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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. She is always lively after I let her out the kennel and walk her around my plot for toilet duties. It is then she is short panting, no stress, but it is obvious. She too hasn't broken any ribs, nor is there any signs of injury, other than her breathing and slight lameness. Its a real shame, she is out of two good dogs and hasn't quite met the grade yet at 2 years old. I was giving her a last chance this coming season. She is pretty quick and will make a good lamping bitch. I mainly work the pack, first light and last light, this is usually bushing and cover stuff. She hasn't yet quite mad
  2. I was thinking more Alvin Stardust.
  3. Lurcher bitch ran into something whilst running through an old orchard. She now has a bladder like sound coming from her chest area when she walks. She has been short of breath since the incident, shallow panting after the slightest exertion. Eating drinking and still pretty lively. Seems pretty good considering I'm assuming its a collapsed lung. Any one have experience with such an injury? Pheumothorax. I've got a good Idea what is going to happen when I take her to the vets. I would like the air in her chest cavity to be removed and I would like it done using local anes
  4. I'd say it depends on how much of a dick the owner is, it could go either way. You cant polish a turd, but you can get a bit of a sheen on it.
  5. One of them is whiter than me and he is soo nicked
  6. Who caught what and was the fishing any good?
  7. And you need some random person wiping your tears, have you no friends?
  8. You could hunt them with a pot licker.
  9. Can you fuk. Full of blaggers, dreamers, wrongens and dinlo's. You need to move with someone to know what they are really all about. I've met a good number over the years and I have been mostly disappointed.
  10. leegreen


  11. 1. Yep, and it has a very nice life. 2. Nope, it still lives in a shit hole garden surrounded by its own faeces. 3. Yep, and its killed the new owners children and grandmuvva. 4. Or living in a different shit hole garden with a skunk head that doesn't walk it. One of the above, maybe, sort of.
  12. leegreen


    Thought you had been PTS ?. Welcome back.
  13. depending how old you are and what you do, it'll last you the rest of your life.
  14. Pair of cnuts and should be PTS. But Id like to see them back, the pair of mongs.
  15. And that looks pretty much like the nightmare pups I had out of the Wheaten bitch ? If she is proper, she won't stay in her place in the pecking order. Best of luck with her, she looks a cracker.
  16. She looked like the a bitch version of the dog with the pig. No pictures I'm afraid.
  17. Any more Wheaten Bull X's ? I had a litter when I was much less wiser and what a fecking nightmare they were. The Wheaten bitch was an Irish bitch fetched over as a pup. She was a biter and a fighter. Super loving but couldn't be trusted around new people. Her record was 7 people in a day. Defo couldnt have her around new dogs and sometime even dogs she knew. The Bull dog that I used was owned by a friend. Didnt do a lot other that terrorise the neighbourhood. Infact when they met for the first time they fought. Next time the bitch was ready I wish someone wiser than myself at
  18. Pollen Crusher, very good. I wonder how many of those they sell?
  19. Simple life has never been simple and its certainly not easy. Be careful what you wish for. In my experience, you need plenty of money to have a simple life. If you haven't enough money, you need to work hard to lead such a life.
  20. I ordered a bottle, comes from Germany I think. Don't really do smells often, my last and present bottle of Gio (Armani me thinks) I have had for about 10 years or more. I'm going on your say so ?
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