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About gnipper

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 08/04/1982

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  • Location
    North West

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  1. I don't know too much about gsd but I've seen there can be some lines mire highly strung than others, nearly ads bad as a malinois. A friend of mine breeds/trains gsd for protection and family dogs which seem nice enough dogs for what they do and I certainly wouldn't want to be the person who broke in there.
  2. I wonder how many creatures larvae or dormant nest drowned last year due to the wet weather? I don't know what it's like where everyone else is but it's a bumper year for mosquitoes round here
  3. When mine leaves I'm changing the fecking locks
  4. Bit worrying that beech have died they're normally good healthy long living trees aren't they.
  5. About 2 miles from where I was born and about 1 and a half from where I grew up. Although it's getting worse I still wouldn't want to live away from my home town. It's 1.24 miles to each of them houses from my current house just had a nosey on google earth.
  6. I've looked into a few and I had a little crossman rifle which was small too but an accurate, quiet, multi shot pcp that can be easily concealed sounds appealing to me. Some permissions are tricky carrying a rifle bag to without a load of nosy buggers watching you.
  7. I saw it too. I recently listened to a podcast that explained that Jack's programme was filmed without sound which was added on afterwards so that probably explains why he couldn't remember which cross was which when they were showing off the adults.
  8. I have been looking into getting one for knocking off ferals around buildings etc but the only hunting posts I can find on them is abroad where they can be more powerful. Be handy for a few roosters
  9. @philpot does your mate get clean kills with this pistol and if so what range are we talking? cheers
  10. If it carries on like it was this morning I might have to dig out my long pants before November and put my shorts away.
  11. Seen the same with a few members that got people taking shots at them when they posted and then when they retaliate all the crew get together like playground bullies and all jumped in making it worse.
  12. Never seen a different coloured one but I have seen one that was white underneath that came up it's sides like it was pied.
  13. Young nephew of mine really wants to work in the film industry but got a job in a big shop to help pay his way whilst at college and is now getting put through manager training in London, he still doesn't want to work there but it's good for his CV and better than sitting at home sponging off his parents.
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