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Maximus Ferret

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Everything posted by Maximus Ferret

  1. Join the darkside' he still posts regularly and hasn't changed a bit LOL.
  2. Both very true but that's granulating very nicely and soon the dog can be roadwalked to maintain fitness. It's still early in the season so not too much will be lost. That'd have been a tricky one to stitch where it is and the lad explained why he didn't want to go to the vet. Most vets these days are money first and animal welfare second and a lot of them couldn't have stitched that so it wouldn't pull open again.
  3. Daresay they live on takeaways where you are Blackie.
  4. If you're that bothered why not just jump over onto his? Seems like he's into sharing.?
  5. It seems to split opinions on here. People either love or hate it. For me, hare,venison and other gamey meats are the best. Hare joints, coated in seasoned flour, fried light brown,then into a pot with either guinness, red wine, or if you're strapped water+vinegar will do. Fry some whole carrots and chopped onions then empty the fryer into the pot and add 2 or 3 bayleaves. At least 3 hours in the oven on very low temperature. mmmmm...... Food of the gods.
  6. You shoulda had a bitch or two when he offered, LOL. They look like that crushed velvet that people used to wear in the 70's.
  7. borrow a bottle of "T Cut" from someone who likes cars and try polishing it with that. Small drop of polish and plenty of rubbing. It improves car headlights so should work.
  8. Could you pop a link up please Sandy. I can't seem to find it.
  9. As above, definately get it checked out. I lost a very promising young dog to a snapped cruciate ligament last year. Get to a good vet and they'll look at it. If they suggest an xray then bite the bullet and get it done. Allways better to know what you're dealing with. Best of luck with it mate.
  10. He's certainly got that look in his eye LOL.
  11. Worse than show type afghans? I have found borzois don't seem to mind biting people if they feel like it but I used to know a couple with rescue afghans and they'd take some beating.
  12. Apropos of nothing, pendejo is Mexican slang for a pubic hair.
  13. No, it was just that Moocher said he hoped it would be. Couldn't see it happening as rightly or wrongly it's the method most think is the only humane method.
  14. Don't worry mate, if it becomes illegal I'll give you thirty quid for your thermal so you won't have to be out of pocket or break the law.?
  15. Just googled it and I'm wrong...... It was Lord Orford. HeeeHaw, Hee haw
  16. Lurgan, who whelped the famed master mcgrath in 1866. Before bull blood there weren't any brindle greyhounds, or so we're led to believe. Bull blood in whippets came much later, I'd guess early 20th century maybe but only a guess.
  17. This lad used to do Moocher. He probably still does. He did a lot of rabbit control and had access to proper working beardies. Haven't spoken to him in a few years.
  18. My choice for a rabbiter would be some kind of collie cross. here's one bred from Johndog.
  19. LOL, you may have something of a point there. They do breed deerhounds a bit big and clumsy these days. They're a nice dog to own though and the first pure in Stonewalls post looks a better stamp to me. His half cross too.
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