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About stevemac

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 09/08/1952

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  • Location
    NSW Australia

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  1. You can add to that digging under bore pumps and stuffing them up. They can be shot as vermin in NSW they are bad around cattle as the cattle can and fall into dens and break legs. My terrier went into the hollow base of a river gum dam a place we had got a few foxes dam if it didn't find a wombat I luckily got the dog out Un scathed but it was touch and go for a bit.
  2. Yes they do it has been done 1 out but only by a very special dog.
  3. Coyote are bigger and they get rolled whith staghounds
  4. Any whippet that hunts rough country will be marked up. Those that only ever get a run in a clean paddock might get away with out a mark. But all the dogs at working dog shows are not nessessarily hunted.
  5. There are several ridged dog breeds in south east Asia the Rhodesian Ridge came from one of these that travel to Africa with traders. No doubt where the Rhodesians guarding instincts got a kick along.
  6. yes Bird its been done plenty they have made some handy dogs. my mate only recentlt lost a soup hound that had a i/8 ridgeback. along with Ibizan , greyhound and pit bull he was one of best finding dog Ive ever seen and had more then enough speed and kill for one. there were a notable pair in South Australia that made ridgeback x grethound that made their living killing foxes. and of cause most of the kangaroo lines in WA have ridgeback some where..
  7. Hunting with james and his bulldogs was a real experence.. ya James 's passing is a real loss to not only to his family but also so the dog hunting comunity in NSW. he was a great mate and I treasure our long conversations about hunting dogs or bulldogs or birds or fowls and ofcause Im sure we solved many of the worlds troubles at times. haha.
  8. Yes the bitches are to a point but they like the back. Up from a big male though.
  9. His pics are all over the net. He used to go crook if someone copied them until I explained how the net works. He real only go the shits with arseholes that claimed them as their owned. So you be right mate.
  10. That sounds pretty typical of the bred Daniel especially of the night guarding part as the c**t that was trying to steel my car found out.
  11. these were my mate James callens dogs I enjoyed many a hunt with James and his dogs before his passing.
  12. having owned many ridgebacks along with foxhounds foxterriers Australian staghounds whippets and jack russells my main game being foxes and feral pigs my most favourite hunting trios have been one ridgeback with two staghounds they complement one another one a hunt the righeback being strong wind scenters but resonably close hunters ideal when you on foot. they do lack a turn of speed although a mile of endurance this is where the stag hounds come in as they read the ridgeback and when fox or pig explode from their seat the stags make very short races. If I could have added the rigebacks abil
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