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About MagyarAgar

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    Born Hunter

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  1. GWPs also come in lighter and heavier set lines, and a decent one will catch and dispatch fox quite efficiently. Maybe the GWPs in the UK are different than the ones here in Germany. GWPs on average are said to be hardier and sharper.
  2. GSP/Greyhound crosses are quite popular in the sprint and dryland disciplines of sleddog racing, and I would not be aware of massive heart problems with these dogs/crosses and they would definitely crop up there.
  3. Goat milk definitely contains lactose. Maybe you can buy lactose free goat milk. Hard to make cheese without some kind of sugar…
  4. Linebreeding, Inbreeding are techniques for the amateurs, that were state-of-the-art in the early 1900s. The real pros use genetic selection breeding programmes, less guesswork, better results.
  5. Thanks a lot, @sandymere! That’s the stuff I am looking for. If you have more keep em coming.
  6. Just a quick question mainly for @sandymere (couldn’t reach you via PM) Do you know some good resources regarding the history and working/hunting use of Galgos? Books, magazine articles, videos. Anything would be fine. Thanks in advance!
  7. Keep us posted! Will be interesting to see which direction you choose to go.
  8. If she keep’s excelling at her job do you plan on breeding with her?
  9. Yeah, I have the same impression while reading the Saluki book of Terence Clark.
  10. Me neither. As long as you breed true to type and the type means „good hare/gazelle/fox hunter“ it is even better to have a broad genetic base.
  11. Probably easier said than done…to be fair, so far I am just toying with the idea. So maybe it is easier than I think.
  12. Thats a type I really like. Looks really square? Or is that the camera angle?
  13. Nice to hear, from what I hear to much inbreeding going on within the coursing breds, but thats personal preference. I would rather go back to the source, if possible…
  14. I am reading the book from Terence Clark about Salukis at the moment and in there he has some stunning pictures of smooth salukis. They look more like a salxgrey. Crossing something like that with a collie/kelpie would be really interesting to see. I would imagine that they would be fast enough for almost anything and would have stamina to spare. I would love to go to the source and getting one of these smooths over here, since I really do not dig the feathering…
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