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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. if you read back mate think hes taking the piss I know mate , hence the inference that having anal sex with a dog does not a saint make .
  2. Fek it , lets all get baw , the JR Ewing of the hunting life .
  3. You know your getting old when you look at old photos and your the only one still alive on lots of them.

    1. scothunter
    2. Outlaw Pete

      Outlaw Pete

      Yep. When you realise you're Billy No Mates. Because they're all f**king dead! :o


    3. Ideation


      I'm 28 and I get that now sometimes!

    4. Show next comments  453 more
  4. Its easy to laugh at the poor feker but it must of been hard for him.
  5. 22 yrs old !!! ffs mate the worlds your lobster , the only advise I,d offer is don,t settle for a dead end soul destroying job , keep an eye on the future , further education , a trade , a job with prospects that teaches you skills ,some thing you you have an interest in and like , strive to be happy failing that ..put the bally on
  6. I hope you get sorted with some graft soon mate .
  7. I wouldn,t keep anything with greyhound blood in it .
  8. I,v got a shar pei puppy on my groin ......oh no that's my nob.
  9. When people realise that islam is the enemy , that all muslims are the enemy , and not fall for this radical / good muslim shit , that the friendly smiling packie in the corner shop or the reasonable sounding muslim who comes on forums and gets support and sympathy are as much the enemy as old hookie hands or the chowdry fella , then the working class white man may have a chance , until then they will continue to divide and conquer.
  10. I,v got a copy of , Memoirs of a hunter , by Fredrick Remmler , a great story of hunting in early 20th century Russia , hunting with Borzois and eagles , a great read , if you agree to pass it on send me your addy and I,ll get it to you .
  11. Anybody used one of these ?
  12. I,v just had a conversation with a woman outside a knocking shop , or I tried to , I was fascinated by her hand , it kept touching my groin area

    1. pip1968


      it wasnt kay was it lol

    2. reaper1064
  13. Did John Lyon box for st Helens or am I getting mixed up , that club certainly produced some great amateurs in the 70s/80s the Gilbodys , Steve Johnson , Tony Smart Keith Wallace etc lots of ABA titles between them
  14. You cant call them THAT ,.........African American is the correct term
  15. Astanley


    We are probably the only people on here who get that.
  16. Astanley


    I wont be on here again until july 1st , how does that make you all feel ?
  17. I know that mate.....just now and then he throws these latin phrases at me and i never know what he,s going on about ...........Mad decision though innit Chelsea/City etc are trying to buy history they havent got and theres Everton voluntarily dropping history they have got !......Strange one that. unbelievable decision that one , the stupidity of marketing whiz kids always amazes me , I was moaning about it the other day and my 6 yr old grandson , who loves Everton said " nils carbarundum illigitimi granddad "
  18. I read the title and thought the queen had been in hospital it,s been on the news all day mate .
  19. If I was you I,d be so angry I,d put a topless pic of yourself on here just to piss them off
  20. Astanley

    Kids Sweets

    What a disgusting advert to aim at kids
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