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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/12/24 in all areas

  1. Well my 2024 been hell , lost wife Feb after 40 years , my right knee real bad, and trying to relocate back south staffs. Well having keyhole surgery 3rd Jan, that be great to help me for 2025 , had offer on my property, that I accepted it.so looking at few 2 bedroom bungalow in 2025. Might see my son in the new year , he vist me after surgery.i hoping 2025 be bit better for me. So like wish all the thl folks happy Xmas and happy new year, keep working your dogs, fishing, shooting. Ray.
    13 points
  2. We really are tormented by these unjust law's. I feel privileged to have grown up threw times when catching rabbits was encouraged, proudly walking threw the village as a kid with ferrets and curs carrying my catch, often a car would pull alongside "do you want to sell any of those rabbit's son" Keep it quiet and try and stay out of trouble folks!
    12 points
  3. True words Joe,...and it is a hackneyed phrase to simply say that, "we had the best of it",.. but, feck it,...it's 100% true.. An old pal mentioned this very thing to me only yesterday,.. and he asked, "What went wrong" ? For me, it don't take much thinking about,...and as a lifelong Hunting man, I can only say,...."We just got too fecking civilised".... Anyway,.. all the best to all genuine lads,...have a good Xmas,.. and pray for a prosperous and healthy New Year....
    9 points
  4. I've been a binman for 24 years . I can give you two pieces of advice that will solve your bin man issues instantly. 1. Put the correct waste , in the correct bin . 2. Don't be a knob to your binmen. If you stick to those unbelievably simple bits of advice , all of your waste issues will instantly melt away . On a serious note . If you mix the wrong waste , you contaminate it . They can't take contaminated waste , it's as simple as that . These rules will be getting even stricter for all of us in the very near future. Also. Shouting at binmen really doesn
    8 points
  5. I've done things that would have gotten me as much time behind a door for a lot less in my past , but at this time in my life and what i have achieved living a straight as i can life then no mate..My boat i use for Bass fishing and i can see a prison from where i fish and sod being behind one of those windows watching me living a life wishing i had thought about it a bit more..
    8 points
  6. Some great posts on this one, couple of things I didn't get.. when fury switched to southpaw a few times (as he does) he looked really clumsy/off balance when, his lead right hand is no way near as sharp as leading with his left, I thought Usyks eyes lit up whenever he switched as Fury was wide open and moved awkwardly.. not a good plan against someone like Usyk imo. I'm still none the wiser to this great boxing technician, amazing ring IQ badge that people put on Fury, when in with a true technician and the fight settled into Usyks rhythm he looked clumsy and lost at times, Usyk never di
    8 points
  7. Mrs is working tomorrow,so we had our Christmas dinner etc today...My dad and step mother came up this morning drop off presents and for breakfast,my old girls on her own so came round, for lunch... presents all opened,built, assembled and everyones happy.... myself and the eldest are at the lake tomorrow for a few days and a social,few of his mates and their dads coming along....jobs a good un... EnjoyThe Festiveness Tomorrow fellow THL'ers
    7 points
  8. Its going to be a white Christmas,it's only just stopped snowing.
    6 points
  9. Soup done, chicken done, beef done, gravy done, just got to prep all the veg now for cooking tomorrow
    6 points
  10. Any pics of the cash they made ?
    6 points
  11. Trouble is it's perfect for the c**ts as it don't involve any ethnic majorities or lgbq poofs and weirdos, just public enemy no 1 working class white males ffs they invent new laws every year some of which surly contravene some kind of human rights ,but then you remember u ain't got none being a dossing honky
    6 points
  12. Same as you say horrendous when you think about it. Same as those dealing class A drugs from a motor none of them loose their licence for driving about destroying life's and communities even though some will get jail time I've never read about any of them getting driving bans for a far more serious crime than running a few hare's.
    6 points
  13. Went to get salmon and shrimp sushi,watched the ladies making it.
    5 points
  14. Here imagine the briefing room before hand , “let’s be safe out there men ! This is one of Britain’s biggest captures of it all goes to plan ! “Who are we dealing with boss ? Serbians ? Albanians ” “No , two jock non starters , code names fat cole palmer and specky Shaun sheep , no need to arrest them , just pull them up by their underpants “ sound
    5 points
  15. Feck em mate, working away all week and bin day on Good Friday, the cnuts wouldn't take the blue bin because there was some plastic in off the front of a toy box. I took it out and they then said they won't take it just incase there's more at the bottom. Well, they took it, when I launched the bin straight in to the back of the wagon. Lol
    5 points
  16. My Pet hates are PEOPLE i can’t stand the fuckers they make my shit drop
    5 points
  17. It’s a wrap !! Well for me , staff still in. Been a busy 48 hrs with night shifts day shifts . Am done now , just got nip back later and cash up and give staff there bonuses and thank them for another good busy year .
    5 points
  18. https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/hare-coursing bad character link may be of interest to some also SA2020 shows the absolute ability of the law to dq hare coursers and passengers from driving . let that sink in , you can drive a hundred miles and pan someone’s head in and keep the licence. But if you Chuck a dog over a hedge at a hare , you can loose yours and your mate sat in the passenger seats livelihood . utterly horrendous when you get to the brass tacks
    5 points
  19. Some pictures from the annual Christmas eve moped run around the town
    4 points
  20. Was that as you looked out the window and saw a migrant camp opposite your house? Lol
    4 points
  21. Father and daughter together Lads hope everyone has a good Christmas and a happy new year and all the best for the rest off the season
    4 points
  22. Is there a woman who cooks now ? Bloody Keith Floyd! Made us all think we are chefs ! Bottle of red and get in the kitchen, bloke was quality!
