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About Scentchaser

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. How did your batch turn out this season.atvb
  2. Just on your YouTube channel now.....
  3. What was all the pissing about people was on about sending them off for UK maps ect?or can you now buy them and they are ready to use...Great reply cheers
  4. Looks nice ground.......and a nice remote place....the best type
  5. Well I thought this but isn't it a faff sorting maps out ect.....that sort of stuff I just see as hassle...thanks for the reply....atb scentchaser
  6. Just seen this post after having the same issue as you with collar size
  7. I had a dog trace a few years ago which I liked the simplicity of but the collars are too big for the size of my terrier so what tracker has small collar sizes,atvb. scentchaser
  8. You'll have to get a busher! Always room for 1 more
  9. I'm lacking on the busher front atm,got a vizsla that pushes cover but in really thick brambles she can't get in as she's as big as my lurcher but not through lack of trying so I'm part busher...just bought a pup in for bushing but still on first vax so next season be in a better situation,but I walked patches of brambles out and they was 3/4 rabbits in 1 spot which got exciting
  10. Like the look of these sambo. You any vids of them all speaking?
  11. Great to get others feed back had mine knocked 2 rabbits up today and he was jumping about in patches of brambles on a few others...Great fun....my vizsla ran a few too..
  12. Want peoples opinions on if the keep the lurcher on a slip or not when bushing......if I'd had mine on a slip with me I'd have scored today but he wa free and just not in the right spot to get on it,but 10 min before that he knocked up a rabbit himself so what's everybody's thoughts and preferences, atb scentchaser
  13. Got that bottom catty myself.....replica wasp.i have double band on mine atm and I'm all over the place with it...
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