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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/24 in Posts

  1. Well it's blowing and pissing down stair rods so thought I would knock up couple of Pasties. Then had an idea to do some Burger bead rolls for tonights tea and freeze the rest if they are any good. Well they look okay. Cheers Arry
    11 points
  2. Commission my mates just finishing off .
    10 points
  3. i wish i listened more to my dad when i met him he told me id end up in borstal and he was right,i wish i wasnot as bad tempered when i was younger faced some serious charges when i was young atemted murder malicious wonding with intent i have a bad criminal record from years ago,on the good side none of my kids have criminal records and my girls have degrees one has four
    8 points
  4. Welp attempting to some some rips , no real clue what I'm doing but don't seem too complicated. Make smoke season meat ,put meat in smoke
    8 points
  5. 7 points
  6. O and bacon and eggs for the guys this morning
    7 points
  7. I watched a programme on Bigfoot years ago and it was very real to the occupants of a small western town in America. There had been many sightings and people had become so fearful of it that some had up sticks and moved away. Turned out that the local sheriff had discovered gold in one of the many abandoned mines but did not have mining rights and so was dressing up as Bigfoot in the hope of scaring off the rightful owners. And he would have gotten away with it as well if it hadn't been for those pesky kids.
    6 points
  8. My burger buns with a 6oz Dexter burger in the one Wifey's with cheese and mine with out. Cheers Arry
    6 points
  9. I’m sure it still goes on, mate, but nobody is going to advertise it ! Cheers.
    6 points
  10. Just back home from what will probably be our last hunting trip of the season, travelled well over 500 miles by motor & put in some very hard miles on foot in what was very testing weather to say the least. On awakening the first morning I opened the campervan door to a winter wonderland,it was extremely windy & the snow was very heavy indeed. The second morning we headed out it was mostly rain mixed with a little sleet but as we trudged up the mountains that turned once again to heavy & persistent snow. Both mornings were extremely cold with the temperature just below freezing bu
    6 points
  11. And some sauce Before goin back in
    6 points
  12. Great cross for a bit of bushing. Mine isn’t a first cross and is a mixture of different terries and spaniels. 3/8 5/8. Looks more towards a patterdale though. He will push anything out of cover and ferrets too. I’d definitely get another. Touch wood he’s never dropped in. Had him around holes a lot as a pup and I think if I hadn’t have stopped him then he would go to ground.
    6 points
  13. 1 of mine, been on here before
    5 points
  14. Welp never mind took them out and about had to fight the guys , everyone saying they lol perfect and are done... Was gonna brush on another coat or two of sauce but hay guess if it's what they want
    5 points
  15. Welp I forgot this thread existed, but tying to smoke somthing for the first time . Usually it's the Captains thing but he's off aaand we've been stuck in the same spot the last few days due to fog so why not. Pork ribs apple wooden somthing something....no real clue what I'm doing past ,make smoke put meat in smoke , get to internal temp.
    5 points
  16. @wilf peppers onion garlic coriander in be a belting curry me pal ali gave me the recipe lol just have to have a shit wipe it with me hand before handling it so it’s authentic lol
    4 points
  17. Spot of painting today and tomorrow... Then the week after next,down to Cheltenham for 3 months on a big deep drainage job...new rental van/fuel card and £31 per hr...living the dream
    4 points
  18. 4 points
  19. 4 points
  20. I can't tell you how good that was , like butter
    4 points
  21. If I don't like how something is going...Then I just f**k off,and start from scratch again...I dont care how much time/money/effort Ive put into it-I walk away....nothing and no cnut will ever control or use me...life is too short,to wake up everyday and accept your lot,if your not happy...its only that face you see in the mirror,that truly gives a f**k about you,dont let money or a pussy ever control you ...lifes what you make of it folks
    4 points
  22. Nice easy 1, just over 10 chain
    3 points
  23. Some of the land is very much like that Penda, amazing to see the wildlife still going about their daily lives up there in such conditions..these seven were a long old way off,the second pic is a crop from the first but even so far away they weren't exactly hard to spot.
    3 points
  24. Bit to much black pepper in the Pasties for wifey shame just the way I like them Lol. Only half of one left now. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  25. Canny ole Dawgs them Kelpies..
    3 points
  26. Soni I get this right you supposed some them then wrap them in foil for a bit, throw them back in...then take them out and toss them back in again ? Kinda weird but ok. Just check on them and they looks decent enough
    3 points
  27. Remember a character at the pit and the story he once took a grass sod down the pit in a carrier bag and put it on top of a roof fall and got on the tanoy to tell the deputy it was a goodun as there was a fekin grass sod on top of it. That's what I miss in the place I work no characters that could make the worst job's better.
    3 points
  28. For the record...Ive a house up for sale in a sort after location in Cardiff(Whitchurch),when its sold,I will be paying off the last 26 k on the house we bought in 2003-5/6 yrs early,lol...sell it,after more than doubling my money,want buy a little place with some land,so I can dig a fishing lake and do my own thing...money will be there to do what I and the mrs fancy..I will be 45 yrs old and morgage free...not chasing paper well into my 60's...Im from a council estate, that is true...but never had a hand out from any cnut ,what I got I took the risks and punched my guts out for,never lived
    3 points
  29. You should open a food truck same with borr too
    3 points
  30. Pigeon pitta for breakfast.
    3 points
  31. Bloke I used to work with used to say " I can smell the clay " ( a reference to the grave ) when we were working in particularly dangerous places underground
    2 points
  32. Coleslaw and fried chicken great combo
    2 points
  33. Old fella I worked with used to say "I can't wait to get in that f***ing coffin." He was dry alright.
    2 points
  34. Some great views from up there mate
    2 points
  35. Be careful mate....or you will be bombarded with death threats by PM by Thl's very own Charles Bronson the old,can dish it out,but bleeds from the minge...if he gets any back syndrome
    2 points
  36. Not shot this one for a while,so put on some new bands...not the prettiest,but will do
    2 points
  37. Yep i used to have that feeling, then I changed jobs, .....which saw me take a cut in pay, BUT i now work with people that i like, that is priceless!
    2 points
  38. I would like to think there is a special place in hell , for politicians that send young men of to fight in foreign wars .
    2 points
  39. Chicken roast. Cheers Arry
    2 points
  40. If I could speak to my younger self, I'd say. Don't ever start smoking , it's feckin, dangerous, expensive, it controls your life, and it makes you smell like shite. Get a proper education , and don't waste your time being a dick. Learn to communicate , instead of using your fists. Fighting is just a mugs game , that brings a world of shite. Even when you win , it still feckin hurts. Stay the feck out of trouble , a criminal record follows you for your entire life , and can really hold you back. Go and live in Australia , New Zealand , or Canada. The UK is a shitho
    2 points
  41. Few tiddlers yesterday and blanked today no rain today was nice...
    2 points
  42. Back up to the beautiful north, a quick chicken dinner and a nap in my chair, I’ve came to the conclusion that I hate London and with a bit of luck will never have to go anywhere near the place again
    2 points
  43. Ox cheeks trimmed up and partying on the grill
    2 points
  44. I absolutely fail to understand why any European would be in the least bit bothered what happens to people who are part of a religious group that would happily see every European Christian dead ! A group that has defiled, raped, murdered and debased its way through our towns and city’s and communities over the past 30 + years until many of those places are reduced to the 3rd world shit holes we see today ! These people don’t want your friendship or your kindness when everything is ok, they only want it now because they picked a fight with somebody who ain’t scared of them and is
    2 points
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