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beast last won the day on January 14 2017

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About beast

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. Google tigers on Africa there's lots of stuff of interest
  2. http://m.imdb.com/title/tt1138488/
  3. Yeah there was a show about the tigers I didn't watch all of it. I know the handler couldn't get a handle on them in the end couldn't remember why though. I can't remember what went wrong with the project but I know it ended in tears. I will try to find out
  4. Domestic cats learn to hunt birds mice etc very easily even if well fed. Given the extra motivation of actually being hungry and cats will soon learn to hunt efficiently. Certainly Joy a damsons lions leopard and cheetah did. Also billy arjan Singh released leopaRd tiger and I think fishing cat with no trouble. Some crackpot released tiger in a huge compound with antelope etc in South Africa a few years ago and they learnt to hunt antelope quite easily. So I think the hunting instinct in cats is naturally strong and they should adapt quite quickly to a wild existence
  5. beast

    New layout

    I was having that problem yesterday but seems alright now.
  6. beast


    I have a 6 year old a 3 y o and a yearling. I am still waiting for all the pleasure that everyone told me they would bring..... ?
  7. I have an empty semi derelict cottage on one side and a f***ing Lane on the other which at certain times has more fecking ramblers horse riders dog walkers etc than I care for. Who needs neighbours ?
  8. ?please don't confuse me with ginger beard ?
  9. Roll her in flour to find the wet spot
  10. Its nothing to do with wanting to dart or not. It is about the practical realities. Darts are not some wonder miracle way to knock out animals. Maximum range is around 20 metres for a dart and the slightest puff of breeze will half this range. The dart needs to hit muscle which really only gives the thigh as a target on a small animal like a lynx. The slightest amount of excitime nt or alarm and the drugs become less effective due to adrenalin in the animals system. And even a drug like etorphine which is incredibly efficient will take around 15 minutes to work in which time a lynx could tra
  11. beast

    New layout

    This is so funny ??. I am certainly no whizz kid on computers but you lot are making me feel really good about myself☺. I feel like some sort of techno genius now. It's all fine just have a play pressing every button and see what happens. Won't take you long folks?
  12. beast

    New layout

    I thought there was a problem with my login and kept searching for different settings ?
  13. Now some of the time that's true. I could name a local slaughtermen who is a total crook. He even showed up at my mates place with a bucket of blue dye to put on a previous delivery because he heard there might be an inspection and he hadn't dyed it before delivering.But I can personally vouch for holts. They slaughter enough stock that they don't need to sell rubbish as animal feed they can just incinerate it. They will only sell decent stuff. Will joint it or mince it or whatever you require. They freeze meat after cutting so doesn't rot over the weekend or whatever
  14. 12? I could do 12! Easy do 50 if it wanted to. Hopefully will have a better life away from that dump.hope they don't catch it ?
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