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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/02/24 in Posts

  1. Just 2 weeks over 8 months old now still plenty puppie in them but starting to fill out muscle up a bit .
    12 points
  2. Massive pet hate for me is flytipping and general litter bugs. It's deffo got worse since covid. Scruffy trampy dirty barstewards tipping all sorts , old fridges, matteres, tellys , food waste. Makes my blood boil. A few roads from me there is some HMO housing in terraced house's and they all Indians or asylum seekers and they literally just put all there sh1t on the pavement. Council don't do out and just leave it there. Fekin tramps the lot of them. Sometimes were I walk the dogs is a little car park and at night the kids go there in there cars, I honestly haven't a problem with that. But
    12 points
  3. Duncan Dinaosaurs, came over to see me, made 4 hour round trip, took me out for a Sunday lunch and a pint. Wouldn't have no money, stayed till 6.30pm he hell of great man deff, I said Thl members get together when a member down bad sad times. He seen big old Buck, little woody, and heard my crap guitar and Uke playing haha. Ps me with the larger. Ray
    8 points
  4. We used to poke red match heads into board eraser & write swear words on black board so when teacher came into class & went to clean board Whoosh !! Atb
    6 points
  5. Met Mrs Mack in Teddington for lunch.Truffle dauphinoise potatoes and had some type of truffle cheese which was sublime.
    5 points
  6. Rack of Lamb and mash. Cheers Arry
    5 points
  7. We had a teacher who would throw a bunch of keys ...he threw them at me and I caught them as cool as a cucumber and launched them back at him hitting right up the jaw and flooring him ...I got suspended
    5 points
  8. Don’t know what I’ve got myself involved in here, lifting and relaying Yorkshire sandstone, to heavy, to many random sizes
    4 points
  9. Seen one in a sand quarry in Lancashire Circa 1970. Cheers, D.
    4 points
  10. Home made KFC. Cheers Arry
    4 points
  11. 4 points
  12. The needs of enlisted sp are more than catered for , there are significant amounts of lower ranks in accommodation of over entitlement , I know of numerous service families with 1 child in 4 beds . Complete madness part of the issue is that the pad wives are always after large amounts of space to build next dream homes . It’s unrealistic and you have to make do with what’s free . I’ve been lucky and had my first choice accommodation each time , but I’ve never had over entitlement . Ever . the idea that an officer commanding would be expected to squeeze his 2.4 family into a 3 bed a
    3 points
  13. there’s loads of recycling centres aswell lol anywere you get immigrants it’s like f***ing calcutta
    3 points
  14. I'm not very clever but I can lift heavy stuff, what's the day rate?
    3 points
  15. Thanks, your results speak for themselves I used “out of sight” traps for many years, which are similar to Talpex. Great trap design, but lots of manufacturing issues, so they definitely needed “tuning”. And the latest version of them is worthless. I have moles in my garden right now and I have a few Duffus traps around the shop, going to give them a try.
    3 points
  16. Interesting base line
    2 points
  17. there is alot ofdifference twixt stuffed olives and stuffed peppers...i like my peppers stuffed with fragrant mince and rice topped with cheese
    2 points
  18. yeah tug was a nice dog,this is the bitch i bred and i bred her mother
    2 points
  19. the only time i had olive oil is when my mum used to warm it up and put it in my ear when i had ear ache.....and thats all it is good for....bleedin foreign muck
    2 points
  20. My mrs is the same she eats them like fckn sweets , strange thing is tho I like olive oil
    2 points
  21. me too ....i wanna like them cause they look so edible.............but a deffo no from me
    2 points
  22. Protection work and eating the local thieving gippo population....
    2 points
  23. Wish I could like olives......but....I just can't.....
    2 points
  24. Materials didn't arrive until 2 pm...on my own off ladders so aint killing myself...get another day out of it tomorrow
    2 points
  25. Your right MC , can you imagine what it's going to be like in another ten years !!! Just down the road from my gaff is a rugby field and clubhouse. Someone dumped 3 commercial shop display fridges on the car park , now am not being racist ! But judging by the stickers that's on them am guessing they come from an Asian shop. They been there probably nearly 3 months and the council have done nothing . Absolute disgrace
    2 points
  26. Strip off the tiles,new membrane and batten,dry verge kit,renew facias...get 2 days out of this
    2 points
  27. looking good Ray I always chuckle when I remember that Show we went to and Tomo gave you a pair of boxing gloves for a showdown with someone I can't even remember. That was a funny day. lots of good memories from days and nights out with Trigger. I think we've all got a few more seasons to get through yet. I was up the Dales today. Quite a few with little marbles inside them. The season is just about over. Possibly One more day or night. fingers crossed. You're always welcome old friend. Take it easy. Vin
    2 points
  28. Bubble, bangers and eggs... no waste from roast!
    2 points
  29. Sensible attitude fellah,...a dog that is inclined to bite folk,... can be a real liability,...it invariably ends in tears.... Personally,...with the dog you have,....I would gear your training regime heavily towards the jolly old Fetch and Carry.... A lurcher such as he, should be more than capable for picking -up and helping out on a game shoot ..
    2 points
  30. slightly Korean belly pork was done in a slow cooker for 4 hours..in vedge stock loads of chili (flaked dry)...pleanty of brown sugar and some dry ginger and soya sauce.........chop up and fold into stir fry......shove into gob the pork was sublime
    2 points
  31. The bitch was bred to Thor,she only produced one pup,we have her here,she is absolutely granite,100% single handed who will die before she quits,very hard animal yet very biddable & not a bother with other dog's & bombproof around livestock. This is her as a very young bitch,she is 3 this upcoming summer.
    2 points
  32. 6 hours to cook for 6 minutes of eating, worth every second
    2 points
  33. I survived lads... just!! Lol Cup of tea and syrup sponge incoming!
    2 points
  34. Both these we have go back to Remus & through him a dog called Shane which was a genuine first cross out of an undefeated dog called Nailer & a Greyhound
    2 points
  35. I honestly believe our government are the ones taking backhanders and turning a blindeye to it all...just like the crack epidemic in America...give it to the blacks/poor folks...and watch them destroy their own neighbourhoods etc,while some cnut is sat somewhere coining it all in
    1 point
  36. This post about a local boat just popped up on my fb
    1 point
  37. Great bit of advice there mate. Thanks
    1 point
  38. Hedge sparrows have started nesting in my garden and the male canary is starting to sing more. Probably be like last year with a warm week or 2 then cold and snow whilst they are starting to fledge
    1 point
  39. Dunno but asking in the "what's the best boots" topic is a stretch even for thl lol.
    1 point
  40. Walked 7 miles in the mist,then when we got back near the car-park the mist cleared a little,still not the usual views.Had lunch in a western themed restaurant that played great country and western music,we were the only two customers,the waiter asked did we want to eat in the jail or the saloon.
    1 point
  41. As fireman says pluck and colour feed you only need a small patch out only sure way of seeing if you wait till the breeding season then realise you have two cocks hens will be hard to find. You can use the red eggfood to do the job instead of buying carophly
    1 point
  42. If there this years young then the cock won't show his red breast feathers until next year,they only come through on the second moult.You can pluck a few AND I MEAN A FEW feathers out of their chests then colour feed them and in a few weeks the new ones that grow back will be tinged red,they are not red like a robin is but tinged and here's a pic of a silver cock with his red chest If there last years then the cock should have moulted through red tinged by now,look on the ring for the year and that should tell you how old they are.
    1 point
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