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Everything posted by leegreen

  1. I bet there was a few of them bits munched by the people that took it away. What a shame if it were wasted.
  2. leegreen


    It's all shite in the wrong hands. I've known them all, dead and alive.
  3. leegreen


    more lost through drink than all the other substances put together.
  4. How much residue is left in the bore, surely it's as quick to clean your bore every now and then? Do the ammunition manufacturers not do the same sort of coating other than lube?
  5. Taking photographs of dead animals, fecking wierdos!
  6. Those heater tubes have their own thermostat on the side. I use them as frost stats. Personally I would fix them low.
  7. Everything. I can't see what, if any difference they'd be. Enlighten us please.
  8. I was actually thinking that they were funny looking dog chews
  9. Anything decent is expensive. £1500+
  10. 90% of my income is fly fishing. If you are going for Carp then it will be floating flies. Dog biscuit flies tied from deer hair are good. Bread patterns, the odd crane fly pattern will work. The later will work for Chub too as will many Trout flies. The same flies will catch Perch, I have caught many Perch whilst fishing for Trout and Pike, Rudd, Roach. I have also known people to catch all sorts of coarse fish while fishing for Trout, including eels. your 7# kit will be ok for smaller carp or it may work on big open waters where you can play your fish out. It will also be ok for Bass if
  11. if this works better, 'll post some more.
  12. Pups are still gifted, but you would need to be in the loop.
  13. I don't know what Mali you used, but the half crosses I bred are pretty hyper. If they are not worked regularly then they are a nuisance. I get nipped/bitten by my bitch constantly when i let her out of the kennel, as she gets so excited. She isn't aggressive, nor should most well bred, well reared Mali's, they are just really excitable. Maybe a lesser percentage would be better suited to most. At 9 years old she is calming down a bit, but you couldn't/shouldn't gee her up when you let her out, because you would get bitten. Not properly, but enough to leave you with a love bite and that i
  14. don't know what happened there. They work for me if I click on the link and then click then click again.
  15. Wouldn't really consider that as a Mali Lurcher. I have a 9 year old 1/2 Mail x 3/8 Bull/Greyhound and it up there with the best dogs I've had. Good coat, good feet, great strike, not the fastest bitch, great nose and as clever as. She is know locally as the "Lone Ranger" as she catches stuff off the lamp constantly and away from the pack. I'll try and find you some nice pics.
  16. So £60 later and I'm none the wiser. Spoke to the head vet told her what checks I had done and she just about repeated what I had told her. I asked if an Xray would give a better answer, she then asked me if I wanted an Xray, WTF. Bitch seems ok, eating well, wants to run and play with the busher pups. What more can I do? Certainly don't want to run her, well I do, but...... Focking working dogs eh
  17. About time you took a litter from it then.
  18. The problem I have is the same, big corporate vets is my local and everyone I have seen in the last 8 years since the practice was sold to them, is a newbie straight out of Uni. I only really go to the vets for a second opinion and quite often they get it wrong. I have been refunded twice for consultation fees, that's in 5 visits in 8 years. My trust in my local vets is minimal. This is my dilemma, should I wait until my proper vet comes back from holiday, but by then the collapsed lung could get fibrotic and suffer permanent damage. Or go see the students down the road and end up t
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