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Everything posted by Astanley

  1. Last night I drank two sterilising tablets thinking they were soluble headache tablets ,lots of burning and blood last night , today sore as fek with some blood clots still coming up , will I make it ?
  2. That sounds about right to me
  3. The pain going down the hip/buttock /leg is the sciatic nerve , can be severe enough to make you vomit or pass out ,make sure you get the original cause sorted , because the NHS has a tendency to just fob you off with pain relief and muscle relaxants , if you don,t get the cause sorted it is recurring ATB
  4. Sounds like sciatica mate , can be fekin awful
  5. R I P Dave , a great player and a true gentleman .
  6. Give Tb a couple of weeks and he,ll leave her with a fanny like a ripped out fireplace
  7. ffs does everything on this site have to be over analysed ? different people find different things funny that's how its always been ,or are we going to have the sense of humour police now as well as the thought police .If you don't find it funny ( and I didn't ) don't laugh ...simple
  8. Gozzy eyed kids , with a pink eye patch over the bad eye , scabby knees ,open fires in pubs ,feeling ill and going to the doctors the same day and not waiting days for an appointment ,Bobbys on pushbikes ,the smell of old spice and cigars on Christmas day in the pub ,cars with running boards on the side ,white ice cream men , white doctors , English chippies , high streets with proper shops , letter writing ,
  9. I,m not sure where I stand here , I haven,t seen mine for a while
  10. Can you take them seriously ? I mean with their boney sticky out ribs and sharp elbows amd the way they moan and whine about eating like a horse and never putting weight on , the smug way they walk about without sweating on hot days ,I just can,t take them seriouse.
  11. Astanley

    Fat People

    I swear to f**k your a dick, pmsl at you ya nutter Stewie said I can be in his gang and we are gonna be the cool kids being bullied for having a silly accent by all them scouse kids really got to you didnt it mate......... Yep ,and every time one of these piss taking scottich twats , use a word like , tatties , mind , ken etc it brings all the pain back
  12. Astanley

    Fat People

    I swear to f**k your a dick, pmsl at you ya nutter Stewie said I can be in his gang and we are gonna be the cool kids
  13. Astanley

    Fat People

    Whens this slly fkn fishing competition ? I want to go and hear more of these witty fat jokes .
  14. Astanley

    Fat People

    Lab , I blame you for being fat , cos every time a fox gets one of your scabby fkn pheasants I have a biscuit to celebrate . Baw , you are treading on thin ice , I still have pms you sent to buttercup , don,t make me put them up .
  15. Astanley

    Fat People

    I am fat and your all cnts.
  16. Astanley


    wether fb is your cup of tea or not , arguing about it is letting these cnts off the hook ,some people prefer privacy/anonymity some don,t , as long as it,s legal then you should be free to pursue your interests without interference.
  17. Astanley


    can,t we sacrifice Lab so they leave the rest of us alone
  18. Astanley


    I can predict the next 3 posts 1 This is getting silly , time a mod locked it RM 3245637 2If I was a mod I would lock it , please make me a mod Ian 3 I am a twat , Matt the rat
  19. I think your getting him mixed up with someone else mate , which is strange because Whin and Borderscot don,t even sound similar
  20. I,ll bet running on those runways made a terrible mess of your dogs feet .
  21. Nice pup , I know Baw off here is looking for a pup .
  22. He dosn,t bite any more when I claim I beat him , I used to get the funniest abusive calls of him but now he maintains a "dignified silence "
  23. The world is full of people who equate a big price tag as quality , a couple of years ago on another site to take the piss out of my mate who had is dog at stud , I put my little rag arsed , below average whippet x up for stud at £1,000 , I got a couple of laughs , a couple of miserable fekers who don,t get jokes moaning , but get this , I got two genuine enquirys ,that's two blokes willing to give me £1,ooo of their hard earned to use a dog they,d never seen or heard of , all because of a big price tag. I took markbricks money but not the other fella .
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