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About gnipper

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 08/04/1982

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  • Location
    North West

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  1. Or full winter camo gear and trainers or expensive boots when it's shorts and t shirt weather
  2. I like a few aftershaves but get the knock off ones, there's a shop in our town has some decent ones that last well. Fragrance and Glamour WWW.FRAGRANCEANDGLAMOUR.COM Vegan Fragrances for Her and for Him
  3. Which brand of beans do you recommend as rearing food?
  4. You know that yellow and buff means the feather type not the colour don't you?
  5. Not that I've ever heard of. Google it. They reckon it's something to do with the bullfinches sperm or something.
  6. Good luck. It's 99.99999999% impossible but you never know eh
  7. Are you going to try a bully x goldie pairing?
  8. I wouldn't have said so, I think he came from show stuff or something? He wasn't bully looking in the flesh but some of Mike's other dogs were big solid built things, lord of the knight which was sire to my bitch was a beast.
  9. Did you meet Sooty Sam? When I met him he had half his scalp missing from impaling himself on a hedge and getting an infection I think Mike said.
  10. Same trap again out of 5 set so it looks like the rabbit proof fence isnt . Had a rat yesterday in one of the others.
  11. Dig some tunes and memories up and have a bloody good cry mate. We were talking at work today and my cousin who works with me lost his mum and dad relatively young and completely unexpected within the last couple of years and he has taken it remarkably well imo and I am the opposite and get an emotional mess, when my dad died it seemed like every other song I heard on the radio was one of his favourites and it set me off. I couldn't visit the house without crying and absolutely no way could I sit in his chair. Facing the upsetting stuff seems to have helped me get over it though rather t
  12. That one got bummed by rylan
  13. I think you just like the attention off deranged mongs who think they are experts in everything
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