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About wildman

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    my lurchers terriers n ferrets air guns catapults trapping n mouchin o and women

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  1. wildman


    On YouTube very good watch
  2. That man will never die ,,,kris great song writer ,, good actor too
  3. I would have had them if they were hobs mate Jill's bit small for them big Moor land Warren's
  4. wildman


    Kier stramer is gay being bumming that Ali Muslim b*****d for years and that sadiq Khan that's where all the free gifts, living in his flat for months ,wife kicked him out his life in tatters ,,,,suicide note from him soon
  5. I've carried a knife every day of my life from being 5 years old as probably most of us have I've never killed any one we use them as part of our lifestyle it's down to the individual what happens with the knife
  6. Should all be put on some grotty rat infested island and used as target practice
  7. wildman


    Not if ya Irish , ,, that c**t scored the goal that put us out
  8. Got a few copy's of Mayfair laying around somewhere, they have something that's exploded on there pages
  9. Small chop and a few chips ,,could have done with some pepper corn sauce really
  10. Some c**t will get him, , there's millions of em que,ing up
  11. It's like any town or village I've ever lived in ,there's always one top dog ,one real hard b*****d who rules the roost ,and then there's his tag alongs that know while ever they back the dog there quite safe ,,,,
  12. Please don't forget the anniversary of the British equivalent of 9/11 when a box of fireworks was planted by mi 5 on a double decker just so Britain could join the USA without feeling guilty
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