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  1. Past hour
  2. I don't really get involved too much with these boxing pundits, BUT please, stop this gareth a Davies about tyson fury. He's sickeningly cringeworthy as f**k!!!
  3. I know mate, bit of a shit joke...
  4. Today
  5. absolute corking examples. I like the young dog on the left
  6. Yes mate because I'm a lug digger lol
  7. That simpleshot one looks well made. I often wonder on the accuracy on those slingshot bows and would be tempted to give one a go .
  8. The w.h.o are about to take control of most of the countries in the world with there pandemic treaty an barely anyway one cares,well get what we deserve mate
  9. " To achieve world government , it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, there individualism, loyalty to the family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas." - Brock Chisholm ( 1st director general of the world health organization. 1948-1953 .
  10. Chicken and mushroom pot noodle is one of my guilty pleasures....tight lines
  11. Apparently the new incoming derry mayor has gotten death threats,the two other candidates from the sdlp have resigned,if tagged the leader of the sdlp an told him what I thought,f***ing clown,alot of people not happy about this
  12. he’s a conspiracy nut
  13. Bit sad to see some of the good chaps from the old crack here are being hampered with age problems getting in the way of shooting. But great to see yiu here again Tim with Mitch, Jimmy and Phil, I will never let my Pro Sport go. Jimmy and Phil know all too well how long I yearned for years for a left hand version until Jimmy came to my rescue, out of sheer kindness with a PS beech stock he'd beautifully modified and shaped for me. I still have it Jimmy and treasure it. Now I'm back out shooting I am going to look for a decent second hand .177 Pro Sport to permanently wed it to. I t
  14. I just use a big game bag with 50 nets on it and net up as i go over a burrow
  15. Hello and welcome mate , i think your best chance is paying for your stalking
  16. It’s imported Bombay Sapphire Sunset gin with Fevertree rhubarb tonic, ice , and lemon slices , gay, or what ! LOL ! Cheers.
  17. So in Michigan (in america) the lefty woke wankers/lgbtq weirdos ect decided they would support and vote in muslim candidates to office, who promptly banned the flying of the gay pride flags...lol. Stupid c@nts
  18. What is that cocktail, charts? Looks pretty good, I love lemon.
  19. To be honest, I had a cocktail or two to celebrate Newcastles victory over Burnley and let my, usually, impeccable spelling slip ! But I’m happy in the knowledge that one of my acolytes would leap in to correct me . Namasay, Salam Alaykum, Cheers. (please select your own salutation, I’m an equal opportunities smarmy git).
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