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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/11/22 in all areas

  1. Leave the lad alone ffs ,your making a show of yourself .
    19 points
  2. Well some of my cousins aunts and uncles came down from Chicago for Thanksgiving and I'm generally pretty anti social but since I spent Thanksgiving with my gf and her family figured I'd say least hi. Well a few hours later we're cleaning some fish we caught a few before out the pond about a 3min walk from the stove. My uncle who's cleaning the fish used to live down here and do stuff like this all the time but he moved up to Chicago a good while back and ...idk it was nice talking to him and the other men folk..all of them where so happy to be here doing stuff like this. Then we wh
    18 points
  3. I dont think anyone really gives a shit what is said on here, surely? I thought some of the personal shit thrown at Max about his wife and kid was out of order, he gave a load back and I'm pretty sure pissed a few off... but can't imagine those he pissed off would give a shit if he was banned or not.. If someone gets on your tits ignore them.... mods banning lads is a bit shit imo.. we're all blokes ffs
    18 points
  4. Went to a Renaissance festival with my gf and our DnD group and within 20min she talked me into buying a kilt ? "How can you have Scottish blood in you and not have a kilt " she kept badgering . Actually she's been on me about getting one ever since I told her me and my entire platoon where considering getting them and wearing them randomly while we where deployed ( because..... reason ?) ?? Didn't have it in the budget for the whole get up but yeah proceeded to walk around in the mud and pouring rain in this for about five hours ?? Breezy And before someone says it
    14 points
  5. It would be a great shame if the characters are forced off the forum. We are severely restricted by the Hunting Act as to what we can post, and if the banter from the likes of Don and mC is suppressed, then this will become a very boring forum. Of course there has to be limits, but in all honesty, if a mod takes offence at mC saying "scummy commie b*****ds", instead of smiling at his childlike naivity, perhaps it isn't the job for them ? As allways, just my personal opinion ? Cheers.
    12 points
  6. Too many convenient coincidences for my liking ...all the mods are freemasons ...coincidence? Walshie works for big pharma ..coincidence? Socks is a government hitman ....coincidence? Bosun is an evertonian ...coincidence ? Bakerboy has just come in to a lot of money ...coincidence? Nice pix is a kunt ....coincidence? A thread of national importance suddenly vanishes ,at the same time as Tomo coming out as gay ...coincidence? The establishment,rockafellas ,jews must thing we are stupid .
    12 points
  7. A forum is its members, no more no less, without them it grinds to a halt, forums need colourful members like MC and Katch ?
    10 points
  8. Had a few hours in town with the Mrs, was tricked into lol .. Cracking sky over the cathedral and Christmas Market...
    9 points
  9. Mc HULL is OK, sails a bit close to the wind but never offensive, it would be a sad day if he were banned.
    9 points
  10. I agree - it's not the first time he's made himself unpopular on here so, in my opinion, he's a shit mod for the way he's trying to give it the big un' with his petty PMs to members. ........ He definitely comes across as a little Napoleon. There's some lively blokes on here and, moderation with a light hand seems to work well since I've been here.
    8 points
  11. someone asked for the thread to be removed...for his own personal reasons,no cnuts business but his Lads...,some folks should get out more because,there's more to life than sitting on here arguing the colour of shit ?
    8 points
  12. You’re in on it as well aren’t you?
    8 points
  13. Seems like not only have I seen the best of hunting in this country but also the best of the best hunting forum there is .I’ve been on most of them over the years but can’t seem to settle in any place ?but this . lm banned from every other forum for basically speaking the truth ,something that’s never been penalised on here .We sort the antis out double quick ,the woke don’t stay nor the weirdos .Any c**t telling porkies is found out in the end and the forum ebbs and flows nicely ……Or did before you mods brought an ex copper on board who’s started throwing his weight around to the tune o
    7 points
  14. Theirs countless threads ive read on here that ive got no business being on . Loads of falconry stuff ive read up on and ive never had a bird . What i like about them is you can realy tell the people posting have a intense passion about their subject and that in turn imcreases my interest
    7 points
  15. What do you mean ????? "Saluki, slop, Fury, slop, Fury, Saluki, more saluki, more slop, and even more Fury !!!! The man is a veritable cornucopia of knowledge, and I pride myself in the small part I've played in his education ?? Cheers.
    7 points
  16. It was till the 3rd riech swept in ,having this new bloke as a mod was a terrible decision ? Right that's me on it
    7 points
  17. censorship at its finest.... stinks if you ask me...people should be aloud to say what they want...weather we like it or not
    7 points
  18. An old pic I found the dog on the right was a mix of grey/deerhound/beddy/grey. Two mates from the pit I worked at the photo was took the weekend before we marched back after all 3 of us had been on strike for 12 month.
    7 points
  19. We arrived at the mark early, half expecting there to be people there and have to go elsewhere but luckily there wasn't a headlight in sight. We all got set up slowly due to being in no rush; nice and evenly spread out as with the tide pushing through lines can tend to stray a bit. Rig wise I had gone for Limitless Sea Fishing LTD 80lb XT super strength mono for rig body with 60lb for trace joined with limitless #4 Megapower SSXT super swivels and the same for the pulley swivel (these little swivels punch well above their weight with a breaking strain of over 170lbs!) with a single 3/0
    6 points
  20. To be honest, Francie, I don't know the man and have absolutely nothing against him, apart from the fact he seems to be coming down hard on mC, a lad I consider harmless and quite a good laugh. Apart from that, I consider having a policeman moderating a hunting site, the same as I would an RSPCA Inspector or a member of PETA doing the job.......it just doesn't sit right for me. As usual, this is just my personal opinion, others views may differ, and I respect them ? Cheers.
