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Chevy Chase

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About Chevy Chase

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Just a white splodge disappearing into the distance
  2. That’s Art Banksy he used (I think?!)
  3. Were these not being bred a while back, pocket rockets or something?
  4. Is that right? Seeing a wave of pics and vids at the minute of the Aussie lads foxing, look like they’re getting in to decent numbers!
  5. It’s likely you’ll have to send it back over there to be unlocked, gps4us.com is who you need to contact. They’re spot on
  6. I knew an old keeper who had one bred the same way, what a handy little dog she was! Worth her weight in gold
  7. Seen a reply on one of the Facebook posts concerning this and it was a screenshot of his Facebook where he had put a post on saying “sad day in the kennels R.I.P” and a few pictures of a black terrier in the comments some people asked what had happened, he then says he’s shot the dog because it barks and was winding up his other dogs. One of his pals commented saying they could tell he was a true terrier man for doing this as it showed he doesn’t keep shit
  8. That’s why I’d never have one, I’d always go for a greyhound x for the sake of a couple of inches in difference in height you’re going to get a much more versatile little lurcher
  9. Exactly that mate, a lad I used to knock around with in my early teens had a first cross beddy grey he was only 22.5 at the shoulder, and to this day probably one the best little allrounders I’ve seen, looked a bit like some of the heartbreak fell dogs I’ve seen posted on here
  10. When people say there’s no “proper working bedlingtons” do they mean earth dogs? If so what’s the requirement that the sire would need to be an earth dog to produce ratting/rabbiting dogs? Surely there’s plenty of bedlingtons doing just that, and as charts says what does it matter if there’s a % of something else in them
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