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mole trapper

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About mole trapper

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 31/05/1965

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    You name it, if its country and leagal (ish) !! + real Ale

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  1. Tramp stamps, facial metalwork, gobby.
  2. Another ( mental health incident) that's what they are calling it again!
  3. What are the rods you are using there please?
  4. 73 views and no replies I guess there's nothing like that out there then
  5. Saw my first one this afternoon over our field, gawd knows what they are going to eat though? There's no flies around at all yet.
  6. Afternoon, I've taken on 2 new rat contracts where unfortunately the rats have been completely clued up on any form of nv or illumination for nv. So I'm looking for a new thermal scope, good clarity, but only needs to stretch out to fifty yards tops, I've had a couple of very expensive pulsars before but I was doing very lucrative rabbit jobs back then. Anyone suggest anything, preferably sub a grand, or just a bit over?.
  7. Be seeing monkey meat and all sorts of shit soon in the supermarket
  8. Several of my customers are in it, tarmacers, farmers, foot trimmer all sorts, one of the farmers I work for almost weekly , we get on really well, our in joke when I meet him on the yard is " you out goat shagging tonight "? He then tells me where to go! apparently they don't have a pest controller in their lodge these days, he's said several times that I would be welcome but it's not my thing.
  9. You drinking a lot? Biggest cause of af. I was getting blue lighted couple of times a week at one point, then realised the issue very quickly when they were going to give me a pacemaker at 40. Stopped drinking completely for 4 years, af cured immediately, I drink these days, but nothing like I used to, get a flutter now and again but nothing major.
  10. It's nothing, only down side is it works for some and not for others, presumably you get af?
  11. But they aren't just economic migrants, that's the real issue! When you are fleeing a war or famine you take your family, when you are going to war you leave them behind.
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