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About sambo123

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 26/07/1990

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    A shithole.
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  1. Cheers pal. Site has dried up a bit which is sad.
  2. Alright lads just wonderin if anyone will be gettin out out a bit with the bushers and don't mind me taggin along. Had bushers most my life and been a member on here years but not been active on here for a while I've got a terrier and two beagle crosses. Goin out with the old pals doing it has dried up a lot and only get to local spots lately on mi todd that I've been a thousand times. I'm in South Yorks/Nottinghamshire area. Thanks
  3. I've currently got 4 goldie chicks under a yellow mosaic hen about to fledge. Two bullfinch chicks under a mongrel bred canary and a goldfinch chick being reared by a redpoll. All doing fine so far. Sam
  4. Yeah ive heard they keep the nest immaculate mate. I know, good start for me but that's only the first hurdle. Fingers crossed Sam
  5. Got a pair of sibs and a pair of natives. Put pans in today and coconut fiber and within a minute they all picked up nesting material and the cocks trod the hens
  6. I've got a pair of sibs that are ready to go down. Did you remove eggs and put em all back at once or just leave em to it? Cheers
  7. Has she started building yet then mate
  8. They'll catch em but more flushers and finders. Good ones will face any cover and have good voices. I don't like spaniels as they're mute and too giddy. They smash through cover with pace when there's fu*k all there. Not for me
  9. I'd steer clear of beagle crosses for beating and retrieving birds mate.
  10. Not sure pal I'll measure him tts tomorrow for ya. Sam
  11. Dog on the left is bred that way. He's the best I've got he will smash through anything and screams his head off. Sam
  12. Thankyou very much mate appreciate it. I'll get some pics up. All the best Sam
  13. Yes they do mate. Bully hen from you is doing fine Atb Sam
  14. Nip in to change seeds, veg water then back out again. Leave em to it. Insulation needs covering but i'll get to it in the future it's only cosmetic. Saw a pair of bullies and goldies feedin each other already so fingers crossed. Would have had two pair native bullies and a pair sib bullies but lost a bully hen to going light a few week ago, was gutted. Got some baycox in the pantry now and theyre on it first two days of every month to keep it bay so hopefully no more issues. Chance in hell in findin another bully hen to pair cock with at this time of year but if by some miracle anyone hears a
  15. They're italian mate. Called 2GR's. Thanks pal
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