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Everything posted by trappa

  1. Anyone know if mackerel are about yet please?

    1. dytkos


      Some on the south coast down here

    2. keepdiggin


      bought some earlier in asda mate

    3. nothernlite


      No up here yet in argyll

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  2. That's the bush in front of my van believe it or not. I am now parking in front of it when possible as the bush gets reversed into regularly plus kids footballs often hit it. I think it helps.
  3. This is photo of the chaffinch at at bottom of my drive. Its in the worlds worst bush, i nearly pulled the nest out and threw it when i saw it being made, i really didnt think it would last. I will post a pic of the bush.
  4. Got asked to trap in a field the other day, it was high with grass but lapwings were going daft. I set a few traps then beat a hasty retreat. Lots of geese with young in same field.
  5. I put a topic in the firearm section a few years ago. My young son was looking at my firearm certificate and started asking questions about why it said fox for my 223. I explained that you needed to stipulate what gun was for what, my 22 for small vermin, my 223 for Fox etc when he pipes up when I get mine I'm getting zombies put on my certificate!! I had to laugh!
  6. Hp lovecraft. The man was a genius. After that maybe Amy smart who I would get drunk or spike her drink then take home and f#ck the arse off it.
  7. Anyone id this egg? Found it this morning.
  8. Got my potatoes in yesterday, onions are in trays taking root a little. Not sure what else I will be doing. Maybe marrows and pumpkins.
  9. trappa


    Think im lucky here. I see lapwings and curlews virtually every day im out and about. Im sure i heard a cuckoo last week, i even wrote on facebook that i was having a great day mole trapping and metal detecting and had heard a cuckoo and a woodpecker when id taken my earphones off, though now im questioning myself seen as no-one else has !!!
  10. Cheers boys. I think i will come down hard on her, at least will try. Its easier said than done sometimes, dont want her to go the wrong way completely and rebel.
  11. Anyone else have a problem here or am i the only one? My daughter is 16 and has always done well at school, top set at school and teachers expecting her to get A's in her exams in 8 weeks time but she is slipping badly lately. She comes in from school and shes on facebook and up till midnight on Facebook on a feckin school night and i cant do anything! Expected grades are dropping to C's now. Shes not studying hardly just tears and tantrums when we try telling her she is throwing her life away. Really pissed off as its causing problems for me and the wife, we are both arguing. She wont deacti
  12. Cracking detector. Wish I could afford it fella.
  13. I was just going to say that. That last time when they all had a big discussion no-one really knew Clegg but he was a great speaker and won the crowd. I hope Farage can beat him in the verbal fisticuffs. Im erring on voting UKIP but still not sure. My main problem is the right wing vote is getting watered down too much. The way i see it if out of 100 voters half are to the left half are to the right then roughly labour will get 50 votes but the right wing 50 will spread between Conservative and UKIP and a few hard right will vote EDL, BNP etc which means Labour get in again and I would hate t
  14. I think the fundamental problem is tarring all BOP with the same brush. Its obvious that in some areas buzzards need to be culled, it just makes sense. That said, killing BOP in other areas should be heavily punished. I know of pigeon men who have destroyed sparrowhawks nests and i can sort of agree with it as they are pretty common here but i also know of keepers who put poisoned squirrel carcasses out to indiscriminatley kill anything predatory, a real poor practise imo. If i had my way, which i never will, i would issue licences for culling buzzards, sparrowhaks and other common BOP that
  15. trappa


    Couple of decent lookers here, young lasses , early twenties. I do think a lot of the fuckers are on a power trip mind, like socks said, half of em have been picked on at school and now want to reverse roles.
  16. Derek Acorah and them arent harmless entertainers. They are ghouls, worse than rapists and kiddy fiddlers, the lowest of the low. They fleece people who have recently lost loved ones by taking their money and telling them any old shite. When people lose loved ones, especially those taken too early, the family are desperate for something, anything and scum like him abuse the situation. He should be jailed for what he does. f***ing absolute scumbag.
  17. Around 40 nets, all made by me from a longnet, great heavy nets. Plus double carrying box. £. pick up only, east cleveland
  18. . Lol wilf and NOW PAYING THE PRICE ITS not about north and south ITS WHAT SHE AND HER ILK DID TO THE NATION the full effect is now coming back to haunt every house hold in the country. Every time you switch a light on every time you turn your tap on every time you fill your car. REMEMBER WHO SOLD THE THE ASSETS. AND SQUANDERD THE THE NORTH SEAS WEALTH. HAIL MARGRET THATCHER. Lol. the king was in the all together the all together. Lol Selling assets? The biggest thief IMO is Gordon Brown he did a lot worse, he sold HALF of our gold reserves for f**k all to pay off the Labour debt.That's half t
  19. Years ago I was in Africa and was in a taxi with a load of darkies going down this track. It was pitch black and we were between villages, just swamp all around, crawling with crocodiles, hippos etc and im thinking f**k i hope we dont get a flat tire or we are croc food. Anyway in the distance we could see a silhouette of someone in the road and these darkies are talking in gibberish but i keep getting the odd word like murder and kidnap so my arse is nipping. As we get closer there is a black bloke stood in the middle of the road with an ak47 and he is screaming at us while waving the gun a
  20. Cheers nod, though if ive already done a course for aluminium phosphide and strychy then i dont really think its "grandads rights" tbh. If theres a class close I might have a look but wont be going out of my way. Thanks for the reply. trappa
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