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About gnipper

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 08/04/1982

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    North West

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  1. gnipper


    I've just seen someone waiting in a queue for tickets and had over 400,000 in front of them. Someone else was waiting to get in the queue. Feck that
  2. It's line breeding if it works and inbreeding if it don't. Some very good livestock of all species has been produced from line breeding
  3. To the lads not keen on rabbit have you ever tried a domestic meat bred rabbit?
  4. Did your dad ever use them for their intended purpose Ray?
  5. I watched the elvis, weird al yankovich and the nan movies last weekend and I shouldn't have bothered.
  6. I would breed a silver to a non visual silver with silver in its breeding if I was trying to breed silvers or to an albino and hope for silver kits.
  7. https://youtube.com/@daveyd2023?si=kZag29Ok3pfmx083
  8. just saw this on YouTube, i wonder how the police would have described it if the girl hadnt filmed it?
  9. Loompaland looks different to how I'd imagine
  10. The only one I've been near was owned by a chavvie bellend who bred am bulls and pits off young untested stock and had them in crates all round the house and under the stairs in the dark. You wouldn't want yo give that boerboel a fuss believe me. If he was still around I'm sure he'd have bred a fecking load of sketchy xl things too.
  11. A boerboel or presa etc are bloody strong things too. A dog handler I spoke to said the most dangerous dog he ever saw was a neo that had been encouraged to go for people passing by.
  12. The worst thing with the xl things is the mongs that are breeding them wouldn't pts an iffy one and keep breeding off them. I would imagine most other big dangerous breeds are in similar hands too getting bred from.
  13. Been left on my own all weekend so I've drunk too much and eaten shite , bacon butties for brekkie both days too Tonight's tea before my peace is shattered tomorrow
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