    4 points
  23. Give him my condolences mate, £1500/£2000 a week per bed £1.50 a day food budget £1.50/£2.00 laundry budget and make family’s pay for everything else, sorry mate work in one been in a few think your example of hardship could be a little bit better directed, tell him to f**k off the shareholders and look after the paying residents and English staff, sorry got my soapbox out there lol
    4 points
  24. Got to say mate it's one of mine aswell. Even at work i hate to see overflowing bins were some of the other lads will just keep piling rubbish on top of rubbish instead of walking to the skip and emptying the feker that always seems to be left to me even when I see rubbish on the warehouse floor I will pick it up and bin it were some of them will just walk past it.
    4 points
  25. Keith was a good sort think I may have mentioned before. Was on a stag do thought we crash in on his Pub and give him a bit of stick as only about 3 miles from home town. We walked in loud as f**k he got stuck in with us giving us all T shirts and getting the yard of ale out. Made for a good night. The pub was called The Maltsters at Tuckenhay he renamed it Floyd's its back to the Maltsters again now. Cheers Arry
    3 points
  26. I love cooking and it’s no bother doing it for 8 of them tomorrow, I just wish they’d come and collect it and fu*k off back to their own house
    3 points
  27. I like the strategically placed fishing rod prop on the RIB,we haven't been smuggling we have just been fishing,I bet that's never been used as a ploy before.......ever,lol.
    3 points
  28. 15 and 7 years think themselves lucky they weren't caught fcukin hare coursing, then they'd really have had the book thrown at them.
    3 points
  29. Lemon cake and coli cheese done, I’m smashing this cooking with no one in the house to bother me
    3 points
  30. Feck me i got a boat and if someone offered me £40,000 to just pop offshore then i'd be thinking about it won't be doing it now i've told the world but you get my drift.....
    3 points
  31. Couple of naïve lads with no records. Might be wrong but I’d guess they’ve been allowed to run up a bit of a coke debt and then manipulated into this situation to clear it. Doubt they even knew the extent of the risk or the sentences that could/would be handed down. But, if you play with fire etc.
    3 points
  32. Fair play to you I can’t help but think that you will escalate this though have you sent the dept a race course invite yet ?
    3 points
  33. You don’t make life easy for yourself do you mate ?
    3 points
  34. That’s 100% caused by people putting waste away lazily I work near my waste area at work , when I go past it , invariably there will be one or two non starters throwing empty cardboard boxes inbtge bin , uncrushed , f***ing kills me , to the extent that I can’t not say anything. Spastics
    3 points
  35. Usyk is definitely a class act in his boxing skills and a human being. I would rather he retired as he has nothing to prove in boxing.
    3 points
  36. We sell lots and lots of these pie gift boxes with 5 different flavours of pork pies . A nice different gift
    3 points
  37. 3 points
  38. I've just read that, but apparently it's 15 x 4. What has impressed me these last two bouts against Fury is Usyk's punch resistance, Fury is by no means a pure knockout artist but in these past few years he's arguably been hitting the hardest he's ever hit under the tutelage of Sugar Hill. His knockout over Whyte was impressive, Usyk looked unfazed on Saturday to the body & head. He has certainly done great things at HW, AJ & Fury twice and Dubois on the resume, what more does he have to prove, he's a bona fida ATG.
    3 points
  39. There was a time when young prospects were protected and carefully handled....brought along facing all types of opponents who were good enough to push the prospect so that he learned but not dangerous enough to knock them back physically or mentally....again,matchmakers had great value Dean Powell god rest his soul was a brilliant matchmaker who shaped the careers of many young London fighters but they just dont exist today......a big ticket seller like young Johnny Fisher is thrown in on big shows when he should be learning his trade on small hall shows.....the game has changed mate and not f
    3 points
  40. Thats just a silly question mate its like asking which undisputed champ knocked every opponent out in the first round Usyk is a chess player he isnt a concussive puncher but fighting much larger men you wouldnt expect him to be. They are not closely matched at all a man with ridiculous physical advantages has not been able to put a dent in his opponent in 24 rounds of boxing......again,Usyk would beat Fury in exactly the same way if they fought 100 times,that isnt " closely matched "
    3 points
  41. This is absolutely vile,but we've let the government control us an restrict us,an I can't understand why,this is just pathetic an disgusting,it beggars beleif
    3 points
  42. Suppose I've been lucky over the yrs,lots of places I dug on permission, weren't the easiest of places to get too,or pleasant enough to hang about lurking waiting to catch someone out....the mobile phone was the final nail in the coffin for the digging) lamping game imo....some folks just can't help themselves... The biggest risk was and has always been, travelling back and forth these places with bashed up dogs/tools/quarry in the motor...you can do everything by the book,have every little bit of paper....and your still f****d you have to weigh up the odds in the end,and ask yourself,i
    3 points
  43. Dave and me, were pals,...and occasional business partners... Back in the day,...I was dealt a bit of a blow,... Dave helped me out, and probably saved the day. He loved having the craic, and was always amused by my silly tales and crazy anecdotes,...we had some good old times... I believe his legacy and writings about the terrier world, will live on.... RIP Dave Harcombe..
    3 points
  44. A pic of a few dogs owned by London lads in the past. The white bitch was the litter sister to the great grand dam to lucky the dark destroyer i believe. The brindle bitch was a fx saluki greyhound.
    3 points
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