    6 points
  21. Said the same loads of times mate.. We can hunt rabbits and rats with dogs.. so how many posts about that can you put up? There was a time when a lot of hunting posts were put up, but not so much now... hence the general section being busier... a lot of us have met outside of the forum, and yap about hunting in the real world... This place is for a yap with like minded lads, we all know the majority have or did hunt... there ain't much to prove on that score. .. most enjoy piss taking... sometimes it goes too far but most blokes can handle it...
    6 points
  22. Oh that’s it, get a load of f***ing coloureds involved now ! Feckers are everywhere ! Lol ?
    6 points
  23. All this drama has only been since you started your new job. never like this before?
    6 points
  24. Just start another thread like I did when the "what's cooking" thread got deleted, no big deal. Cheers.
    6 points
  25. err no thanks.....it's a thankless job and I don't envy any of the chaps that do it... I also have no issues with guys that are mods...I just think they should pretty much leave threads alone... unless something is bang out of order....and in those cases maybe just delete individual posts...
    6 points
  26. Cant be let off the lead,Cant mix with other dogs.Sounds like she spent them first 7 months banged up in a kennel getting no socialisation or education.unfortunately rom what Ive witnessed over the years lots of working terriers get brought on the same way
    6 points
  27. On a mates shoot last night .Shitty weather but better than watching “I’m a poof get me out of here “. The thermal image was shite so didn’t hold out much hope for the pard add on either but we trudged on like the troopers we are . Into a large field full of fallow and hares and I saw something lead flat right out in the middle .The thermal was almost a white out so as the wind was good we walked in to as close as poss to Id it .On sticks ,pard on and yep it’s a fox fast asleep? The image was too poor to video but good enough to shoot so with a neck shot ,it never moved . A b
    5 points
  28. 5 points
  29. Another grey squirrel this morning with the wasp wolf and the bands I got off loanandgrey. I seem to be having more success with this frame than any other in my collection. Ammunition was 10mm lead.
    5 points
  30. Fck sake, I wanted some posts deleted and was told it would be easier and less time consuming to delete my account including threads and posts, that's it.
    5 points
  31. Why use the emotive label "baited" , baited is a funny label to use when they were dug using terriers legally as it should be.
    5 points
  32. A better pic of said dog . The dog was no worldbeater but was honest and would catch hares and rabbits he was not owned by me though I did have him for a wile when his owner spent 12 month at her majesty's pleasure.
    5 points
  33. Fs hope not,were is the plod tonight,I mean mod?
    5 points
  34. I've been a mod on other hunting sites and I'm admin on my own site, and believe me, it's a thankless job. To do it properly you have to be scrupulously fair and unbiased, you also have to not join in arguments, so what's the point of being a member of a site if you can't get involved in the discussions ? Of course some mods DO get into arguments, but then they are not doing the MODERATORS job properly. So, like TOMO, it wouldn't be for me ? Cheers.
    5 points
  35. Anything written in text format is shit compared to face to face where you can read people. Sometimes tounge in cheek doesnt come across well . Few times ive had texts from people asking for me to come do some work for them and ive thought "these sound like right arseholes " but when i turn up their nice as pie just its just the way they come across on text . Also if you wrote down on paper the way me and my mates talked to eachother youd swear we all hated eachother.
    4 points
  36. A black fella with a man bag, wearing a dress, 5ft 1, shades on in the rain... f**k me there's too much ammo there to even try!! Lol Nice one mate, you look....um....er.... ridiculous lol
    4 points
  37. 4 points
  38. Being rude and uncivil even when it over steps the mark (whatever mark that is?) is just part of normal human emotion and for all that it’s bad, it’s good as well, it adds colour (there’s them coloureds again !) and gives an insight into peoples character……a bland, Jehovah witness style general discussion section or any section for that matter would be a very boring place indeed ! I have seen lads react with the most vile retorts on here but I have also seen lads react with incredible kindness and generosity way beyond what a forum of complete strangers should ever be capable of doing…….t
    4 points
  39. "Vot is your name ?" "Don't tell him mC! " Cheers.
    4 points
  40. the site would be a much better place with the likes of tomo charts and dare i say it katchum lpd as mods ?
    4 points
  41. I always like a walk on a full moon with a lurcher, done it now for 35 years, and still like it. Went out last night 10 pm with Buck , i take me small lamp just in case lol, .Buck was out in front, i go on these few fields by me, i find a hole in hedge and pop in lol, never much on here the odd rabbit, or munjack or fox, but norm dont see alot when out, but thats ok it just nice 50 min walk for Buck before i feed him , and shut him up in his kennel for the night. Buck gets his head down, i knew something been there , the way he was moving, i was watching him along the side of the hedge , wh
    4 points
  42. I know they are probably house cats of Jack Russell but here are some from Scotland though they are not pure blood most seem to have had the farmers tom in the mix ?
    3 points
  43. Bb probably got sick of all the childish arguing pal as for chinky flu they can keep it
    3 points
  44. 3 points
  45. A wee Lakeland bitch I’ve had since a pup… not a particularly hard bitch, I love seeing her working rabbits rats above ground and foxes below
    3 points
  46. Blair is a traitorous murderer and should have been held accountable for his actions years ago
    3 points
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