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About Backandbeyond

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Nice dogs mate. I would never have guessed their litter mates though. What was their sire and dam if you don't mind me asking? Cheers
  2. Nice dogs mate. How's the big black lurcher dog bred? What height is he making so far? Cheers
  3. How's he bred mate? Looks a nice type
  4. Sounds like the type of pup most would love to have. Count yourself lucky mate
  5. Never had a grey as a runner. Do you find they take to the lamp fine mate or do you run them daytime? Cheers
  6. What's the relevance of the clip exactly?
  7. You still awake? Thought you were off for a rest to recharge your batteries. It'll do you a world of good. If I say it's on Dr's orders will that make it easier for you! Lol
  8. You'll need to make time for it mate, especially with all the effort your putting in to wind everyone up on here, you must be exhausted! Definitely want to ease up on things, it's taking its toll on you
  9. Not over by a long shot this years antics. Surely another attempt will be made on Trump, I just can't see them letting him win the presidency, election is a long way off. Word is, Biden will drop out of the race next week and the democrats will appoint a new candidate, likely Michelle Obama or some other croney.
  10. It's like trying to hold a conversation with someone with the brain of a 5 year old! Time for bed mate, you've been up too long playing keyboard warrior. Have a glass of milk and get some sleep, your handlers will be proud of your efforts so far, that's a good lad
  11. You don't know much do you mate!lol They'll be a new vaccine out soon mate for some new made up virus...be free too, right up your street
  12. Your post...not mine Scientists that don't have names then!lol
  13. You've just repeated what I've said and it's yourself that claimed to have names of scientists not me... And now you've scrubbed your previous post that I quoted you saying only minutes ago! Suspicious Total Pewit
  14. Think your reading off a teleprompter mate! Never understood why some folk who took all these vaccines then have to justify their decision by 'denying' the side effects it caused. You should be happy you were a 'Hero' that's what the Government told you remember Oh and it was free too...even better lol
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