for a company ran by an Irish Family for 12 yrs...The main man was known as 'The Bull'..Rip Mr O'Connor,his 2 sons Johny and Mikey were contract managers,Hard,but fair...every ganger was a Paddy only way you could climb the ladder lol,they only trusted their own...worked you hard for your money,was there every thursday 3 o'clock without fail...they all liked a few pints ...loved working for them tbh,if you had words or a dust up,you shook hands,it was forgotten and you got on with it,not like working with all the fairies these days
    5 points
  7. Jalfrezi in the casserole dish with an egg......boiled eggs in curry in some regions of India are very popular put fresh chili's in and a chicken stock cube....... it didnt hang around long
    5 points
  8. Everyone here had a hobby until they made it a criminal offence ! Lol
    5 points
  9. I decided years ago, I'm not going into a home. And I don't need permission from anybody or go to Switzerland . Mind you, I'll take out a few of my THL enemies first...Wilf there's a bullet for every insult you've hurled at me coming your way. I'm not revealing any more names. I want it to be a surprise......
    5 points
  10. i was driving past a field the other day and saw a scarecrow trying to have a wank! i thought to myself that fuckers clutching at straws.
    5 points
  11. He was a good dog for me I busted him too much but he always showed up for any duty we loved him , charts tomo n baker boy see him run [BANNED TEXT] he was 9 , and in his day he could scent up every single one that lived out on a given field
    4 points
  12. Ooh nah, feck eating well developed embryos....
    4 points
  13. Electric collar mate, I hate these things because people don’t use them propley but when used for correction and done at the right time they can save the dogs life
    4 points
  14. I’m genuinely surprised it’s not more ! As a small business and just as an ordinary bloke who wanted to go about his life and be left alone I felt like a hunted animal before I left….and that was 8 years ago and I think things are worse now. Always some f***ing pointy nosed official with their hand in your pocket, always some rule or regulation, a new law here, a new fine there…..just treated like absolute shit in my own land while every odd c**t from the artic to Tim Buk Tu had millions lavished on them. The British Dad and Mum of 4 little British kids was just there to be abus
    4 points
  15. I wanted to ask how many times you have said that to strange men in your lifetime but your in a particularly threatening mood this morning so I will defer the question.
    4 points
  16. To many people living beyond their means , to much shit being watched on the internet ! influencers ? Kardashian’s all that bollocks .
    4 points
  17. Prawn squid spicy salad with glass noodles not really seafood fan but was really good something different
    4 points
  18. Pup I got here has vinni as grand sire ,bred this lad few yrs back, from vinni
    4 points
  19. Cashing your check in McGinleys in Kilburn on Friday night?I worked on the Isle of Dogs,Irish guy called Dave proper strong bloke,I remember he asked did I want to go out for a drink after work,I never drank so he went on his own,next morning I got in the works cabin nice and early there was Dave kipping on a pile of coats on the floor,he had vomited and pissed himself and if I had struck a match the alcohol fumes would have ignited the cabin,he washed his face had a cup of tea and put in a shift,no getting changed or anything.The good old days.
    3 points
  20. Unfortunately them days long gone ,the irish ground workers I worked with 30 years ago ,old boys then ,were another level ,some great memories Kilburn, Cricklewood, going for guiness and salt beef sandwiches at smithfield Market 7am ,great memories, good ole boys !
    3 points
  21. Nevermind silent. You want a pack of screamers Atb Sambo
    3 points
  22. Cracking story that mate, good man for sharing.
    3 points
  23. I'm just in hua hin at min got another couple of days here then off all over always like to start in hua hin lovely little place as suits like the steadier pace
    3 points
  24. Always best to give wrists longer than you think, because when they become a problem the dog often never fully recovers
    3 points
  25. Back in SMACK CENTRAL....last cage to make,waiting on the lads to tip up,help lift into place,so I can finish tying the sheets..concrete in the morning..
    3 points
  26. That’s the spirt mate
    3 points
  27. It's Fashionable these days to have mental problems. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  28. I would say more people than one in five suffer poor mental health. I think we are all prone to it at some point or other. I don't believe anti depressants are the answer. Life throws lots of things at you which leave you feeling rocky. It's just life. It's not Disney world. Get on with it is my generation's response to it. Counselling,self help books and anti depressants seem to help some people. But not for me.
    3 points
  29. Can’t remember how much I payed to be honest,maybe £250?You will love lake Geneva,I can recommend a few decent restaurants (I am sucking up to you now,I don’t want to be on “The List”).
    2 points
  30. 9.5mm steel and these .80 gzk 23mm/18 mm taper from memory,lad up the road makes and sells them on ebay..
    2 points
  31. Best to see at least one of the parents run as well, sometimes that’s not possible but at the very least you want evidence of what they’ve done. Can’t the anyone at their word when they’re selling you a pup
    2 points
  32. Society has just changed and not for the better, but I think it's rapidly gone down hill since covid I think. Everything has changed and not for the better. But you just got to plod on and make your best way you can in life and adapt and survive. It's the future generations I feel sorry for and they will have it worst.
    2 points
  33. Police say the chap in the house is now presumed dead,when I heard that it was a “No shit Sherlock” moment.
    2 points
  34. 2 points
  35. There's no need for business's to be involved and there's no need for any risk, care for the elderly should be wholly paid for by the state
    2 points
  36. Children's care homes and old people's homes should be not for profit. It's absolutely wrong to make money out of farming kids and the old and infirm.
    2 points
  37. nothing to do with being taxed to death so you can not live on what you earn let alone save any money.politicians working against you and doing everything to destroy your way of life.not being able to discuss you opinions as you would be arrested.the list just goes on and on and as a certain person puts it bonkers and more bonkers.
    2 points
  38. And a big swig of man the f**k up juice lol
    2 points
  39. I have met lots of immigrants,legal and illegal plus lots of bogus students in UK and other places,the UK needs a total overhaul of the immigration system,a massive shakeup and sacking of innefectual staff,and implementing such policies as no dependants coming to UK with a skilled worker or student visa,they are coming to work or study NOT put down roots and settle.
    2 points
  40. Both tides in the dark this week; atleast the village have put their lights up
    2 points
  41. Minimum salary threshold for skilled migrant visa,a welcome visa shakeup but it’s just an election sweetener.
    2 points
  42. Had a very kind offer of a day out Saturday. There are still some very good folk on here amongst the idiots
    2 points
  43. New week, new site, new cafe
    2 points
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