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paulus last won the day on September 29 2012

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26 Good

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About paulus

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 29/03/1965

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    down the shed
  • Interests
    wine gums and fruit cakes

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  1. Correct being doing it for ages, within days they will reduce the price in your cart, Also adding then removing from your cart often triggers a better price.
  2. Free speech is under attack now more than it ever, The only shining light is Musk`s "X" platform, These are dark times for the average bloke in the street.
  3. Second chance Lol, He has had more chances than England's football team, If Walshie agrees than i don't see why not.
  4. Purchased a Drummond round bed lathe a week or so ago, The serial number dates it between 1904 and 1912, been giving it a going over mechanically. Apart from the obvious rust and old solid grease issues its fine after 112 to 120 years of use, Cost me £120. I have decided to leave it cosmetically as it is with just a light clean up.
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  6. Tubes Inner Tube Rear | Honda PC 50 1973 18489 | Wemoto UK WWW.WEMOTO.COM Buy Inner Tube Rear for your Honda PC 50 1973 18489. Visit Wemoto UK for competitive prices. Tyres https://www.classicmopedspares.com/2-25-19-honda-pc50-2-25-19-23x2-25-whitewall-tyre.html
  7. paulus


    Surely the offence was not as indicated in the article but rather a trespassing in pursuit of game or similar offence, The fact he had dogs and ferrets is just misleading the public into thinking the use of dogs and ferrets is against the law, I am talking about England here as i am not sure on the laws in Scotland.
  8. It will never get debated as they will just say "We have just had a general election" that will be enough to allow it to be ignored legally, I watched Black Belt Barrister explain it earlier.
  9. On the topic of the petition, if you look at the map of where support is coming from, The area that is not signing is London, Funny that. Its almost as if we have two different countries in England now,
  10. There all clueless mate, A Country being run by a Lawyer, A liar. The Woke and The net zero zealots, What could possibly go wrong.
  11. Got one mate £64 from Temu another bargain Lol. Its been on all afternoon.
  12. Billions and Billions being given to Vanity projects all over the globe, Winter fuel allowance withdrawn from most pensioners, Farm being bankrupted upon deaths with inheritance tax. whilst at the same time giving away 500 million to help foreign farmers in third world countries, Billions on Net zero and other green projects that at the end will make us all poorer. So no energy security. no food security, No national security, No border security, Two tier policing, two tier justice, No freedom of speech, I could go on but it just gets more and more depressing, Now who was moaning about the wea
  13. The ranges in Germany were crawling with gear, Boar, Deer, Trout you name it, Always managed to get out of guard duty on nearly every exercise by suppling the officers mess with fresh game Lol
  14. For £20 it was a steal, i recon mate.
  15. Thank my new Chinese copy of a Samsung phone for that Lol
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