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The one

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The one last won the day on February 24 2015

The one had the most liked content!

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8,416 Excellent


About The one

  • Rank
    Honorary Life President of the THL New Member Welcoming Committe
  • Birthday 26/08/1913

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  1. you picked the hardest one to do when your learning a shaped net ?.Only do it when you can concentrate as one slipped knot and the nets useless but all my bad nets end up in my ferreting bag and they still catch rabbits
  2. hello and welcome mate , get out and knock on doors or think out with the box
  3. Get a snipped hob and run her with him jills can come into season 4/5 now with longer summers
  4. Hello and welcome mate , only thing is there a big difference between gun laws in UK and USA
  5. I am interested in replys ?.
  6. They all smell the same or should do if your cleaning them out enough
  7. Hello and welcome mate , old age comes to us all
  8. hello and welcome mate
  9. The mother was sat in the car out the road so not to cause any aggravation and somebody else told him it was her dog Dont know if he was scared of it beating his dog or he was just causing trouble reading the comments
  10. I dont think much will have changed mate
  11. Hello and welcome mate
  12. The boss of the tradesmen at work used to tie his own flies and take his boys fishing i gave him everything he wanted wings , tails etc and got a lot of jobs done in return handy bartering items
  13. Not even seen one trying to eat the meat in the ferret hutches maybe too wet for them ?>
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