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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. Blows hot and cold that lad. What's happened to him now, love, sheep, job, dope, all of the above?
  2. Wouldn't have a Lurcher without a bit of Bull in it. They add more than any single breed, even the Greyhound. If there were any other decent large terriers, I would consider those too, but there isn't.
  3. Most people have one at some point, hilarious at times. Cringeworthy at others
  4. leegreen


    Gave my old Bull x this for the last 2 years of her life, made a whole heap of difference. It came in 7.5mg which is massive for dogs, so do your calculations correctly. I was giving her 1/3 of a tablet and every other day to start with. Melorise was the brand name.
  5. I've never seen them, although I know they have been seen locally in their dozens. There is loads of their favourite food near by, I wait every year for their arrival. Well done on the pics.
  6. I've got a 2 year old Lurcher here, that retrieves bang on, lives in/out doors and needs a loving home.
  7. Two wheel drive with fat puncture proof tires is the way to go, for rough terrain. I have a 2 x 750w bike with a 40 amp/hour battery and the battery lasts no time when doing hill, mud etc and that is with pedal assist and I only weigh 13.5 stone.
  8. anything more than 250w and it needs legalising. MOT and insurance Electric bikes: licensing, tax and insurance - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK Electric bikes meeting the EAPC regulations can be ridden on the road without being taxed, licensed or insured
  9. It will always be the next invader.
  10. I've got 9' Big 6 fiber cement sheets here, cover a meter with over lap, I think. £20 each, nearly half price. I've got more than 50 sheets. If only you were a bit closer and I mean that, they are the best for any animal roofing.
  11. I'm glad the cultural racism on here is not limited to just our brown bruvva's
  12. What do you suggest, we all run away?
  13. I can see why you'd be careful where they go.
  14. Or 24hr petrol garage, which is the same as the above
  15. I'm with you on that. Although I am partial to a bit of funny nonsense and clever shite
  16. I reconfiguring one of the dog kennels/runs and need to buy two small door opening panels. Any suggestions on the best ones? I've been looking at kennelstore.co.uk they have got good hinges and door stops, unlike some of the others. Or can someone tell me different, as I've never bought new ones. Always made kennels to suit the panels that I have acquired.
  17. Hello and welcome Steve. I think you'll be lucky selling hand made knives on here. Would be well worth a show mind.
  18. We smoke meat for 100's of customers, some of the worst hygiene practices that I have seen have been by so called "Game Dealers" shocking some of it, not even dog worthy some it. I have backed loads of stuff and it has nearly caused fall outs. Problem is with this geezer is traceability , who is to blame if someone gets sick. Saying that, sickness is quite rare with game, especially venison, I've not known of any.
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