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Everything posted by Jerry71

  1. Take your time mate and with the right kind of entering the bitch should do you proud,atb
  2. In my ares they was loades of young bunnies running every were in spring early summer and by late summer not a bunny to be seen on some land that normally holds good numbers. They got mixy and then rhd wich wiped them out. If we loose the humble rabbit it will have a devastating affect on wildlife, let's hope the rabbits can come back from this virus as it really don't look good, atb
  3. Sorry for your lose mate, I haven't got no adult Jill's but I have a Jill expecting kits in around ten days, I know it don't help with rest of the season but b working for season coming, like I say want one pm, atb
  4. Like above mate beets sitting at home, sounds like you all had a good time and bagd some ferret food. Atb
  5. I was told years ago by a old fella who had kept ferrets all is life to put a bit of olive oil on there necks and iv found this to stop them itching. Atb
  6. Same mate get the little fella to the vet. Weight loss, runs and first weeks of life living in 's.. T. Some people just don't deserve to breathe the same air as us, hope all goes fine atb
  7. I had a 3q whippet x bedy few years ago, we was out on Xmas eve just for a quick walk to let dogs empty themselves when my bedlington bitch flushed a big buck out some brambles, my whippet x was away after it and by time I got to them they was in a large patch brambles, muntjac was down with my boy holding it by the neck and bedy had a leg, it was far from dead and I could see quite a bit of blood on my boy, I took care of munty and checked dogs over, he lost 3 teeth and he was badly bruised were he'd been booted. Cost several hundred at vets and he hated all deer, Fox from that day on. I wou
  8. Hope you're dog is okay mate, atb
  9. Yes I was happy to see the little fella run free again, I'm sure it's mum was about somewhere. Quite a few munty have moved onto this land in last few months, large estate over Road from land so there probably moving away from shoots that's going on just now. Must say it was a buitifull little thing not that the whippets thought the same. He's still looking at me as to say "you moan when I don't retreave live, when I do you release it"
  10. Out for a walk with my whippet and bedyxwhippet today, we waik this land when ever it's just a quick hour and back home. It holds a few bunny's and pheasants and my dogs love hunting to see what they can flush, the little bitch was taking a interest in a Heage near a gateway the whippet was ten yards out in field when all of a sudden a baby munty bolted and worse still went in whippets direction, he had it in his mouth in seconds, I never cleared a fence quicker. It was bleating away why he held it, he dropet it in my hand and it was placed in my wax coat while I got dogs secure. After checkin
  11. Get dog back to the vet, as folk have said get a ultrasound done, personally I would not work the dog again until I knew what problem was, you could make things a hole lot worse by running the dog. Atb
  12. All the drug related crime, knife crime, nonses, terrorism going on around the UK and they want to waste tax payers cash looking for lampers.
  13. . Finedon is three miles away and they is only 3estates in w, boro. Hemmingwell, Kings way, queensway.
  14. There's lads on hear who run his dogs, like to know what they say about how he keeps his dogs, don't care if he lives like a tramp as long as he cares for his animals and let's face it £500 a pup, amount he's bred over years he should be doing OK. Lol
  15. Good to hear the vet checked her over, rest her mate and take your time in working her again, coney etc will be there to run when time is right and only you know that. Atb
  16. Some good pics and it looked a good day out, I like the bedyxwhippet. I've just retired my whippet and just waiting on my new pup wich is a bedyxgreyhound x bedyxwhippet. Atb
  17. I know how it feels to retire a dog before its time. I have a whippet here who kept getting a virus wich gives him respiratory problems. He's seven and a great worker, and I will miss him next to me working Warren's and running the beam. He wines when I grab my hunting kit and breaks my heart to leave him behind. But to take him would be foolish and cruel, my lad as worked six seasons and gave his all like your dog as done, they earn the right to spend the rest of there days by the fire and getting spoilt by family. It's easy for folk to say there's still a season left in him but only you know
  18. Nice Russell mate, hope you get a pup from her. Atvb
  19. I have offered to take a fella who used to work some of my permission back in the 70s. It will be good to hear about rabbit numbers etc back then. and it will be nice to give him a good day out, I will put a post up once we have been out. Also iv contacted local estate manager about getting a couple of youngsters out ratting and ferreting on regular basis. The youths will come from familys who's parents have addictions to one thing or another. At first they will be those that drop out but if we can help just one youngster it will be worth it. We still have a way to go to get this up and runnin
  20. Yes they may be bow legged but they worked and worked hard to fox, brock and who cares if they ain't showy as long as they do there job. A good terrier is one that does the job it was bred for.
  21. Jerry71

    Hour out

    Your pic made me smile mate, my bedyxwhippet was the same as a pup. And that's how it should be. How's it bred mate looks a nice chunky pup and hope all goes well for yous at.
  22. Bert was a gentleman, my father had a terrier of him and a whippet pup. My father said Bert was a top terrier man and what he didn't no wasn't worth knowing he also had a whippet x terrier that would fly to ground on fox and brock and never got punished.. I would have loved to have met him, Phil d was a good honest man who kept some good dogs and he was never anti hunting . he loved working dogs.bert Gripton, Phil drabble were like Eddie Chapman, George newcome, plummer and many more we have lost. They were great field men and respected by all that was lucky anufe to know them.
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